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Our Articles

Before August 31: Another Chance to Redistribute Your 2020 RMD
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This latest notice now gives both seniors and heirs who have not yet been able to put their formerly RMD funds back into their IRAs the chance of redistributing those funds to the IRA that distributed them.

Radio: A Discussion on Welfare Hypocrisy
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On Tuesday, May 12, 2020, David John Marotta appeared on Radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show with Rob Schilling to refute the hypocrisy of taking a tax credit while opposing the legislation.

Should I Change My Strategy During the Presidential Election Cycle?
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Should investors get out of the markets during an election year?

More Freedom Investing Added to Marotta’s Schwab IIP Asset Allocation (June 2020)
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As a result of new fund additions, we added five new country-specific funds to our Schwab Institutional Intelligent Portfolio asset allocations.

Can the Misery Index Predict a Second Drop?
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There are many possible futures which could produce any number of outcomes that would be normal market volatility.

A 25-Year Review of Freedom Investing
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These findings together demonstrate how Economic Freedom seems to have been a valid factor for higher expected returns than investing in the EAFE Index alone.

This Month, We Leveled Our Small Cap Value Allocation (June 2020)
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As we are still in the midst of COVID-19 quarantines, we will have to wait to see what continuing or lifting restrictions actually does to companies, their expected earnings, and their market pricing.

Should I Take Everything Out Because the Markets are Recovering?
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Dare to be dull. When you rebalance instead of following the crowd, you set yourself up for greater expected returns and are the definition of being a contrarian.

#TBT Can I Contribute to Both a SEP and a 401(k)?
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The IRS very clearly says, “Yes, you can set up a SEP for your self-employed business even if you participate in your employer’s retirement plan at a second job.”

False Prophets Claim to Have Accurately Predicted Each Crisis
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Already the COVID-19 predictions have started to come in. Do not be deceived by them. Do not be afraid of them.

How to Spend: Waste Nothing
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The presumption that there is always more fun to be had has a two-fold positive effect on my life.

How to Open an Account Using Schwab.com
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If you want to open a Scwhab account to be hand-traded by Marotta, then one option for opening that account is to use Schwab.com’s online account open.

Our Answers to Form CRS Conversation Starter Questions
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As part of the requirements, the SEC wrote passages which must be included verbatim in each relationship summary. Some of that required text are so-called conversation starter questions.

The Stock-Bond Shuffle of Asset Location
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Oddly, this technique might involve selling a bond position in the taxable account for a small capital gain, and buying that exact same position in an IRA in order to keep the portfolio in balance.

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