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Our Articles

How To Spend: Purchase In Season
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When I was really young, I did not realize that food had a season. What a privilege of our modern era!

How to Transfer Your Economic Impact Payment Card Into Your Bank Account
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It took me one hour to complete from start to finish. Hopefully, now that I have bumbled my way through it on my own and documented the steps, it takes you less time.

Did Gold Do Better Than The Markets? (2020)
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Gold is extremely volatile and still doesn’t do much more than vaguely keep up with inflation. You can do better.

You Deserve More Than Investment Management and a Retirement Plan
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We strive to provide the necessary resources for anyone to prepare their own investment plan and meet their financial objectives for free on our blog, but we offer more services than that to our clients.

Do Children Need To File A Tax Return To Fund Their Roth IRA? (2020)
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Don’t let stress about tax filing requirements keep you or your child from a powerful opportunity to provide for their future.

Yet Another Chance to Redistribute Your 2020 RMD
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Hopefully, this extension helps some take advantage of this welcome relief.

Energy Stocks Have Been Disappointing Recently (April 2020)
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Diversification means always having something to complain about. Recently, it has been energy.

Harry Dent Has Another Prediction; Should I Follow His Advice?
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We would suggest not listening to Dent’s commentary.

This May 2020, Our Dynamic Tilt Tilted Away from Energy
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For many whose Energy sector has experienced large losses, lowering your sector allocation might effectively mean holding onto the shares that you currently own without adding more.

Q&A: How Do I Calculate My Withdrawal Rate for My Stability Allocation?
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Each of us either has a withdrawal rate or a savings rate, as we are each either contributing to or withdrawing from our invested accounts.

#TBT How to Be a Good Executor
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If a friend recently asked you if you’re willing to be written into their will as an executor to their estate, this 2015 article will give you some food for thought before you reply.

Q&A: Can You Fund a Roth IRA After Filing Your Taxes?
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You always have until the tax filing deadline to make your IRA contributions regardless of when you file.

The Benefits of Using a Cost of Living Calculator When Relocating
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Any amount of difference in cost of living presents a valuable opportunity to reconsider the ways you spend money in order to increase the amount of money you can save.

Q&A: Can I Undo My Roth Conversion? (2020)
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Unfortunately, as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act back in December 2017, Congress eliminated the ability to undo Roth conversions, so there isn’t a way to undo a conversion.

How to Use a Coronavirus-Related Distribution to Reverse Your RMD (2020)
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In this way, those with inherited IRA distributions they would like to reverse or those with distributions no longer eligible for regular 60-day rollover contributions may be able to still complete either a Roth conversion or IRA redistribution with those assets.

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