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Our Articles

Q&A: How Often Do You Communicate with Clients?
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We adapt to the needs of our clients. However, absent other instruction, we do have a few intentions.

Q&A: Can I Do a Backdoor Roth and a Reverse Rollover to a 401(k) In the Same Year?
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This person has an IRA balance, but is about to empty it with a reverse Rollover. So the question is one of timing: can they do the IRA Rollover before the nondeductible contribution so that their cream and coffee never mix?

Looking Backward On Socialism: Socialism Is Intolerant
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The space of disagreement between tolerance and intolerance is often lost in the socialist perspective.

Radio: Celebrating The 50th Anniversary Of Financial Planning As A Profession
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To celebrate, David John Marotta and Courtney Fraser made guest appearances on a three different radio stations.

An Overview of Marotta’s 2020 Gone-Fishing Portfolios
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A gone-fishing portfolio is a portfolio of just a few stocks which should weather the ups and downs of the market fairly well while only rebalancing twice a year.

Marotta’s 2020 Gone-Fishing Portfolio Calculator
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This gone-fishing portfolio is our default portfolio which can be used at any custodian.

Marotta’s 2020 Vanguard Gone-Fishing Portfolio Calculator
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We recommend this gone fishing portfolio for accounts hosted at Vanguard.

Lessons from Medicine: Expense is Harm
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If you weren’t spending your money on useless treatment, you could enrich your life in other ways, retire earlier, or be richer.

#BestOf2019 – Fund Your Child’s Roth with Chore Income
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One of the only articles on the Internet that clearly answers the question Can you fund your Roth with chore income? It’s just an added bonus for its readers that the answer is Yes.

Q&A: How Do You Address Issues Outside Your Area of Expertise?
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We see ourselves as your primary care provider for finances and strive to become experts in every specialty that you need while accompanying you on any referral to another firm we need to make.

Help! I Inherited a Nondeductible Basis!
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If you inherit a traditional IRA from a person who had a basis in the IRA because of nondeductible contributions, that basis remains with the IRA assets as they come into your ownership.

Lessons from Medicine: Reporting Can Lie
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There is an incentive to lie when your methodology is bad.

#BestOf2019 – An Overview of Marotta’s 2019 Gone-Fishing Portfolios
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Our gone-fishing portfolios are used by thousands of people, so it makes sense the article about it would be among our most popular of 2019. Our 2020 gone-fishing portfolios will come out in February.

Q&A: What is Your Client’s Average Portfolio Size and Life Stage?
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We have a large distribution of clients at all portfolio sizes and, surprisingly, have all life stages near equally represented.

Longest Economic Expansion In United States History
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A long expansion is nothing to fear.

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