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Our Articles

Many Websites Are Merely Side Hustles
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Be on your guard to avoid wasting money following the advice of an article written to maximize revenue.

How To Update Your Address at Schwab and Why It Is Not Straightforward
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Luckily, you can update your address online. Unfortunately, it is not as straightforward as the average investor suspects it will be.

What is Cost Basis and How Do I Calculate It?
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The process of correcting cost basis problems, although time consuming, is worthwhile.

Q&A: Should I Get a Car Loan To Stay Invested?
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With these moderate interest rates, the only clearly wrong decision in my view is buying a car on loan because you cannot afford it outright.

Avoid Identity Theft By Using Different Random Passwords On Each Website
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Here are some of the best practices to protect your identity.

Charles Schwab: How to Order More Checks or Deposit Slips (2019 Update)
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Schwab used to have a streamlined service for ordering more checks. Now as of 2019, they have outsourced their check ordering to a third party.

Using Forward P/E Ratio To Dynamically Tilt A Portfolio
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A low forward P/E suggests higher expected appreciation.

Four Possible Consequences of Regulation Best Interest
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These are four possible consequences of Regulation Best Interest.

How to Implement Basic Investment Strategies
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In 2009, David Marotta wrote a five-part article series for the Charlottesville Business Journal covering basic investment strategies. Its advice is still relevant today.

Schwab’s 3 Myths of Responsible Investing Are Actually True
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In reality, all three “myths” are cause for real concern about SRI, ESG, and other so-called impact investing.

How to Budget for Emergencies: Divorce, Separation, or Widowing
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Although this is the least common financial shock studied, it is one of the most difficult because at its core it is a problem money cannot solve.

Six Ways Regulation Best Interest Falls Short of a Fiduciary Standard
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The SEC is allowing financial professionals to hide in a lower legal requirement, not meet a fiduciary standard, and call it “Best Interest.”

Core Values Budgeting: One Strategy to Identify Budgeting Changes
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Here is a strategy that can both help you identify what you value and help you start your budget.

How to Budget for Emergencies: Other Large Expenses
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Financial shocks can come in all shapes and sizes. This strategy of budgeting should increase your chance for success over the long haul.

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