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Our Articles

How to Use Schwab Bill Pay
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Many of us are anxious about paying our bills on time, but using payment aids like Schwab Bill Pay can help alleviate some of that anxiety.

The Complete Guide to Homeschooling Laws in Virginia
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I must say that homeschooling was by far my best education experience.

When Should I Worry About Performance?
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Some performance is cause for concern. Other times, you need not worry. Here are 5 times you should not worry and 4 cases when you should.

How QCDs May Help Your Virginia State Taxes
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“If you claimed the standard deduction on your federal income tax return, you must also claim the standard deduction on your Virginia return.”

Observations on “The FIRE Movement”
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The FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement is a suggestion that you should have the goal of achieving financial independence and retiring while you are young.

The Power of Compounding
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It is hard to prioritize saving, but it pays off. Here is how.

No One Tells the IRS You Did a QCD Except You
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Be sure to remember to tell your tax preparer that you did a QCD.

Avoid Advisors Paid for Cross-Selling
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Cross-Selling is when a financial institution incentivizes their employees to sell or recommend financial products and services that increase the financial institution’s profits. The practice is as commonplace as it is fraught with conflicts of interest.

Q&A: How Much Attention Should Fees Get?
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“Has the focus on expense ratios caused the public to lose focus of more critical financial measures, such as performance?” Actually, expense ratios and 12b-1 fees should get even more attention than they are getting. Here’s why.

Older Than 59? Get Your Roth Out of Your 401(k) Now!
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Anyone who has to take RMDs from their employer sponsored retirement plan, sadly, has to take RMDs from all components of the plan, even Roth deferrals!

Q&A: How Do I Calculate My RMD from a Complicated 401(k)-to-IRA Rollover?
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Among the most complicated and frustrating IRA rules are required minimum distributions (RMDs). This case is a classic example.

#TBT Compute Your Net Worth Once A Year
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This 2006 article teaches you how to use a net worth statement is to measure your progress toward retirement and, as David Marotta writes, “What gets measured is more likely to be accomplished.”

Diagnostic Tool: What Are Normal Market Movements?
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It is common for investors to be surprised by movements in their portfolios, but it is harder to determine if these movements mean that anything should be done.

Q&A: Moving Across State Lines With a Tenants by the Entirety Account
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“I’m moving to a state which does not recognize Tenants by the Entirety. What do I need to do?”

Both Spouses Can Make The HSA Catch-Up Contribution
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If both spouses contribute to their own HSAs for 2019, they can achieve a joint contribution of $9,000.

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