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Our Articles

What Is The 30-Day Election Period For Retirement Plan Rollovers?
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The regulation is an attempt to protect participants who don’t understand the rules set up by the government.

Q&A: Can I Use 529 Funds for Off-Campus Housing?
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In general, you can use 529 funds to pay for your student’s off-campus housing costs.

Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, and How Not to Go Broke at Thanksgiving
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I would like to encourage those of you who like participating in this weekend shopping spree to do the small task of paying yourself first.

SEC Leaves 61% of Registered Representatives Exempt From Its Adviser Rules
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This is called “regulatory capture” and is quite common in government regulatory agencies such as the SEC.

Study Shows Your Election Reactions May Impoverish Your Investment Gains
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Any movement out of the stock market can cause you to miss future market appreciation.

2019 Contribution Limits
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This year was a good year for Roth loving folks like us.

Customer Service Lessons from Toddler Parenting
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We believe that lessons like these are part of the fiduciary standard.

A Case Study in Financial Advertising You Should Avoid
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A little bit of work upfront can save a great deal of nuisance later.

#TBT Fund Your HSA To Cover Retirement Healthcare Costs
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This 2007 post offers us a bit of timeless advice. Funding a Health Savings Account can be as much about your present medical bills as it is about your end of life care.

The Cheapest Way to Get a Family HSA (2018)
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A few often overlooked facts reveal large annual savings on your health insurance premiums in acquiring a family HSA.

How Our Systematic Approach Makes Us Better
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Our first goal is to be accurate. We want to do the task the right way. This is where workflows help.

Ameriprise Fined $5.4M for Brokers Stealing Client Funds
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Ameriprise was fined $4.5 million for failing to appropriately supervise representatives who were stealing client funds.

Study Finds Financial Disclosures Confuse Investors and Only the SEC is Surprised
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Are you consenting to harmful conduct by your financial advisor?

Everyone Deserves a Fiduciary Standard of Care (or Why We Have a Service Level with No Minimums Now)
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Thank you, Robert, for your email and your readership. I hope that everyone enjoys our new “Do-It-Yourself” service level.

Review of CFP Board’s Ten Questions For Your Advisor
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Although these questions may help some people discern which professional to sign up with, I like our ten questions better as they cut to the heart of the matter. That being said, the more you know about an advisor the better.

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