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Our Articles

Failed Government myRA Program Closed
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That the program failed is not a surprise. That the government decided to close a failed program, however, is.

Use Gift Clumping or Qualified Charitable Distributions to Save on Taxes
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These are two ways to benefit from the higher standard deduction while still fulfilling your charitable intentions.

Our Firm is a Statistical Outlier
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We are a statistical outlier: We are young; we are female.

How Can I View Global Market Movements By Country?
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There are as many as 60 different stock markets around the world.

The Do-It-Yourself Checklist: Account Set Up
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How to go from where you are now to being one of our clients under our “Do-It-Yourself” service level.

The Pros and Cons of a Marotta-Managed Schwab Institutional Intelligent Portfolios
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Although they are cheaper, the robo-investing accounts are not beneficial to everyone.

How to Make a Gift of Appreciated Stock Feel Personal
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With a bit of planning, you can make the practical gift very personal.

In Investing, One Decade is Not Long Enough
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There are always those who discount the power of having a diversified portfolio in favor of putting everything in whatever is going to go up the most.

How to Set Up Direct Deposit
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The best way to ensure that you save and invest is to automate the process.

Using Math to Decide When to Realize Capital Gains
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These are complex formulas, but they are valuable calculations that show that there is an expected increase of return which will justify selling even a highly appreciated asset.

How to Rollover Your 401(k) into a Schwab Account with Marotta Wealth Management
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Be very careful filling out these forms and be sure to ask for help if you need it.

Can I Update My Beneficiaries Online?
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Yes, but if you have complex wishes, you should utilize paperwork.

Charles Schwab: How to Fund Your Account with a Check
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If you are doing a one-time funding from another account, sometimes the lowest tech option can be the easiest.

Is Financial Advice Fundamental or Incidental With Your Advisor?
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Who would ever want unplanned and unintentional financial advice?

Manage All Your Family’s Finances with a Power of Attorney
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Instead of having to nag your spouse to sign paperwork or login online to accomplish these tags, you can manage all of your family’s finances by setting up a power of attorney.

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