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Our Articles

Marital Harmony with a Few ‘His’ and ‘Her’ Budgets
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Each spouse has different spending habits and values different things in life. This can easily lead to bitterness, or at the least, long discussions when the budget is reconciled.

Radio: Equifax Breach and Financial Peace
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David John Marotta was interviewed on Radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing the Equifax breach and Financial Peace University.

How To Double Your Money As Quickly As Possible
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When the client asked my mother, “What is the quickest way to double my money?” she did not hesitate before she answered.

Revisiting “10 Funds Without a Single Losing Year in a Decade”
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In retrospect, Financial-Planning’s slide show was another bit of distraction from the real work of building brilliant portfolios for long term investing.

What Advantages Do Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) Have Over Mutual Funds?
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Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) have at least a dozen significant benefits over mutual funds and only a few disadvantages.

#TBT The History of Mutual Funds
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93 years ago there was only one mutual fund. Today, there are thousands. This 2003 article tells the story of how this staple of the financial services world got its start.

The Lost Case for SALT: State and Local Tax Deduction
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In “The state and local tax deduction, explained” by Dylan Matthews at VOX, he does not mention the reason the state and local tax deduction was created when listing the pros and cons.

Beware the Two-Pocket Theory of Money
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If you budget well according to your values, a one-pocket theory of money enriches your life, prioritizing your financial dreams above your impulses.

What Is The Sharpe Ratio?
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At best, the Sharpe Ratio is a single hard coded straight-line preference curve, and the portfolio with the highest Sharpe Ratio is not necessarily the one which will give you the best chance of meeting your goals.

What Is A “Risk-Free” Guaranteed Investment Return?
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There is no such thing as a risk-free, guaranteed investment. Everything has risks.

Did Obamacare Impoverish Employee’s Retirement Benefits?
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Employers are paying more in benefits, but with the increase in health care costs there is less for retirement contributions.

Understanding the 5-Year Holding Period, Roth Conversions, and Exceptions
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To avoid the 10% penalty, do I have to satisfy the 5-year holding period for my Roth conversions if I’m over age 59 1/2? The IRS is not very clear when it comes to when you need to pay penalties on Roth IRA withdrawals, but I think I know the answer.

TD Ameritrade Eliminated Low Cost Commission Free Exchange Traded Funds
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TD Ameritrade has received a large number of complaints. But apparently not enough to change their decision. If you have a TD Ameritrade account perhaps your call will help them change their minds.

Marotta’s 2018 TD Ameritrade Gone-Fishing Portfolio Calculator
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This portfolio uses all TD Ameritrade no-transaction fee exchange-traded funds.

Talking Politics With Clients
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InvestmentNews advocates lying to clients, but I think if your advisor doesn’t have integrity, you can stop there and find a new advisor.

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