We strive to provide the necessary resources for anyone to prepare their own investment plan and meet their financial objectives. We actively encourage the do-it-yourself people of financial planning to subscribe to our newsletter and provide themselves with comprehensive wealth management. For people who don’t want to do it alone, we encourage you to see if we are a good fit for you and get started as a client.
How To Enroll in Equifax’s Free Credit Monitoring
None of these services makes up for the fact that your sensitive information has been accessed. And after this breach you should assume that every scam artist has all of your information.
Equifax Compromised Your Credit Cards
Equifax admitted recently that hackers gained access to the sensitive identify and financial information in their database for 143 million people (44% of the U.S. population).
Financial Peace University in Charlottesville
The Dave Ramsey website has a list of upcoming classes in the Charlottesville area with start dates varying from September 13 through October 11.
The Business of Being an Artist
Financial planning is simply doing what it takes to give you the means to do what you want. The poorer you are the more you need financial planning. You don’t have any margin for mistakes.
Financial Media Group Sells SEC Required Compliance Emails To Spammers
One of the problems with government reporting regulations is that personal information is made widely available for abuse.
How Safe is Your Money Market?
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) changed the rules and required all financial institutions to move pricing their money market from a stable $1.00 price per shares to a floating net asset value.
Gold’s Role In A Portfolio
Gold advocates will often go to great lengths to tout the advantages of owning gold.
Investing Mistake: Paying Too Much In Investment Vehicle Fees
There can be great value in the sage advice of a fee-only fiduciary advisor. Even if they brought no value for their investment management, they could still bring great value for their help in comprehensive wealth management. While a competent … Read More
How to Get Started with Retirement Planning
Most of the assets you use to fund your retirement will come from compounded growth.
Value of a Roth Segregation Conversion Strategy
While most investment advisors do one total conversion or partial conversion here or there, we have a dedicated Roth segregation strategy, which adds real value to our clients accounts.
How to Set Retirement Goals
A fee-only financial advisor can provide the decades of support and encouragement to make financial planning, effective life planning.
How to Protect Your Retirement
For many investors, a fee-only advisor pays for themselves in reduced expenses alone.
Radio: The Case for No Minimum Wage
David John Marotta was interviewed on the Schilling Show discussing the minimum wage, and the reasons keeping (or raising) a mandatory minimum wage could actually hurt some workers.
How to Lower Your AGI and Why You’d Want To
Here are 8 reasons you’d want to lower your AGI and 8 methods to lower your AGI.
How to Adjust Risk Appropriately for Retirement
Risk is about understanding your own greed, fear and pride.