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Our Articles

Radio: Why Corporate Tax Rates Should Be Lowered
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David John Marotta was interviewed on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing corporate tax rates, and why they should be lowered.

Investing Mistake: Confusing A Promising Company With A Good Investment
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A good narrative describes what happened in the past. And even though past earnings may have something to do with current share prices, they don’t have anything to do with future share prices.

There’s Still Time for Charitable Giving
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Instead of giving cash, there are two ways you may be able to give so more of your money goes to charity instead of the IRS.

Factor Investing: Small and Value Factors
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Factor investing “tweaks the idea of asset allocation and diversification by seeking out types of securities that have been shown, by decades of academic research, to offer positive return premiums over time.”

Retirement Plan and Health Savings Plan Limits for 2017
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Every year the IRS releases new limits for how much you can contribute to Individual Retirement accounts and Health Savings accounts for the tax year.

Mailbag: Can I Contribute To An IRA The Year I Turn 70 1/2?
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Even though you are required to start taking RMDs you can still take advantage of significant tax planning strategies.

2017 Estate and Gift Tax Limits
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Neither party has to pay taxes on gifts up to this gifting limit, and the limit remains unchanged from 2016.

Can I Continue Retirement Saving Past Age 70 1/2?
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The rules for post-70 ½ IRA contributions depend upon whether the account is a traditional IRA, Roth IRA or SEP IRA.

Radio: Why is the Media Liberal?
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Listen to a discussion on why journalists are usually liberal-leaning and what that means for reporting the news in America.

How To Whitelist An Entire Domain In Gmail
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Since not receiving an important email can be even more dangerous as receiving too much spam, here is how to whitelist an email or an entire domain in Gmail.

Healthcare Stocks And Asking “Relative To What?”
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Why do our portfolios systematically overweight healthcare stocks?

2017 Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plan Limits
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Here are the limits for how much you and your employer can contribute to retirement accounts on your behalf.

How The Markets Moved After A Trump Victory
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Beware of reading too much into three days of market movements.

Mailbag: Which Investment Fund Should I Purchase To Minimize Fees?
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On the surface it seems like option 3 (VHT) is the best deal. Is there anything I am missing?

The Minimalist Budget
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If you want to be really minimalist about your budgeting, here’s what we suggest: the 65-25-10 rule.

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