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Our Articles

Hedge Funds and Long/Short Strategies
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Long/short strategies use the money from the stocks they have shorted to purchase extra stocks that they hope will go up.

Are You Paying For Your Fund’s Advertising?
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If you own some mutual funds, chances are you are paying a hefty marketing price.

Why the Ending Value on your Performance Report Differs from your Statement
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Here’s what you need to know to understand why the numbers may not match.

Most People Take Social Security At The Worst Possible Age
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While taking Social Security at age 70 is not optimal for everyone, age 62 is optimal for almost no one.

Don’t Forget to Rebalance All Your Assets
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It can be easy to forget about your company’s 401(k) because you aren’t depositing the money yourself, your pre-tax contributions are deducted from your paycheck and are electronically deposited by your employer.

What is Private Mortgage Insurance?
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PMI does not provide you, the borrower, any protection.

Finding Someone You Can Trust
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Those who believe that more regulation is the answer don’t understand how human nature works.

How to Monitor Your Financial Advisor
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When seeking a financial advisor, you should find out if they are willing to sign a fiduciary oath putting your interests above those of their employer.

What’s the Difference Between Time Weighted Return and Internal Rate of Return?
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There are 2 main types of returns you want to see on your performance report. What’s the difference?

Economic Indicators: Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
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Under one theory, changes in GDP or the rate of GDP growth precede and could cause stock markets to react and move in response. This is usually not the case.

How Much Can I Contribute to My Retirement Accounts?
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With many types of retirement accounts available, it can be difficult to keep track of how much you can put away where, especially if you are eligible to contribute to multiple accounts.

What NOT to Compare on Performance Reports
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By definition and design, different types of reports produce different numbers.

Beware of Dire Market Crash Predictions
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I receive dire predictions with such frequency that were I to act on even a fraction of them I would never be invested in the markets.

Common Endowment Mistakes
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Prudent investment practice is as much about knowing what not to do as it is about knowing what to do.

Explain my Performance Report
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Here’s a brief explanation of the basic terms you might find on your performance report.

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