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Our Articles

The Finance of Crowdfunding
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There are three types of crowdfunding each defined by what people receive in exchange for the money they pay: Reward-based, Donation-based, and Equity-based.

Avoid Age Appropriate Money Mistakes
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Every decade of life brings new financial challenges. Try to avoid these common pitfalls.

Interview of Dr. Randall Bell, Author of “Rich Habits, Rich Life”
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Dr. Randall Bell develops strategies to overcome problems and maximize peak performance.

How Can I Give Away Money from My IRA?
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What if you do not need all the money from your RMD and you are also charitably inclined?

Examples of the Narrative Fallacy
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To illustrate this principle, I analyzed a week’s worth of “Morning and Midday Market Views” provided by the Schwab Center for Financial Research.

Radio: Should You Pay More Tax Than Legally Required?
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Is there morality that supersedes legally abiding by the tax code?

The Case for Investing in Energy Companies
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Energy’s low correlation with nearly every other major asset class means even very conservative investors should consider over-weighting Energy stocks.

How Much Can I Give Away to Charity This Year?
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If you give away more than 50% of this year’s income, you cannot deduct it this year, but you can carry it forward for up to 5 years.

The Narrative Fallacy
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No one would click on the headline, “Stocks went up today and we have no clue why.”

Fixing 401(k) Rollover Mistakes
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The IRS has a rule that if you are doing a rollover for a 401(k), you have 60 days to complete that process. But what if you experience a tragedy and can’t finish on time?

Investing In Hong Kong Has Lowered Risk and Boosted Returns
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We allocate a portion of our managed portfolios to foreign stocks, and Hong Kong is the highest ranked country on the latest edition of the Index of Economic Freedom.

Roth IRAs Make Great Estate Planning Tools
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Taking the smallest distribution each year will ensure the beneficiary achieves the maximum tax-free growth of tax-free income.

How Does Compliance Differ Between Smaller Firms and Large Brokers?
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It is relatively easy for an adviser who has a 400 lawyer compliance department to sit through some compliance continuing education and yet never understand what attitudes and behaviors need to be changed.

Radio: Should the Government Use Force to Make College Education Free?
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David John Marotta was interviewed on radio’s Schilling Show discussing the relationship between the government and college education.

Three Strategies to Avoid Private Mortgage Insurance
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Avoiding PMI, if possible, is better for your long-term finances. Here are three strategies to avoid PMI.

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