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Our Articles

What Interferes With a Backdoor Roth?
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Here are three common Roth transactions and how they interact with MAGI for Roth IRA purposes.

How to Fund an HSA with Fidelity
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There are two ways to make a contribution to a Fidelity HSA. Here is how to do them both.

#TBT Don’t Delay Roth Conversions
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Waiting just one year means that you lose a portion of the growth in your traditional IRA to income taxes later.

How to Prepare Your Investments for World War 3
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These strategies are strong in both good times and bad.

Johnson and Johnson Corporate Offer (August 2023)
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We recommend ignoring this offer if you want more Health Care and taking this offer if you want more Consumer Staples.

#TBT Should I Wait Until After The End Of The World To Start Investing?
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Instead of waiting, remember that the greatest buying opportunity of your life is always right now.

Adding an Ex-China Fund to Our Emerging Market Strategy (July 2023)
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If China booms, it may be a mistake that we reduced the allocation. If China undergoes investment controls, it may be a mistake that we kept China at all.

#TBT The Minimalist Budget
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If you want to be really minimalist about your budgeting, here’s what we suggest: the 65-25-10 rule.

How to Use Medicare IRMAA Life-Changing Event Form SSA-44 To Save Money
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If the form is accepted, the Social Security Administration will generally not only change your current IRMAA, but they will also use your Projected MAGI for the next several years. Here’s why.

Q&A: Which Self-Employed Retirement Plan Should I Open?
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Here are some of the pros and cons of specific SEP IRA and individual 401(k) retirement account options available.

#TBT Should I Buy Commercial Real Estate?
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This article gives you the formula to decide how much to offer or if the property is a good deal.

Inherited RMD Update: IRS Waives 2023 Penalties and Delays to 2024
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This notice did not offer the final guidance we were hoping for, but rather continued to push the decision further down the road.

Freedom Investing in Review (June 2023)
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This quarter, we saw that in 1-year returns ending June 30, 2023, Developed Freedom Investing had a -3.68% disadvantage, Emerging Market Freedom Investing had a +4.15% advantage, and Overall Freedom Investing had a -0.61% disadvantage.

#TBT Seven Elder Abuse Scams and How to Protect Yourself
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About 4% of elders falling victim to fraud with estimates that over $2.9 billion is lost to elder abuse every year. Being aware of the scams helps to protect yourself.

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