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Our Articles

Radio Interview: The Burden of Government Taxation
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David John Marotta was recently interviewed on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show, discussing taxation and the burden of government.

Gifts, Taxes, and IRS Form 709
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Most people are unaware that giving a gift can be a taxable event because they themselves have not yet experienced the tax.

Investing Strategies for an Irrational Brain
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Recency bias is perhaps the most difficult natural bias to overcome.

Department of Labor’s New Fiduciary Ruling
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Any legislation which can include FINRA’s commission-based advisors will dilute what it means to be a fiduciary.

A Year of Financially Healthy Habits
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It is the season of spring cleaning, so here’s a calendar of ways to clean up your finances one step at a time.

Mailbag: How Is Capital Gains Tax Calculated?
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The IRS does not do a good job of helping people understand capital gains taxes. They provide a worksheet to help you calculate it, but it has so many steps that it’s nearly impossible to figure out what’s going on.

Dimensional On: Staying in the Market
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“It is always a difficult experience for investors to stay in markets.”

Tax Loss Harvesting and Wash Sales
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Wash sale rules need to be followed when realizing capital losses for taxes but can be burdensome to track and monitor.

How To Instill Good Financial Habits In Your Children
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Give your children experience spending their own money.

Dimensional On: Why Should We Invest Internationally?
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“Historically there has been a wide variety of returns from US and International stocks, and when one does poorly often another does well.”

How Long Should I Give An Investment Plan?
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Even the most brilliantly crafted investment plan has to be given time to work.

The Complete Guide to Creating an Investment Plan
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This is a summary of the six steps required to create a well-crafted investment plan.

Can I Contribute to my Roth IRA?
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There are some cases that are not as straightforward and if you fall into these categories, you might not know whether or not you are allowed to contribute to a Roth IRA.

Fund Your 401(k) If You Believe In Free Markets
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I recently read a foolish article entitled “Call for a National Savings Plan” that assumed we haven’t tried a national savings plan already.

Streamline Your Finances with Schwab Checking
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This Schwab checking account provides six impressive services not true for most local banks.

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