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Our Articles

Reasons to Keep a Local Bank Account
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Investment brokers like Schwab offer many services local banks offer but there are a few reasons why you might want to resist consolidating all of your accounts to a broker.

Can’t All Advisors Make Trades On My Behalf?
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Only give someone who is required to honor your best interest the ability to trade in your account without talking to you.

Ted Cruz’s Tax Plan
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More than many other candidates, Ted Cruz’s tax plan aims to fundamentally change our tax system.

Why We Do Not Use Active Management
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Index investing seeks to track the return of a portion of the market. The opposite is active management.

Radio: Three Investing Mistakes
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David John Marotta was interviewed on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing three big investing mistakes.

How to Send Schwab Notifications to Two Emails
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A little extra work can ensure that both spouses receive important email notifications from their custodian.

Mailbag: Why Doesn’t Everyone Want High-Yield Bonds?
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We don’t recommend high yield bonds because they do nothing good for your overall portfolio.

Millionaire Lifestyle: Drink Sodas at Home, Not Out
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Changing where you drink soda is a small step, but enough small steps can make a huge difference in your savings.

Start Early on Retirement Planning
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Retirement planning should begin the moment you receive your first paycheck.

Nine Unfortunate Facts of Health Savings Accounts
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An HSA is one of many accounts used in comprehensive wealth management for tax optimization and planning.

Radio: Market Returns for 2015
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David John Marotta was interviewed on the Schilling Show discussing how the markets performed last year and lists 4 mistakes to avoid.

Four Things You Can Do with Your Roth Before April 15
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If you have not yet funded your Roth account for 2015, it is not too late!

Why Gold Has Utterly Failed as a “Safe Haven”
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Gold sounds like it should provide a safe haven of your purchasing power much more than it has actually done so.

How Roth Conversions Are Reported to the IRS
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The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is notorious for misunderstanding the recharacterizations of Roth conversions.

Investing Mistake: Forgetting About Inflation
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Taking inflation into account changes nearly everything about financial planning.

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