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Our Articles

Don’t Mistake Volatility For Loss
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“Nothing has provided greater risk control over the long term than equities, which are historically without principal risk over 30-year periods…”

What Games Can’t Teach You About Investing
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Many people are first exposed to investing in grade school through a very simple game. Unfortunately, this game teaches all the wrong lessons.

Radio Interview: Financial Gift Giving
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David John Marotta was interviewed recently on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing financial Christmas gifts.

Does Your College Saving Need a Christmas Gift?
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Some years, we fall behind and I try to make a year-end contribution to get us caught back up again.

States With Low Regulation Have 30% More Small Business Payroll Growth
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That is a tremendous advantage for businesses in states with less regulatory burden.

Gifting Appreciated Stock To Family Members
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For children with lower incomes, there is an opportunity to give them appreciated stock to shift the capital gains to a lower tax bracket.

2016 Tax Facts
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Here’s a quick guide to the tax brackets and some other useful information for 2016.

Mailbag: How Much Cash Should I Keep For An Emergency?
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Being prepared is always a good idea, but so is knowing the costs associated with being prepared.

Seven Reasons Your Retirement Might Fail
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“In 34 years as a financial advisor, he has seen many people flunk retirement, but investment performance has never been the cause.”

What is the Kiddie Tax?
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The kiddie tax was first added to the tax code in 1986 for children under age 14. Now, it can burden them until they are 23.

Trust Protections from Creditors and Spendthrift Beneficiaries
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The beauty of trusts is that they are very flexible, and an estate lawyer can help you craft a document that will follow your wishes and give you peace of mind.

Mailbag: Where Does Cost Basis Go in a Partial 1031 Exchange?
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In a 1031 exchange, the cost basis of the property you give up is rolled into the new property you receive.

Healthy And Wealthy Adds A Decade To Your Life Expectancy
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The national average life expectancy is not a good measure for our clients’ life expectancy. That means planning beyond ages 82 and 85.

Financial Christmas Gift Ideas
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Financial Christmas gifts don’t need to be a piggy bank. They can be more serious and more meaningful than that.

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