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Our Articles

Health Care Insurance Rises Another 24.6%
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ObamaCare was always going to be a bad law and now, five years in, that should be clear to everybody.

Jeb Bush’s Tax Plan
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Bush’s tax plan is in good company with Trump, Rubio, and Lee. It hits many common Republican talking points but doesn’t seem to take its own reasoning very seriously.

Teddy Bear: The Bear Market of 1957
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The lessons of each bear market are visible with the wisdom of 20/20 hindsight.

Why You Should Use a Donor Advised Fund
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We highly recommend a Donor Advised Fund for generous investors.

Small Changes Have Large Effects Over Time
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A swimmer takes one stroke at a time and yet makes great progress.

Lessons from the Crash of 2007-2008
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For a calm investor, a crash will just mean that the stocks you would have bought anyway are temporarily on sale.

How Common Is A Stock Market Crash?
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A crash is defined as an index dropping at least 50% from some previous high. Since 1950, there has been exactly 1 stock market crash in the S&P 500 Price Index.

Can I Write My Own Estate Plan?
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The shortest answer is yes, you can. But just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

Radio Interview: Which Retirement Accounts Should I Fund?
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David John Marotta was interviewed on radio 1070 WINA discussing which retirement accounts you should fund for the best tax outcomes.

Sage Advice After Stock Market Drop
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When the market drops, resist the impulse to “do something.”

Can I Contribute To A Roth IRA If I Don’t Have A Job?
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You can only contribute to your Roth IRA if you have what the IRS calls “earned” income. This makes it all the more important to contribute to your Roth IRA every year you can.

How Frequently Should I Redo My Estate Plan?
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Here are the most common reasons that your plan might need to be updated or revised and what to do about them.

Artist Interview with Malcolm Hughes
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Marotta Wealth Management is showing original oil paintings by Malcolm Hughes at our office this fall!

Donald Trump’s Tax Plan
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Tax season under Trump’s plan would likely be just as complicated but slightly less painful.

How Much Can I Contribute To A Roth IRA If I Earn Too Much?
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I’m on the borderline for being able to contribute to a Roth IRA. How do I determine how much I can contribute?

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