World Performance – October 2013
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Emerging markets produced some of the highest returns during the month of October.

Six Asset Classes – October 2013 Performance
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In October 2013 the balanced portfolio of a 40-year had a nice 3.54% monthly return.

World Performance – September 2013
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Historically September has one of the worst averages, but this year it provided very good returns.

Who Gets Your Stuff When You Die Without a Will?
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It can be tricky to figure out who your “next of kin” is, so here’s a handy flowchart to help you figure out who gets everything you leave behind if you don’t have a will.

Countries with Economic Freedom – July, August, & September 2013 Returns
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We recommend investing in countries which are high in economic freedom and low in debt and deficit.

Northern Europe Performance – September 2013
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Northern European countries averaged 6.23% in September 2013.

Six Asset Classes – September 2013 Returns
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In September 2013 the returns of foreign stocks beat US stocks by 4.25%.

2013 IRA & Roth Contribution Limits
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There’s still time to make sure you’ve maxed out your retirement contributions — your future self will thank you.

Radio: Is a Government Shutdown Better Than No Government Restraint?
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Why is the business of government seen as passing spending bills? Why isn’t the job of our representatives to work toward government restraint?

Newlywed Checklist: Name Change, Part 3
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When a woman gets married she often changes her name. Once you’ve changed your name at the Social Security Administration, the DMV, your employer and employer benefits, and your passport, it’s time for the last few changes.

2013 Capital Gains Tax Table
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Here’s the tax table for the 2013 capital gains tax.

Newlywed Checklist: Name Change, Part 2
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The DMV was my second stop in the name-change process because it makes subsequent name changes easier.

Newlywed Checklist: Name Change
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For $50 and a lifelong commitment, you can legally change your identity!

World -July & August 2013 Returns
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Here are the returns for various global investments.

Northern Europe – August 2013 Returns
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In August 2013 the northern European countries did slightly worse than the EAFE Index.

Six Asset Classes – August 2013 Returns
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Returns in August were negative across the board with US stocks losing the most.

Radio: America’s Wealth Envy
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“Inheritance, almost uniquely, has the ability to anger both those who believe in equality of means and those who believe in equality of outcome.”

Radio: Is Obamacare Responsible for a Jobless Recovery?
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David John Marotta was interviewed on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing Obamacare and the healthcare law’s trickle-down effect.

Northern Europe -July 2013 Returns
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Sweden appreciated 11.02% during the month.

July 2013 Asset Class Returns
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Here is how representative ETFs from each of the six asset classes did in July 2013.

Financial Smorgasbord: Carnival #14
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This week we have a smorgasbord of ideas for everything from tips for building an emergency fund from scratch to financial tweets to writing engaging website pages.

How Do I Open an Investment Account? Part 2 -Things You Can Do Tomorrow
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Here’s a walk through of the account opening process at Vanguard.

Gold And Silver Stocks Down In 2Q 2013 Along With The Metals Themselves
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Precious Metal Mining companies are leveraged against the movements of the underlying price of the metals themselves.

Real Estate Down Slightly During The Second Quarter
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Foreign real estate was down more for the quarter because the U.S. Dollar strengthened against foreign currencies.

Energy Funds Slip Slightly in 2Q 2013
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Energy is one important components of the category of Resource Stocks.

Some European Markets Did Better Than Global Averages During Q2 2013
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In a reversal from past trends, some European markets did better than global averages.

Emerging Markets Down During Second Quarter 2013
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Those investments which go up the most when markets are rising often go down the most when markets are falling.

Global Markets Drop During Q2 2013
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It is prudent not to have your assets all subject to a single country’s economic failure or success.

Foreign Bonds Drop As Dollar Strengthens And Interest Rates Rise
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Just because the dollar strengthens for a quarter does not mean you should abandon this strategy.

US Bonds Drop Value in 2013 Q2 As Interest Rates Rise
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Many investors don’t understand why a bond, which pays a fixed rate of interest and then at the end of the term pays a fixed amount of principle would have its price fluctuate.

How Do I Open an Investment Account? -Things You Can Do Tomorrow
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Sometimes what stops someone from following advice is just not knowing where to begin or how easy it is. Many personal financial advisors have minimums, so where do you start if you only have a small amount of money to invest?

Seven Things to Keep in Your Wallet & Six Things to Leave at Home
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What should you keep in your wallet? And what precautions should you take in case it gets lost or stolen?

Budget? What Budget?
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Even if you just have an idea of where your money is going, you should still have a very good idea.

Financial Bucket List
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Some people have bucket lists with things like “Travel to Paris,” and “go skydiving,” but I have a bucket list of financial things to do.

Bucket List: Living Within Your Means
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So now, after encouraging you to save 10% for emergencies, 15% for financial independence (often called “retirement”), and 10% for long-term savings, we’ve whittled down your income to about 65%. This 65% is for day-to-day living.

Radio: Our Unenumerated Constitutional Rights
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David John Marotta was recently interviewed by Rob Schilling on Radio 1070 WINA, discussing the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution: Our unenumerated rights.

Bucket List: Saving & Investing
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In addition to emergency savings and retirement saving, you should also stash away 10% or so for long-term investing. Let the magic of compound interest make you money.

Bucket List: Financial Independence
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Most people do not use all their skills at their place of work, so these other skills become hobbies. I am no exception. What I need to pursue these other dreams is financial independence, that is, decoupling my need to eat from my skill as as an artist.

Life Planning Edition – Wealth Management Carnival #13
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Today’s Carnival covers a wide range of topics such as planning for your finances before college, what to do financially after college, how to think like the wealthy, and how to think about finances when one spouse doesn’t head to the office every day.

Radio: Is Federal Student Aid Working?
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Most people do not trace the effect of the unintended consequences of government programs. Even good things come with a price, and you always have to decide: is that price worth paying?

Protecting Your Identity: Credit Reports and Credit Freezes
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Even if you think you have good credit, periodically check the facts on your credit report anyway. Your credit report will outline your full credit history. And it can help you verify you have not been the victim of identity theft.

Bucket List: A Bucket for the Unknown
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I opened my freezer and found, to my horror, my ice cream had turned to mush. Why? My refrigerator and freezer were broken. The expense for a new refrigerator was around $700. How could I have seen that expense coming?

Preparing to Retire – Wealth Management Carnival #12
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Today’s carnival is all about retirement: saving for it, where to open accounts, how much to withdraw once you do retire, and more. Read on for more details!

Video: What’s So Great About Economic Freedom?
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Is economic freedom related to other kinds of freedoms? Does economic freedom affect personal choice?

Schwab VeriSign Security Measures
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As well as general online security, which includes a unique user name and password, and a system which locks you out if you guess the combination more than twice, Schwab has several optional verification methods.

Radio: Margaret Thatcher’s Economics
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David John Marotta was interviewed on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing Margaret Thatcher and her economics.

Tax Season – Wealth Management Carnival #11
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With the federal tax filing deadline upon us, here are some articles on little-known tax tips, interesting facts, good advice, and general information about taxes. Some of these are applicable now, and some you might want to store away for next year.

2013 Tax Brackets
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2013 brought many changes, many of them small, into the tax code. Here’s a breakdown of the highlights.

Investing Ideas – Wealth Management Carnival #10
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This edition of the Wealth Management Carnival we focus on investing. We have some helpful definitions of investment vehicles and instruments, advice on what to go for and what to avoid, and all kinds of opinions on that roller coaster ride: Financial Markets.

Radio: The Importance of Property Rights
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David John Marotta was interviewed recently on radio 1070’s WINA Schilling Show discussing property rights and their importance for a free society.

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