How To Enroll in Equifax’s Free Credit Monitoring
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None of these services makes up for the fact that your sensitive information has been accessed. And after this breach you should assume that every scam artist has all of your information.

Equifax Compromised Your Credit Cards
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Equifax admitted recently that hackers gained access to the sensitive identify and financial information in their database for 143 million people (44% of the U.S. population).

Financial Peace University in Charlottesville
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The Dave Ramsey website has a list of upcoming classes in the Charlottesville area with start dates varying from September 13 through October 11.

The Business of Being an Artist
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Financial planning is simply doing what it takes to give you the means to do what you want. The poorer you are the more you need financial planning. You don’t have any margin for mistakes.

Financial Media Group Sells SEC Required Compliance Emails To Spammers
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One of the problems with government reporting regulations is that personal information is made widely available for abuse.

How Safe is Your Money Market?
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The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) changed the rules and required all financial institutions to move pricing their money market from a stable $1.00 price per shares to a floating net asset value.

Gold’s Role In A Portfolio
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Gold advocates will often go to great lengths to tout the advantages of owning gold.

Investing Mistake: Paying Too Much In Investment Vehicle Fees
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There can be great value in the sage advice of a fee-only fiduciary advisor. Even if they brought no value for their investment management, they could still bring great value for their help in comprehensive wealth management. While a competent … Read More

How to Get Started with Retirement Planning
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Most of the assets you use to fund your retirement will come from compounded growth.

How to Set Retirement Goals
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A fee-only financial advisor can provide the decades of support and encouragement to make financial planning, effective life planning.

How to Protect Your Retirement
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For many investors, a fee-only advisor pays for themselves in reduced expenses alone.

Radio: The Case for No Minimum Wage
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David John Marotta was interviewed on the Schilling Show discussing the minimum wage, and the reasons keeping (or raising) a mandatory minimum wage could actually hurt some workers.

How to Adjust Risk Appropriately for Retirement
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Risk is about understanding your own greed, fear and pride.

How to Readjust Your Retirement Plan
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Sometimes the change can be in a direction you did not expect.

Invest Even When Afraid
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You can’t invest for the future in the future. Don’t let your fear of the future ruin your future.

How to Save for Retirement
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Every pay period, pay yourself first. You won’t miss what you don’t see.

How to Plan for Retirement
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Failure to plan for retirement is the primary reason why retirement plans fail.

Retirement Assumptions Are Critical
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Retirement doesn’t give you a second chance. Measure twice and retire once.

Generational Financial Planning Within The Kiddie Tax Limits
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Families that consider generational financial planning techniques can reduce the burden of taxes on the family as a whole.

Morgan Stanley Is A Terrible Choice
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I normally try to refrain from “bashing the competition,” but in this case, the competition’s practices are, at least to me, a moral issue.

How Much Do You Need to Save This Month?
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Find out today how much you should be saving and investing this month! If you think a $1 million dollar portfolio is overkill, you haven’t really run the numbers.

An Asset Allocation For Your Health Savings Account
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You are unlikely to need funds for any long-term care episode until about age 85. Given the long time horizon, we suggest investing your HSA for appreciation.

Marotta’s 2017 TD Ameritrade Gone-Fishing Portfolio Calculator
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This portfolio uses all TD Ameritrade no-transaction fee exchange-traded funds with the exception of Vanguard Energy ETF (VDE).

Mailbag: How Do I Replenish A Bond Laddering Strategy?
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When you use a bond laddering strategy with funds, rebalancing to your asset allocation naturally buys and sells bond funds as appropriate.

Radio Interview: Health Savings Accounts
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David John Marotta was interviewed on radio’s The Schilling Show discussing Health Savings Accounts and the recent Healthcare bill passed by Congress.

Five Things You Can Control: The Series
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Don Phillips suggests that the best advisors help their clients focus on what can be controlled and not fret about the rest.

Not All Financial Advising Firms Rebalance Client Portfolios
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You would think that rebalancing a client’s portfolio would be standard in the industry. Unfortunately, it is not.

Five Things You Can Control: Taxes
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A dollar saved on taxes is worth more than an extra dollar of income because the extra dollar of income is in itself taxable.

Asset Location Can Significantly Boost After-Tax Returns
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Exact asset location depends on the percentage of a portfolio held in each of the three types of accounts as well as the percentage of the portfolio which is to be allocated to each selected sector. But the boost in after-tax returns is well worth the effort.

Five Things You Can Control: Goals-Based Asset Allocation
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An advisor’s job is to recommend the optimum asset allocation regardless of how the client might answer a survey about risk tolerance.

Radio: Tax Planning Season
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When you finish your tax preparation, it is time to begin tax planning.

Five Things You Can Control: Commitment to Saving
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Saving money is not enough. You need to save and invest.

Five Things You Can Control: Spending Discipline
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“Develop spending discipline. People too often forget that the real enemy of investment is consumption.”

How to Deduct U.S. Debt Obligations on State Tax Returns
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Dividends and interest received from U.S debt obligations can be deducted on many state tax returns.

Radio: What Does “Trickle-Down Economics” Mean to Liberals and Conservatives?
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David John Marotta was interviewed on the Schilling Show discussing trickle-down economics and taxes.

What Good Are Morningstar Stars?
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Do mutual funds with 5-star Morningstar ratings have better future returns?

T-Share Class Mutual Funds Are Not “Fiduciary-Friendly”
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Less gouging doesn’t make T-shares meet the high principles-based fiduciary standard.

Invest Your Health Savings Account For Appreciation
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HSAs have so many advantages over traditional IRAs that you should continue funding your HSA as long as possible and build as large an HSA investment balance as you can.

Radio: What’s the Difference Between Obstruction and Resistance?
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David John Marotta was interviewed on the radio 1070’s Schilling Show discussing the difference between obstruction and resistance.

Commission-Based Firms Admit They Don’t Provide Advice
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Commission-based firms want either to be exempt from the Fiduciary standard or else given the title anyway.

Are Democrats Or Republicans Better For The Stock Market?
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Politics matters less to our financial success than the ordinary decisions we face every day.

Marotta’s 2017 Gone-Fishing Portfolios
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A gone fishing portfolio is a portfolio of just a few stocks which should weather the ups and downs of the market fairly well while only rebalancing twice a year. Here are three hand-crafted gone-fishing portfolios for 2017.

Marotta’s 2017 Gone-Fishing Portfolio Calculator
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A gone-fishing portfolio has a limited number of investments with a balanced asset allocation. This year I limited myself to 13 investment vehicles with two changes from 2016’s calculator.

Marotta’s 2017 Vanguard Gone-Fishing Portfolio Calculator
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A gone-fishing portfolio has a limited number of investments with a balanced asset allocation. This portfolio uses all Vanguard mutual funds.

Marotta’s 2017 Schwab Gone-Fishing Portfolio
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A gone-fishing portfolio has a limited number of investments with a balanced asset allocation. This portfolio uses all Schwab no-transaction fee exchange traded funds.

US Large-Cap Exchange-Traded Fund Choices
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In anticipation of adjusting our yearly gone-fishing portfolios, I reviewed the performance of five US large-cap Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs).

Bond Investing In 2016
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Bonds had positive returns for the year despite returns peaking at the end of July and falling for the rest of the year.

Resource Stock Investing in 2016
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In 2016, Energy and Materials had some of the best returns of the year.

To What Benchmark Should I Compare My 2016 Returns?
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Investors always want to compare the return of their portfolio against some benchmark index. We suggest not using the S&P 500 for that purpose.

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