Radio: The Politics of Kindness
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David John Marotta was interviewed recently on the Schilling Show discussing the politics of kindness and the difference between intentions and outcomes.

2016 In Review
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2016 was a good year for stocks in general with a number of noteworthy details. Resource stocks performed the best despite being the worst-performing asset class in 2015.

Freedom Investing and Emerging Markets in 2016
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In 2016, the average return of the best investment products of the Freedom Six outperformed the Vanguard FTSE Developed Markets ETF by 6.75%.

US Stock Investing in 2016
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The S&P 500 had another good year, ending up 11.96%. The S&P 500, however, only represents half of the US Stock asset class, and Small- and Mid-Cap stocks performed even better.

Mailbag: What Do You Think About The Elliott Wave Principle?
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It is difficult in investing theory to determine which narratives have the appropriate underlying evidence to support them and which narratives are not worth following. Often it is necessary to be both a mathematician and a skeptic to filter out what is even worth considering.

Your Advisor’s Sports Car Personality Is Hurting Your Returns
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What does the car your advisor drives tell you about their investment and budgeting services?

Benjamin Graham on Individual Stock Analysis
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“I am no longer an advocate of elaborate techniques of security analysis in order to find superior value opportunities.”

One Example Of What Is Wrong With Commission Based Investment Advice
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There is a large difference between the motives and incentives of the sales person and those of the service person.

Using Factor Investing To Boost Country Specific Returns
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The rough idea is that the stock price of companies that are profitable are more likely to appreciate than companies which are not profitable.

Radio: Why Corporate Tax Rates Should Be Lowered
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David John Marotta was interviewed on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing corporate tax rates, and why they should be lowered.

Investing Mistake: Confusing A Promising Company With A Good Investment
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A good narrative describes what happened in the past. And even though past earnings may have something to do with current share prices, they don’t have anything to do with future share prices.

There’s Still Time for Charitable Giving
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Instead of giving cash, there are two ways you may be able to give so more of your money goes to charity instead of the IRS.

Factor Investing: Small and Value Factors
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Factor investing “tweaks the idea of asset allocation and diversification by seeking out types of securities that have been shown, by decades of academic research, to offer positive return premiums over time.”

Mailbag: Can I Contribute To An IRA The Year I Turn 70 1/2?
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Even though you are required to start taking RMDs you can still take advantage of significant tax planning strategies.

Can I Continue Retirement Saving Past Age 70 1/2?
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The rules for post-70 ½ IRA contributions depend upon whether the account is a traditional IRA, Roth IRA or SEP IRA.

Radio: Why is the Media Liberal?
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Listen to a discussion on why journalists are usually liberal-leaning and what that means for reporting the news in America.

How To Whitelist An Entire Domain In Gmail
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Since not receiving an important email can be even more dangerous as receiving too much spam, here is how to whitelist an email or an entire domain in Gmail.

How The Markets Moved After A Trump Victory
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Beware of reading too much into three days of market movements.

Mailbag: Which Investment Fund Should I Purchase To Minimize Fees?
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On the surface it seems like option 3 (VHT) is the best deal. Is there anything I am missing?

The Finance of Crowdfunding
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There are three types of crowdfunding each defined by what people receive in exchange for the money they pay: Reward-based, Donation-based, and Equity-based.

Interview of Dr. Randall Bell, Author of “Rich Habits, Rich Life”
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Dr. Randall Bell develops strategies to overcome problems and maximize peak performance.

Examples of the Narrative Fallacy
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To illustrate this principle, I analyzed a week’s worth of “Morning and Midday Market Views” provided by the Schwab Center for Financial Research.

Radio: Should You Pay More Tax Than Legally Required?
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Is there morality that supersedes legally abiding by the tax code?

The Narrative Fallacy
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No one would click on the headline, “Stocks went up today and we have no clue why.”

Investing In Hong Kong Has Lowered Risk and Boosted Returns
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We allocate a portion of our managed portfolios to foreign stocks, and Hong Kong is the highest ranked country on the latest edition of the Index of Economic Freedom.

Roth IRAs Make Great Estate Planning Tools
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Taking the smallest distribution each year will ensure the beneficiary achieves the maximum tax-free growth of tax-free income.

How Does Compliance Differ Between Smaller Firms and Large Brokers?
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It is relatively easy for an adviser who has a 400 lawyer compliance department to sit through some compliance continuing education and yet never understand what attitudes and behaviors need to be changed.

Radio: Should the Government Use Force to Make College Education Free?
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David John Marotta was interviewed on radio’s Schilling Show discussing the relationship between the government and college education.

Hedge Funds and Long/Short Strategies
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Long/short strategies use the money from the stocks they have shorted to purchase extra stocks that they hope will go up.

Are You Paying For Your Fund’s Advertising?
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If you own some mutual funds, chances are you are paying a hefty marketing price.

Most People Take Social Security At The Worst Possible Age
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While taking Social Security at age 70 is not optimal for everyone, age 62 is optimal for almost no one.

Finding Someone You Can Trust
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Those who believe that more regulation is the answer don’t understand how human nature works.

How to Monitor Your Financial Advisor
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When seeking a financial advisor, you should find out if they are willing to sign a fiduciary oath putting your interests above those of their employer.

Economic Indicators: Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
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Under one theory, changes in GDP or the rate of GDP growth precede and could cause stock markets to react and move in response. This is usually not the case.

Beware of Dire Market Crash Predictions
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I receive dire predictions with such frequency that were I to act on even a fraction of them I would never be invested in the markets.

Where Should I Invest Money Which I Will Need in a Year or Two?
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Return comes with an element of risk. There is no safe investment which also pays a good rate of return.

The Golden Bear: The Bear Market of 1973
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This Bear market is considered one of the greatest challenges to retirement planning.

Wealth Management Is In Your Control
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Many feel helpless to direct their own success, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Planning for a Funeral
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Funeral expenses are often a family’s fourth largest expense.

Do Children Need To File A Tax Return To Fund Their Roth IRA?
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The IRS does not require dependents whose gross income is only earned income to file a tax return if the amount is less than a certain amount.

Recouping Losses Is Not As Hard As You Think
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Many advisors and most investors don’t really understand the math on how to compute investment returns.

Radio: The Importance of Real Estate
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David John Marotta was interviewed on radio’s Schilling Show discussing real estate and its importance in your total net worth.

Changing Your Financial Behavior Is Difficult
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Our minds are wired to quickly generalize on perceived trends and react to them.

Double Bottom Bear: The Bear Market of 1970
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Bear Markets are unpredictable, but there is no reason that they should be a cause of distress.

How Much Can I Withdraw in Retirement?
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We have calculated safe withdrawal rates for ages 0 to 100 based on age-appropriate asset allocation mixes.

Five Reasons to Have Some Cash Equivalents
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There are at least five reasons to hold cash. Without a good reason to hold cash, you may be holding too much.

TD Ameritrade Trust Company President Gets “Fee-Only” Wrong
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It should be clear that “fee-only” means “fee-only,” not “fees and third-party manager revenue-sharing and trailing mutual fund fees.”

Family Financial Lifecycle
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Before the children arrive, squirrel away some money. When the children go out on their own you get one last chance to save for retirement.

BREXIT: Britain’s Independence Day
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The future may be uncertain, but the markets are quite reliable in the long run.

Narrowly Framed Questions Fail to Meet Life Goals
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Purchasing investment products in isolation from the larger context of your specific situation is like pushing random buttons on a vending machine in order to provide a Thanksgiving dinner for your family.

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