A Complete Guide To Donor Advised Funds
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A donor advised fund makes the process of charitable giving simple and easy.

Radio Interview: Wills, Estates, and Beneficiaries
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David and host Rob Schilling discuss what estate planning is, why you want to do it, and explain some of the jargon.

Marotta’s 2016 Gone-Fishing Portfolio
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The gone-fishing portfolio provides suggested asset allocations for investors up to age 70 and up to $1 million.

Marotta’s 2016 Gone-Fishing Portfolio Calculator
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A gone-fishing portfolio has a limited number of investments with a balanced asset allocation that should do well with dampened volatility.

IRS Wants Charities To Collect And Report Sensitive Donor Identity Information
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Late last year, the IRS proposed asking charities to collect sensitive donor identity information for any charitable gift of more than $250.

Why Invest In Chile?
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Adding a little bit of Chile to your portfolio can boost returns and reduce volatility.

Six Creative Beneficiary Designation Ideas
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These are just some examples of the creative beneficiary designations, but the important part is to dream big about what your wishes are.

Mailbag: Stop Before Using Stop Orders
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We do not recommend using stop loss orders. Now, it appears that the New York Stock Exchange agrees.

After-Tax IRA Contributions Must Be Reported On IRS Form 8606
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The backdoor Roth strategy involves contributing after-tax funds to a traditional IRA.

A Fund Selection Case Study
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We’ve written about how to select securities but in this article we are going to apply those principles to the process of selecting a specific fund for a specific sector of the economy.

Radio: Financial Planning for Buying a Home
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David John Marotta was interviewed on WINA’s “Real Estate Matters” show with Michael Guthrie, talking about how it is still a good time to buy a house.

Investors Want Non-Correlated Assets Until They Experience Non-Correlation
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While many investors say they want a low-correlation portfolio, they don’t want to actually experience a low-correlation portfolio.

Should I Buy Commercial Real Estate?
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Here is a simple way to think about commercial property.

Is There A Christmas Rally In the Markets?
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While Santa Claus usually brings something positive for the markets, it isn’t enough to worry about jumping in and out of your investments.

Don’t Mistake Volatility For Loss
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“Nothing has provided greater risk control over the long term than equities, which are historically without principal risk over 30-year periods…”

States With Low Regulation Have 30% More Small Business Payroll Growth
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That is a tremendous advantage for businesses in states with less regulatory burden.

Gifting Appreciated Stock To Family Members
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For children with lower incomes, there is an opportunity to give them appreciated stock to shift the capital gains to a lower tax bracket.

Mailbag: How Much Cash Should I Keep For An Emergency?
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Being prepared is always a good idea, but so is knowing the costs associated with being prepared.

Seven Reasons Your Retirement Might Fail
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“In 34 years as a financial advisor, he has seen many people flunk retirement, but investment performance has never been the cause.”

What is the Kiddie Tax?
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The kiddie tax was first added to the tax code in 1986 for children under age 14. Now, it can burden them until they are 23.

Healthy And Wealthy Adds A Decade To Your Life Expectancy
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The national average life expectancy is not a good measure for our clients’ life expectancy. That means planning beyond ages 82 and 85.

Financial Christmas Gift Ideas
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Financial Christmas gifts don’t need to be a piggy bank. They can be more serious and more meaningful than that.

An Immediate Annuity Is Probably Never The Right Answer
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The Journal of Financial Planning featured a nice column by Harold Evensky entitled “These Innovative Research Papers Deserve Your Attention.”

Utilizing Uncommon Beneficiary Designations
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Will substitutes sacrifice some of the customization of trusts but avoid the accounting complexities.

October 2015 and Year-to-Date Returns for Our 6 Asset Classes
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October showed a sharp reversal of the movements of Resource Stocks.

Radio: The Broken Promises of the Government
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David Marotta was interviewed recently on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing some of the government’s broken promises

Understanding Your IRA Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)
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After you reach the age of 70 1/2, the IRS requires you to begin taking minimum distributions from your traditional retirement accounts.

When Are Taxes Due On A Roth Conversion?
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Any tax which is ultimately going to be owed is owed by April 15th. Otherwise it may be subject to interest and penalties.

Baby Bear: The Bear Market of 1966
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Examining past Bear Markets can help provide some context when we experience the next one.

Safe Withdrawal Rate Adjustments
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Assumptions about these adjustments to your net worth should be made carefully and conservatively.

What Capital Gains Is Owed For The Sale Of Gifted Stock?
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It is better to leave stock to a family member in your estate plan than to gift them the stock while you are alive.

Can I Put My RMD Into A Roth IRA?
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Annual required minimum distributions must be satisfied before any additional amounts are converted to a Roth IRA.

The Kennedy Slide Bear: The Bear Market of 1962
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Here are seven sage investing lessons from the J. Paul Getty era.

How to Factor Social Security into Your Safe Withdrawal Rate
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Carefully computing and adding your Social Security early retirement safe withdrawal rate can safely boost your early retirement standard of living without jeopardizing your future finances.

Health Care Insurance Rises Another 24.6%
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ObamaCare was always going to be a bad law and now, five years in, that should be clear to everybody.

Teddy Bear: The Bear Market of 1957
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The lessons of each bear market are visible with the wisdom of 20/20 hindsight.

Why You Should Use a Donor Advised Fund
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We highly recommend a Donor Advised Fund for generous investors.

Lessons from the Crash of 2007-2008
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For a calm investor, a crash will just mean that the stocks you would have bought anyway are temporarily on sale.

How Common Is A Stock Market Crash?
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A crash is defined as an index dropping at least 50% from some previous high. Since 1950, there has been exactly 1 stock market crash in the S&P 500 Price Index.

Can I Write My Own Estate Plan?
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The shortest answer is yes, you can. But just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

Radio Interview: Which Retirement Accounts Should I Fund?
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David John Marotta was interviewed on radio 1070 WINA discussing which retirement accounts you should fund for the best tax outcomes.

Sage Advice After Stock Market Drop
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When the market drops, resist the impulse to “do something.”

Can I Contribute To A Roth IRA If I Don’t Have A Job?
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You can only contribute to your Roth IRA if you have what the IRS calls “earned” income. This makes it all the more important to contribute to your Roth IRA every year you can.

How Much Can I Contribute To A Roth IRA If I Earn Too Much?
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I’m on the borderline for being able to contribute to a Roth IRA. How do I determine how much I can contribute?

How To Correct Excess Roth IRA Contributions
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Regardless of the reason, if you have put too much money in your Roth IRA, the solution is the same.

Can I Contribute To My Wife’s Roth IRA?
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I have earned income but my wife does not. Can I contribute to my wife’s Roth IRA?

How to Help Clients Cope With Scary Markets
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Staying the course when an index investment is down is very uncomfortable in the short-term but usually the best course of action in the long run.

What is a Backdoor Roth?
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Even over the income threshold, you may still be able to add funds to your Roth IRA with what is called a backdoor Roth.

Mailbag: Roth IRA vs. Roth 401(k), Which is Better?
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Differing legislation makes one of the two preferable.

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