Capability Is Tyranny
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Those who stand by and do nothing are complicit in aiding the loss of freedoms for others.

What Benchmark Should I Measure My Return Against?
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Don’t let the noise of random returns ruin a brilliant investment strategy.

Advisers Worry About Potential Costs Of Third-Party Exams
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“Estimates range from $5,000 to $20,000; sharp opposition to Finra getting involved.”

Fourteen Ways to Avoid Paying Capital Gains
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The capital gains tax traps wealth in an investment vehicle requiring special techniques to free the capital without penalty.

Roth IRA Conversions and Roth Segregation Strategies
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Roth accounts have several advantages over traditional retirement accounts.

Capital Gains Tax Gets More Complicated
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Now you may pay one of at least four different capital gains rates. The strategies to deal with capital gains differ for each level.

Investment Advisors vs. Brokers
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Low risk firms should be visited less frequently by the SEC.

Mailbag: How Do You Live When You Are Trying To Avoid Taxes?
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Having sufficient assets in a taxable account can allow for tax planning.

The Tax Code’s War On Marriage
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Two different people can end up with very different amounts of tax owed, simply because of their marital status. You cannot argue this increased tax is their “fair share” simply because they are married.

How To Bilk Obamacare
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Learn how a family of four can qualify for a full subsidy with an income of $140,000 a year.

Obamacare, the UN-Affordable Care Act
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ObamaCare Is the Worst Legislation in 75 Years.

Virginia Neighborhood Assistance Program Information
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To receive tax credits for your donation, first contact the charitable organization and determine if it has any remaining tax credits to allocate to your gift. If tax credits are still available, fill out the Contribution Notification Form and send it to the organization.

The Purpose Of The Federal Reserve
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Unlike the markets, members of the Fed are able to make decisions that are in exactly the wrong direction if they don’t limit themselves with a rules-based system.

How To Save Wealthy Clients From Themselves
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“Emotion can undo the best-laid financial plans.”

David Marotta Quoted on Yahoo Finance Story About Gen Y Savings
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Because of inflation, today’s 20-year-olds will need over $7 million to have the same lifestyle when they retire.

Microfinance: Loans That Change Lives
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With as little as $25 you can begin loaning money to developing world entrepreneurs.

Mailbag: Is Funding My 401(k) Match Sufficient to Fund My Retirement?
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At age 25, getting your 401(k) match funds 64.2% of your retirement.

Government Requires 146 Minutes Of Service Each Day
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Without taxes, you could leave your job every day at 2:34 p.m

Radio: Virginia’s Tax Freedom Day Today
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We estimate that if you didn’t have to pay taxes, you could leave work every day at 2:34pm.

What Happened to the Gold Standard?
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The U.S. dollar was first regulated by the Coinage Act of 1792 and prescribed as 371.25 grains of pure silver. The eagle, worth $10, was 247.5 grains of gold. One cent, worth a hundredth of a dollar, was 24 grains … Read More

Inflation Is 3% For First 120 Years; 2,380% For The Last 100 Years
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Of all the investing risks we face, inflation is the risk most commonly overlooked and most certainly experienced.

What Is A “Margin Alert”?
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There are five types of Schwab Margin Alerts: Margin Maintenance, Short Position, Trade Debit Due, Margin Debit Balance / Account hold Value Advantage, and Trade Settlement Violation

Why Is The Federal Reserve In Your Wallet?
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Members of the Federal Reserve openly admit it is not a federal agency.

Realize Some Capital Gains Each Year To Keep Taxes Low
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There are at least four different capital gains tax rates. Here’s how to minimize yours.

What Exactly Is Quantitative Easing?
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Quantitative easing is a sneaky way to make everyone dealing in U.S. dollars pay off the U.S. debt.

The Government Effectively Pardoned 77.3% Of The 2013 Debt Increase
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Paid for by using your former purchasing power.

What Do You Mean I Owe An Extra $100,000 In Taxes?
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Ah, the joys of being a small business owner in 2013.

Gift Tender Offers To Charity To Avoid Capital Gains Tax
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This technique can avoid paying any tax, a savings worth up to 36.1%.

How Does The Fed Control Interest Rates In A Free Market?
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Even as recently as 2007, banks were paying 4% interest. Now you have to go to the hundredth decimal before you find your interest rate.

As Recently As 2007, Banks Were Paying 4% Interest
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In retirement planning, these are the deep risks we are concerned about.

Every Bond Contract Has At Least Five Components
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Unlike stocks, each bond contract has unique characteristics that define how repayment will occur.

Tax By Inflation
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In its simplest form, the government prints money and uses the newly printed currency to fund government spending.

Quantitative Easing And The Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet
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Government officials argue that consistent deficits are good for the economy, if we were only willing to go high enough.

Today’s 20-Year Olds Will Need Over $7 Million For Modest Retirement Lifestyle
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Most young people don’t understand inflation as well as their parents and grandparents.

Five Unbelievable Financial Advisor Regulations
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To comply, most firms must archive and report massive amounts of information. Here are five of the more interesting regulations.

Radio: David John Marotta Interviewed Discussing the Three GOP Factions
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David John Marotta was recently interviewed discussing the ideas in the article “Republicans: Defining the 3 Factions”.

Is Rebalancing a “Myth”?
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You ought to know what it is that you are rebalancing.

Should a Business Buy Its Own Building?
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We finally found a great building and decided to purchase it!

Make Sure Clients Road-Test Retirement
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“Ascertain whether they’re ready for changes in lifestyle and finances for the next stage of their lives”

Every Business Should Start a 401(k)
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The president’s hope to restrict the plans should actually make owners more interested in creating one.

At Least 65% Of Workers Fail To Save Our Recommended 15% For Retirement
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The study shows that 21 percent have saved nothing for retirement.

How To Tell If Your Financial Advisor Is Really “Fee-Only”
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Many will mislead you into thinking they are “fee-only” when they are not.

Republicans: Defining the Three Factions
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Which part of the conservative party appeals best to you: promoting the welfare of big business, legislating morality or advocating personal freedom and responsibility?

Is Social Security Stealing Your Chance Of Being A Millionaire?
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Social Security withdrawals have enslaved workers to depend on government largess when they could have been independently wealthy.

David Marotta Interviewed Discussing MyRA Plans
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David Marotta was recently featured on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing the new MyRA plans, inflation, and saving for retirement in general.

Social Security
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Social Security benefits can represent a big stack of cash. A typical monthly benefit of $2,200 has a present value well over $500,000. Consider all your Social Security options carefully to avoid making a costly mistake.

Liberals Characterized Privatizing Social Security As A Risky Venture
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Even the Social Security withdrawals of average workers would produce millionaires if they were allowed to be saved and invested in private accounts.

Obama Expands the Permanently Unemployed
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The economics of the job market are complicated, and an executive order can’t grant America a higher wage.

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