Advisors Must Stop Client Self-Destruction
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Sometimes the best advice is when a competent advisor tells you that you are wrong.

Develop A Network Of Friends In Retirement
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Having community is important for a successful retirement. Men may find it requires more work to achieve.

Obama’s myRA Plan Violates Multiple ERISA Laws
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Willful violations of ERISA legislation carry criminal penalties of up to a year in prison for the plan sponsor and a fine of up to $100,000 for the corporation.

End-Of-The-World Money Moves
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How do you prepare for the end of the world?

Opening A Brokerage Account
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Opening an account is the first step in getting started in investing.

Can You Fact-Check Without Reading the Article?
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Both authors claimed there were errors in our article all the while agreeing with our assessment of the unemployment numbers.

We Were Wrong: Jobless Available Workers As High As 41.4%
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We actually underreported the portion of jobless Americans. It did not include the people who are represented in the unemployment rate.

Economic Freedom Matters 2014
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Economic freedom enriches society, lifts the poor out of poverty and respects the agency and dignity of human choice.

Freedom Investing Over The Past Decade
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The portfolio of the five freedom countries has an annualized return of 11.06% over the past decade.

Radio: Prep for Financial Apocalypse
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David John Marotta was interviewed on radio 1040 WINA’s Schilling Show and talked about preparing for the coming financial apocalypse.

Marotta’s 2014 Gone-Fishing Portfolio Calculator
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A gone-fishing portfolio has a limited number of investments with a balanced asset allocation that should do well with dampened volatility.

Marotta’s 2014 Gone-Fishing Portfolio
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A gone-fishing portfolio keeps investing simple.

Marotta’s 2013 Gone-Fishing Portfolio Review
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A review of last year’s 2013 gone fishing portfolio returns.

Should We Wallow in the Rising Stock Market?
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The stock market can occasionally benefit from the misery index.

Bitcoin Trashing Makes The Case For The Gold Standard
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A return to stable money would signal the death of the bitcoin and other stores of value used as hedges against dollar mismanagement.

University of Virginia Best Plan 2014 Asset Allocation Recommendation
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Here is an asset allocation recommendation for the The University of Virginia Physicians Group 2014 BEST plan.

“Halestorm” And “Abducting Arnold” Author Interview
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Becky Akers is a free-lance writer and historian as well as the author of two novels set during the American Revolution.

How Long Should I Keep Financial and Tax Records?
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Whenever the IRS challenges you, the burden of producing evidence that your claims are true rests entirely with you.

Lifetime Exclusion From Gift Or Estate Taxes
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When you die, your assets and belongings–called your “estate”–are subject to taxation, but the there is an amount under which the executor of your estate will not have to pay taxes.

The Importance Of The Investment Policy Statement
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Adherence to the fiduciary standard is all about process.

Active Management Has An 82% Failure Rate
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Managing investment assets requires managing investor expectations.

Sensational Headlines Capture Nation’s Attention
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In addition to learning how a viral story can get many of the facts wrong, another more important lesson can be learned from this experience.

Media Storm Surrounding Marotta Advice
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Recently we had one of our blogs posts go viral and capture the attention of the national news.

Annual Exclusion From Gift Taxes
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There is a limit, or exclusion–an amount that the government will allow you to gift to a person per year, without incurring tax consequences.

Chronicles of Aria Prime, Episode One by AJ Reissig
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The adventure begins as a tale of interstellar travel, but quickly morphs into a space opera and post-apocalyptic survival story.

Marotta Featured in Advisors’ Top 10 Investment Ideas for 2014
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Economic Freedom is a good investing strategy.

How To Prepare For The “Coming Financial Apocalypse”
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You should be just as prepared for the possibility that the world as we know it is not ending.

Is It Really Time To Get Out Of The City?
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Should I fear panicked looting and riots when the food distribution fails?

Happy Holidays 2013
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Happy Holidays from the team at Marotta Wealth Management, Inc.

Five Things More Important Than Politics
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This holiday season, remember to cherish the important values of life.

The Truth About Annuities
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Most financial planning articles about annuities pull their punches.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) May Cost The Country $2.8 Trillion More Each Year.
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You can often tell exactly what a piece of legislation will NOT do by what they title it.

Should I Wait Until After The End Of The World To Start Investing?
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When the dust settles, can I really buy things for pennies on the dollar?

Mailbag: Are the Equity Markets Getting Kind of Toppy?
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It is always a good time to have a balanced portfolio.

The Autobiography of Fezziwig
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Finally revealed, the life of Fezziwig, an English businessman during the cusp of the Industrial Revolution.

Roth IRA Calculator and Rules
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A complete guide to using Roth IRAs to build lasting wealth.

Eight People Obama Charged with Espionage
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Prior to the Obama administration, only three espionage cases had ever been brought.

Radio: Holiday Travel and the TSA
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What you should know about the TSA during holiday travel.

“Corporate Records Service” Is A Scam
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Many government mailings look like spam. And much spam tries to look like a government mailing.

Annuities Are Still A Bad Idea
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“Up until recently” annuities were a bad idea. They still are.

Should I Be Storing Food, Water and Firearms?
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Preparing for TEOTWAWKI is helpful for lesser emergencies.

Marotta’s 2014 UVA TIAA-CREF TDSP Calculator
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Age appropriate asset allocation for 2014 using the choices available in the University of Virginia’s TIAA-CREF Tax Deferred Savings Plan (TDSP).

Marotta Family Recipes Published
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A celebration of both the joy of family and the comfort of Italian cuisine.

NSA Blanket Surveillance Unconstitutional
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“What is remarkable is that is actually acknowledging it is illegal.”

If It’s TEOTWAWKI, Should I Have Paid Off My Mortgage?
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Why would you want to use valuable dollars today when you can use cheaper dollars over the next three decades?

The Ruse Of Healthcare To Justify Massively Higher Taxes
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At least there will be less rich people to hate.

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