Is The Optimum Level Of Annuity Ownership Negative?
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Does it actually make sense that people should buy annuities as much as conventional wisdom says?

Should We Hate the Richest Kids in the Graveyard?
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“They don’t deserve it!” is the most common complaint. And in most cases it’s true

Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage? (August 2013)
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This should not produce a hand-wringing vacillation between the two answers.

Do Investors Deserve to Make Money?
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When I work my 9 to 5 job and earn a paycheck, I receive a paper certificate I can trade in for the real reward of my labor. But why do investors get a reward?

Retirement Planning
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Retirement Planning is perhaps the single most important goal of comprehensive wealth management.

Radio: Is Obamacare Responsible for a Jobless Recovery?
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David John Marotta was interviewed on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing Obamacare and the healthcare law’s trickle-down effect.

Natural Rights: Is the Only Moral Code Legal Entitlement?
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A recent letter from a reader expressed the claim that there is no such thing as natural rights. Could he be right?

Northern Europe -July 2013 Returns
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Sweden appreciated 11.02% during the month.

Is Libertarianism Incompatible with the Fact that Humans Are Social Animals?
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Here is one way not to argue against Libertarianism.

Is Obamacare Responsible for a Jobless Recovery?
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Three part time employees equals two full time employees while avoiding $4,000 in annual fines.

Marotta’s 2013 Gone-Fishing Portfolio Calculator
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A gone-fishing portfolio has a limited number of investments with a balanced asset allocation that should do well with dampened volatility.

Marotta’s 2013 Gone-Fishing Portfolio
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A gone-fishing portfolio has a limited number of investments with a balanced asset allocation that should do well with dampened volatility. Its primary appeal is simplicity. As a secondary virtue, it avoids the worst mistakes of the financial services industry.

Should Planners Bypass The Bypass Trust?
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The new unified credit changes for estate planning in 2013 have once again changed when you should have provisions for a bypass trust.

Do We Have a Right to Health Care?
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The Affordable Care Act encourages everyone to get health care insurance by punishing those who don’t. Proponents of Obamacare justify this saying that health care is a human right. But is it?

July 2013 Asset Class Returns
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Here is how representative ETFs from each of the six asset classes did in July 2013.

Anatomy of a Scam
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There is no such thing as a sure thing, and if something sounds too good to be true, it is

Detroit’s Bankruptcy Doesn’t “Just Happen”
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Corporations go bankrupt for a wide variety of reasons, but there’s only one reason for municipalities.

Gold And Silver Stocks Down In 2Q 2013 Along With The Metals Themselves
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Precious Metal Mining companies are leveraged against the movements of the underlying price of the metals themselves.

Real Estate Down Slightly During The Second Quarter
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Foreign real estate was down more for the quarter because the U.S. Dollar strengthened against foreign currencies.

Energy Funds Slip Slightly in 2Q 2013
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Energy is one important components of the category of Resource Stocks.

Some European Markets Did Better Than Global Averages During Q2 2013
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In a reversal from past trends, some European markets did better than global averages.

Emerging Markets Down During Second Quarter 2013
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Those investments which go up the most when markets are rising often go down the most when markets are falling.

Global Markets Drop During Q2 2013
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It is prudent not to have your assets all subject to a single country’s economic failure or success.

Foreign Bonds Drop As Dollar Strengthens And Interest Rates Rise
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Just because the dollar strengthens for a quarter does not mean you should abandon this strategy.

US Bonds Drop Value in 2013 Q2 As Interest Rates Rise
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Many investors don’t understand why a bond, which pays a fixed rate of interest and then at the end of the term pays a fixed amount of principle would have its price fluctuate.

The Right to Privacy of Correspondence Is Inviolate
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We need to protect more of our natural rights by enumerating them.

Dystopian Reading List
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Here are some other dystopian classics for your reading displeasure

Selected Commentary on Resource Stocks
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Some of the monthly commentary on resource stock returns.

World Monthly Returns Index
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Some of the monthly commentary on the returns of global investments.

Emerging Market Monthly Returns Index
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Some of the monthly commentary on the returns of the emerging markets.

Foreign Freedom Monthly Returns Index
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Monthly commentary on the countries ranked high in economic freedom.

Northern Europe Monthly Returns Index
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Some of the monthly commentary on the returns of Northern Europe compared with the EAFE Index.

Asset Class Monthly Returns Index
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Some of the monthly asset class returns.

Countries With Economic Freedom Monthly Returns Index
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Here are some of the monthly returns for countries high in economic freedom.

Foreign Bond Monthly Returns Index
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Some of the monthly commentary on the returns of foreign bonds.

US Bond Monthly Returns Index
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Some of the monthly commentary on the returns of US bonds.

PRISM Would Have Jailed Thomas Jefferson Long Before 1773
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If there isn’t a strong enough outcry, these practices will become institutionalized.

Support for The Right to Privacy of Correspondence
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Many people have asked what can be done. Here is a proposal.

Radio: The Right to Privacy of Correspondence
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David John Marotta and Megan Russell were interviewed on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing privacy and proposing an amendment on the right to privacy of correspondence.

The Truth About Big Government
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Governments and individuals have different interests.

Amazon Sales Tax Collection: Coming To Your State Soon!
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Amazon is currently collecting sales tax for purchases shipped to nine states. It will begin collecting sales tax on purchases for Virginia in September 2013.

Government Is Your Oyster
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“I would rather be an oyster than a county regulator, the most stupid and senseless of animals.”

The Confederate Constitution: What Your Elementary School Didn’t Teach You
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Some of the Confederate edits to the Constitution would have helped prevent a lot of the federal mischief we’ve experienced.

Postpone Retirement for Your Health
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Your lifespan is decreased by 1.8 months for each year you retire early.

Jefferson Davis Posthumously Responds to Our Readers’ Reactions
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We were surprised by some of the reactions to our recent article on protective tariffs as one of the primary causes of the Civil War.

The Economics of Outsourcing
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For every job outsourced to Bangalore…

Protective Tariffs: The Primary Cause of the Civil War
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Many Americans do not fully understand the causes of the Civil War.

“Knowledge and Power” by George Gilder
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Economic growth is so easy….

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