Overspending Retirement Income
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Several issues can cause retired clients to deviate from their safe spending rates.

Millionaires’ Biggest Financial Regret
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In a survey of millionaires’ top money regrets, the one that overwhelmingly prevails should not surprised us.

What Our Founding Fathers Got Wrong
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It’s hard to believe they would both protest a tariff-created monopoly at the Boston Tea Party and then create one at the first congress.

Right to Privacy of Correspondence of Other Countries
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The constitutions of many other countries guarantee and protect the privacy of correspondence. The United States does not.

If You Have Nothing to Hide, Then You Have Nothing to Fear
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The faceless government agencies aren’t really faceless at all; they are populated by the very same types of potential criminals and nogoodniks that we would avoid sharing our personal information with on the street.

Five Things Advisors Should Tell Clients About Retirement, But Often Don’t
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“Retirement today is a lot like an iceberg, where 90 percent of what’s really taking place is below the surface.”

The 24/7 Financial News Media Machine
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“Here are a few of the things we’re worried about – and the ways in which our firm is preparing for them.”

Big Mac Index Shows Official CPI Underreports Inflation
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The lack of an adequate CPI adjustments leave seniors 71 days shy of a year’s worth of lovin’ it. Seniors deserve a break today!

How to Make Money Paying Virginia Income Tax
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Don’t hesitate to take advantage of this tax code oddity.

“Different Directions” and “When Rates Rise” Market Commentary
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The U.S. stock market rose in May, while most foreign markets declined. The yield of the 10-year Treasury note rose by 37 basis points, Meanwhile global bond markets were slammed.

Brain Trust: 100 Ivy League Business & Entrepreneurship Courses You Can Take for Free
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Web-based MBA programs have become increasingly popular among working professionals, who are balancing work, school and other life obligations.

Are U.S. Stocks Overvalued?
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“To answer that, it’s good to review key indicators, like the Shiller P/E ratio, and their recent history, experts say”

Government Officials Should Not Be Allowed to Plead the Fifth
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Without public accountability, people are rightly suspicious that even the legitimate operations of government are corrupt.

Should Gold Be Considered An Asset Class?
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“The divergent claims about gold can be puzzling. How can a commodity that predominantly is either stored in a vault or gets formed into jewelry have so many stories spun around it?”

The Optimum Asset Allocation to Gold Is Always Zero
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Fearful of monetary or societal failure, many hope that owning gold will bring them peace of mind.

Since 1979 The S&P 500 Grew 13.5 Times Greater Than The Price Of Gold
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Investing $512 in the S&P 500 at the end of 1979 grew with reinvested dividends for a total return of $19,323.19.

For The Past 34 Years, Gold Has Just Kept Up With Inflation
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On average gold keeps up with inflation, albeit with wild gyrations.

Over 11 Years Gold Rose Over Six-Fold
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From $255.95 gold rose to $1,795.00 between 4/2/2001 and 11/8/2011.

Over 21 Years Gold Lost 70% Of Its Value
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From $850 gold dropped to $255.95 between 1/21/1980 and 4/2/2001.

Reply To Certified Gold Exchanges “Public Refutation”
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Gold advocates cherry pick gold’s returns from trough to peak.

Stocks For The Long Run
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Stocks have an average annualized appreciation over inflation of 6.86%, whereas gold is just 0.33% over inflation.

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Inflation is one of the most important factors in nearly every aspect of financial planning and wealth management.

This Is What An Early Industrial Revolution Looks Like
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Bangladesh is “still a desperately poor country, and we shouldn’t minimize what a job with a steady paycheck means to a poor woman.”

Marketplace Fairness Act Burdens Businesses with State Compliance Audits
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Compliance isn’t just a technical burden. It is a threat of legal liability. The bill allows state tax audits by any state against any online vendor.

Businesses Must Use Revised I-9 Forms Or Face $1,100 civil monetary penalties per employee
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And yet we wonder why small businesses disregard so many government regulations.

Government Regulations And Compliance Do Not Make Us Safer
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The coercive power of government is more dangerous than the free market. Special interests use it to circumvent both the law and economics.

Protecting Your Identity: Credit Reports and Credit Freezes
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Even if you think you have good credit, periodically check the facts on your credit report anyway. Your credit report will outline your full credit history. And it can help you verify you have not been the victim of identity theft.

The Smart Money Philosophy of Doug Lennick
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Follow a philosophy so that there is always a smart place to get money

Marketplace Fairness Act Adds Automation to Tax Confusion
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It is not a new tax. It is simply a tax that nearly everyone currently reading this column is successfully evading without prosecution.

Five Red Flags You Picked The Wrong Financial Advisor
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Five red flags any one of which should make you stop and reconsider.

Financial Advice for Recent College Graduates
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Financial advice for college graduates is easy. Graduates street smart enough to take the advice is rare.

Do Tariffs Protect an Infant Industry?
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Do infant industries need tariffs to protect them from their own inefficiency and stupidity?

How to Find a Financial Advisor, Step by Step (PBS Newshour)
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You’re looking for an enduring relationship based on mutual respect and trust, so plan on investing at least as much effort as you’d put into choosing an automobile, especially a used one.

Gold, Silver and Resource Stocks
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The optimum asset allocation to physical gold and silver is 0%. Instead, we recommend you use resource stocks as an inflation hedge.

Is There A Moral Case for “Buy American”?
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Perhaps we would be economically better off with global trade, but do we have an obligation to maintain a higher moral standard?

CPI Inflation Rate Calculator (Experienced vs. Reported)
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Have you ever wondered why the CPI, GDP and employment numbers run counter to your personal and business experiences? The problem lies in biased and often-manipulated government reporting.

IRA Cap Gives Rise to New Funding Strategies
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President’s proposal comes with silver linings for shrewd advisors

Radio: Margaret Thatcher’s Economics
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David John Marotta was interviewed on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing Margaret Thatcher and her economics.

Ten Best Places to Retire Abroad
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If you like stable governments, low crime rates, socializing, great food, wine, culture and the dependability of developed countries, this list is for you

Tax Planning
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A dollar saved on taxes is worth more than a dollar earned. If you earn another dollar, they will just tax you again.

Is “Buy American” Un-American?
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America will continue to lose jobs where we don’t have a comparative advantage and gain jobs where we do. This change should be welcome.

Video: Even the Beatles Were Against Highly Progressive Taxes!
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Let me tell you how it will be: There’s one for you, nineteen for me. Should five per cent appear too small, Be thankful I don’t take it all.

Greenspan, Friedman, Keynes and Lenin All Agree on Inflation
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“The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.” – Vladimir Lenin.

Better to Bank with Cyprus Than the United States?
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Without any authorizing legislation, the U.S. government has quietly taken more value than Cyprus tried and failed to confiscate.

Securing Your Retirement or Working During Your Retirement
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Securing your retirement financially is too important to leave the process up to chance and guessing.

Is 95% of the Trade Imbalance Legal Tax Evasion?
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As one of Forbes’s 25 largest fictional companies, Stark International could avoid $4 billion in U.S. corporate taxes with this one simple technique.

Radio: Should We Raise Taxes to Balance the Budget?
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David John Marotta was interviewed on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show in March to discuss balancing the national budget, and whether raising taxes is a good method to increase revenue to match spending.

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