The Benefits of Free Trade Agreements: The Country Always Wins
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Average Americans think about trade imbalances the wrong way. They have it exactly backward.

A Blended Investments Style Can Lead to High Returns With Low Risk
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A blended investment style for all markets can lead to high returns with low risk.

The Benefits of Free Trade Defined: The Consumer Always Wins
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All I want is a simple cup of coffee near where I work. Is that asking too much of free trade?

Radio: The Importance of Property Rights
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David John Marotta was interviewed recently on radio 1070’s WINA Schilling Show discussing property rights and their importance for a free society.

Subscribe and receive the free presentation: How To Read Your 1040
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Subscribe and receive the free presentation: How To Read Your 1040

Subscribe and receive the free presentation: If Not Gold, Then What?
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Subscribe today and receive access to view Subscribe and receive the free presentation: If Not Gold, Then What? presentation free!

We Buy Local Produce Because It Is Better, Not Because It Is Local
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If you could only pick one, would you like to buy a ripe tomato or a local one?

ETF Trading: It’s ‘No Way to Invest’ Says Bogle
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If Bogle is against ETFs, why does Vanguard run so many of them?

Should We Raise Taxes to Balance the Budget?
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The only two ways to balance the federal budget are to spend less or to collect more. Spending less is the preferred method, but that is just not happening. As a result, politics is pushing many in Congress to try to balance the budget by raising taxes.

Video: How to Check Up On Your Charity
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Maybe it is time you checked up on your favorite charities before making your next gift.

Fifteen Tax Moves For Right Now. Really?
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Do any of these ideas suggest any incentive for the highly productive to continue producing?

Should We Starve the Beast?
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Even to conservative political parties, starving the beast is not the ideal solution.

Dwight D. Eisenhower on Tax Cuts and a Balanced Budget
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“Until the deficit is eliminated from our budget, … there is no end to inflation; there is finally no end to taxation; and the eventual result would, of course, be catastrophe.”

What Is Rent-Seeking Behavior?
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Studies suggest that $1.5 trillion is wasted on public sector rent-seeking.

Encourage Property Rights, Not Democracy
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Even if democracy is the principal objective, encourage the rule of law.

Subscribe and receive free presentation: Dynamic Portfolio Construction in the Context of Comprehensive Wealth Management
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Presenting to the American Association of Independent Investors, February 2013.

The Effective Rule of Law Propels Prosperity
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Property rights are among the characteristics most correlated with high levels of per capita gross domestic product (GDP).

Are Property Rights Human Rights?
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Does a property owner have the right to use and dispose of his property as he sees fit even if that means he is being irrational, arbitrary, capricious, even unjust?

Radio: Financial Forecast for 2013
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David John Marotta was featured on Radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show, discussing the coming year and what it looks like from a financial standpoint.

David John Marotta speaking in Florida (February 19-21, 2013)
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I’d like to invite any of our subscribers in The Sunshine State to attend one of the following events as our guest.

Is a National Sales Tax Really Fair?
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Claims of “fair” or even “regressive” or “progressive” depend very much on what is used as the denominator.

In Praise of Mid Cap Value
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Mid-cap value should be part of any U.S. stock allocation which wants to remain invested in the markets, but is worried about potential corrections.

Social Security Goes Fully Paperless
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You should claim your own Social Security account online and give it a secure password before someone else does.

AAII 2013
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Follow-up information for 2013 AAII presentation “Dynamic Portfolio Construction in the Context of Comprehensive Wealth Management.”

Let the Income Tax Die at Age 100
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The income tax penalizes productivity, discourages hard work, and suppresses investment.

Political Parties on the Gun Rights and Gun Control
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The political party platforms on gun control and gun rights for 2012.

Am I Safer If My Neighbor Has A Gun?
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Currently homicides are largely committed by minority men age 18 to 39 with criminal records in urban areas killing others in the same demographic.

Political Parties on the Environment and Environmentalism
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Here are the 2008 party platforms on the environment

Subscribe and receive your own copy of the latest wealth management advice!
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After subscribing you will receive free premium access to several video presentations.

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Punishes Marriage
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The maximum income for a couple is not double what it is for a single person. Your spouse’s income can disqualify you from credits you could have received if you had not been legally married.

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Marriage Penalty of $3,603
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The maximum income for a couple is not double what it is for a single person. Your spouse’s income can disqualify you from credits you could have received if you had not been legally married.

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Marriage Penalty of $8,400
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The worst marriage penalty is for couples earning between $26,000 and $60,000 who have three or more children.

2012 Asset Allocation in Review
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Asset Allocation means always having something to complain about.

EPA: Green Gone Wild
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Stewardship suggests limits on how people ought to rule over their environment. It is not a justification for bureaucrats’ limitless rule over people.

Mailbag: What Are Some Stocks that Are Undervalued as of the Beginning of 2013?
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Here are some large cap stocks with very low 12 month trailing P/E ratios.

Government Taxes $33,356 Just Because a Couple Decides to Get Married
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You cannot argue this increased tax is their “fair share” simply because they are married.

New Year’s Resolutions for the Country
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To fulfill the financial resolutions of spending less, living within our means, and paying off our debt, the country first needs to encourage production rather than discourage it.

Carnival of Passive Investing – #25 – Gingerbread House Edition
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Passive investing is like a ginger bread house, a sweet and beautiful harmonious selection of treats which work well together to build your financial house.

Trickle-Down Taxation
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One of the strange and unintended consequences of targeting the rich with more taxes will be a greater gap between the rich and the poor as employees will shoulder their fair share no matter what.

Merry Christmas 2012
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Merry Christmas from the team at Marotta Wealth Management, Inc.

The Lord Mayor Would Have Spoiled “A Christmas Carol”
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Studies suggest that both a gambling addiction and success in politics correlate with psychopathic behavior. Had Dickens included a gambler personality in a Christmas Carol, it would have been a different story.

Radio: Duo-Deci Taxation
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David John Marotta was interviewed on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show on December 11, 2012 discussing the Fiscal Cliff, rising taxation, and economic discrimination.

How To Market Time The Fiscal Cliff
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How To Market Time The Fiscal Cliff? Don’t even try.

Deck the Halls with Macro Follies
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Will millions of middle income consumers spending $2,200 each have a greater stimulus than thousands of small business entrepreneurs saving and investing $100,000 each in new ventures? You decide after watching this holiday video from EconStories.

The Ninth Amendment: The Value of Our Unenumerated Rights
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Few of us ever think about how the Ninth Amendment preserves all of our rights not cited in the Constitution. What are some examples of these unenumerated rights?

The 10 Worst Communication Mistakes For Your Career
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And “The Top 6 Communication Skills That Will Get You Promoted”

The Most Productive Will Owe An Average of $119,878 More In Taxes
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Obama would have you believe that $2,200 is a fiscal cliff, but $119,878 is just paying their fair share.

The Fiscal Cliff Is Almost Everything the Democrats Want
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It is a crisis fabricated 100% by politicians. And avoiding the fiscal cliff is being used hypocritically for additional political gain.

Mailbox: How to Get Silver Coins
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“Most people don’t know this, but right now there’s a loophole in the American banking system that enables you to exchange ordinary paper dollars for real silver coins.”

Threats to a Fulfilling Retirement
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“Inflation and loss of capital pose dangers to retirees seeking a sustainable income stream.”

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