Tax on Dividend-Paying Stocks Rising to 74%
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With the enormous increase in the taxation of dividends, high net worth investors may be tempted to abandon dividend-paying stocks entirely. This is not necessary.

Success and Significance in Retirement
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Most Americans fail to plan adequately for retirement. As a result, they often miss out on opportunities to enjoy the second half of life.

How to Avoid the Vehicle Sales Tax in Virginia
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“I would like to give my daughter my newer car, but the tax considerations are not simple.”

Capital Gains Tax is an Economic Monkey Wrench (2012)
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Tax on capital gains is scheduled to rise and become much more complex at the end of this year. Keeping your head in the midst of these changes can help your bottom line. Government should tax either the value of an asset or its yield but not both.

Last Chance for a Roth Conversion during 2012
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While Roth conversions will be advantageous for some next year, they are advantageous for nearly everyone in 2012.

Radio Interview: How to Cope with Post-Election Depression Syndrome
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“I was talking to a doctor in town who said he was surprised how many patients he had seen with clinical depression over the election results. I believe the definition of clinical is the thought that ‘Things will never be good again.'”

Seven Tax-Planning Strategies to Dodge the Tax Bullet
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The victors in the recent election have declared it open hunting season on the rich, which they evidently believe will solve our spending problems. Tax hikes everywhere are aimed at the most productive members of society.

Should We Write a Blank Check to Emergency Relief?
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Many people support public funding of disaster relief partly because they fear being described as unfeeling and selfish. Is there a moral obligation to support this public funding?

The Ring of Fire – Part 2
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“Unless we begin to close this gap, then the inevitable result will be that our debt/GDP ratio will continue to rise, the Fed would print money to pay for the deficiency, inflation would follow, and the dollar would inevitably decline.”

No, I’m Not Voting for Obama
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Here are thirty reasons Obama doesn’t deserve a second term.

The Election Should Be Settled by a Single Question: Who Caused the Financial Crisis?
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The presidential election should be settled by a single question: “Who caused the financial crisis of 2008?” President Obama’s entire campaign has centered on his claim that he inherited a mess caused by the failed policies of the past.

Chances Are Your Advisor Favors Romney
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It might be a good idea to listen to those who watch the cause and effect in the economy on a regular basis.

Can ‘True Love’ Survive Student Loans and Lack of Employment?
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Such a well-intentioned program which steals our youth, our love, our happiness, our faith and our self-esteem.

Youth Vote May Support More Economic Freedom
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In 2008 Obama captured 66% of the youth vote. But unlike the liberal ideological baby boom generation, millennials are more pragmatic. Support for Obama among the 18- to 29-year-old age group has dropped to 48%.

College Grads Need Jobs Not Sesame Street Subsidies
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Are half of college graduates unable to get a college level job?

Sesamenomics: Bert and Ernie Weigh In on Politics
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A light hearted look at Bert and Ernie’s politics.

Big Bird is Big Business
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“Sesame Street,” for example, made more than $211 million from toy and consumer product sales from 2003-2006. Sesame Workshop President and CEO Gary Knell received $956,513 in compensation in 2008.

Lower Taxes, Fewer Deductions: Are Romney and Ryan Dodging the Specifics?
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Perhaps the most significant part of the vice presidential debate was the exchange over Romney’s proposal to lower tax rates by 20% and close loopholes and deductions. Does the math add up?

Fact-Checking Romney-Ryan: Does the Math Add Up?
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Does flatting and reducing the top rates by 20% and eliminating deductions collect the same amount of tax?

Radio: Which Presidential Candidate Really Favors Small Business?
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David John Marotta was featured on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show on October 9, 2012 discussing politics and the upcoming election, focusing on small businesses and their tax burden.

Small Business Taxes Analysis Requires Marginal Not Effective Rate
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Just over 12% of small business tax returns had gross receipts over $250,000. Their marginal tax return is the highest and tax changes to this group is what has the greatest effect on employment.

Obama vs. Romney — Which Presidential Candidate Favors Small Businesses?
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Two critical questions were raised during the first presidential debate: Are small businesses important to American’s prosperity? And if they are, which candidate will unleash that engine of economic growth and employment? Fact-checking the candidates offers a clear answer.

Four Critical Statistics for Small Business Employment
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Disparaging the entrepreneurial growth of small businesses as trickle-down economics misses the shower of prosperity.

Mailbox: Disturbed by Romney’s Tax Computation in California
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Personally I think it is a mistake to value supporting the government (taxes) higher than supporting society (charitable giving).

Tax Records Show Republicans Are Overly Generous, Democrats Are Excessively Stingy
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The hypocrisy of candidates who pretend to be generous with other people’s money while purposefully characterizing those who are actually generous destructively is an issue worthy of consideration when you vote.

Romney’s Return Suggests He Paid 57.9% in Taxes and Gifts to Charity
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Much has been made about Mitt Romney’s tax returns. Reviewing them clarifies both public policy and personal wealth management. A quick calculation assumes their overall tax rate was 14.1%. But this number is highly misleading.

Romney’s Tax Returns: A Stellar Example of Citizenship and Generosity
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The Romney’s generosity and tax burden is hardly the example of greed and avarice that advocates of greater government would have us believe.

Inverview with George Marotta: Stanford’s Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace
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Interview with George Marotta on his time at Stanford’s Hoover Institution with Miilton Friedman, Thomas Sowell and Edward Teller.

Why Invest in the Emerging Markets?
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Four reasons not to abandon a brilliant allocation that includes emerging markets simply because of short term fluctuations.

How Much Should I Have Saved Toward Retirement?
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Measuring progress regularly on the path toward retirement is critical. Fall too far behind, and you risk not being able to save enough to catch up. There is no downside to arriving early.

Vote Marotta As the World’s Next Great Investing Columnist on WSJ’s
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MarketWatch is seeking a top-notch writer who will bring a fresh perspective on money to the world’s investors. We believe that fresh perspective ought to include the idea of freedom investing.

Radio: What is Social Justice?
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Is Social Justice
an expression of good will towards the less fortunate -OR-
a principle that rewards should be determined by political power?

How are Foreign Stocks Doing Compared to Stocks in the United States? Fall 2012
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Sometimes the medium term trend seems to weigh more heavily in our minds than the long or short term trends.

How Much Should I Save Toward Retirement If I’m Starting Late?
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Knowing how much you should save for retirement is critical. But what if you are late getting started? The longer you delay, the shorter the time that compound interest can do its magic on your savings.

Suddenly Wealthy
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Studies show that onetime windfalls can actually impoverish you. They make you feel rich, which inevitably leads to overspending. But wealth is what you save, not what you spend.

Public Funding for the Arts
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Many communities such as Charlottesville identify themselves as an arts community. This image translates into passionate support for public funding of the arts. But the common justifications for public funding don’t hold up under careful scrutiny.

One Income: The Fiscal Challenges for Stay-At-Home Moms and Dads
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Financial planning means supporting the goals of stay-at-home parents to be with their children.

IRS Notice of Proposed Adjustment for Underpayment/Overpayment (CP2000) for 2010 Roth Recharacterization
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Currently the IRS is sending notices to anyone who did a Roth Recharacterization in 2010 asking them to pay as though they kept the entire conversion amount.

A Progressive Tax Code is Economically Destructive
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Most Americans assume a progressive tax code is needed to promote equality and remove some of the burden of other taxes on those with the lowest income. But the progressive nature of the tax code changes behavior in many ways.

Five Wishes For End Of Life Care
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Five Wishes is a national advance directive created by the non-profit organization Aging with Dignity. It has been described as the “living will with a heart and soul.”

It’s Flat-Out Illegal in Other Countries
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There is great disagreement in the financial services world if an advisor who has continuous and comprehensive management of a client’s assets should be allowed to also benefit from transactions that they recommend.

How Much Should I Save for Retirement?
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You should save 15% of your take-home pay for retirement over your working career. As your situation varies, you must adjust your safe savings rate.

How Keeping Your Money “Safe” Might Lose Half of It in 16 Years
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“Anyone who’s bought gas, paid a medical bill or sent a child off to college recently knows that the Consumer Price Index doesn’t tell the whole story of inflation.”

How Do I Find a Fee-Only Commission-Free (Hourly Rate) Financial Advisor?
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Many people prefer having a local fee-only commission-free financial planner they can easily visit on a regular basis. Others prefer to handle everything through phone and email.

The False Promises of Annuities and Annuity Calculators
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The entire selling point of the immediate fixed annuity is a lower return in exchange for a guarantee. But when analyzed, the purchase price is a loss from which you can never recover.

Radio: Paul Ryanomics
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David Marotta appeared recently on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing Mitt Romney’s Vice Presidential pick of Paul Ryan, and what Ryan’s economics really look like.

Blame the Joint Committee on Taxation not the CBO
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It would have been more accurate to say, “The Joint committee on Taxation by agreement with congress is required to limit their analysis to a fixed GDP assumption.”

Why Are People Who Have Built a Business Leaving Their United States Citizenship?
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If eight times as many people are leaving the country than they were 4 years ago, maybe there’s something wrong with the country?

Paul Ryanomics
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Mitt Romney’s recent announcement of Paul Ryan as his running mate makes this election even more about government spending, programs and taxes. Ryan is the primary author of the Republican-led House’s 2013 budget proposal. Consider these five proposals to evaluate Romney’s wisdom in selecting him.

Obama Lie-O-Matic Tax Calculator
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There’s a term in the financial world for Internet sites like these and that term is “fraud.”

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