Earn More Money! A Simple Way Toward Building Wealth
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More advisors are coaching clients on how to earn more income.

Valuable Property
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“Real estate investment trusts should be much more than an optional selection in a balanced investment portfolio.”

Smart Tax Planning for the Gap Years
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Many families seek financial planning advice specifically for retirement. But if they wait too long, they miss an important tax-planning opportunity. A great strategy is to take advantage of the time between retirement and Social Security at age 70, the so-called gap years.

Muni Forecast: Lots of Clouds
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“A growing link between municipal bond and U.S. stock performance could be very bad if equities fail to rise robustly over the next few years.”

Mailbag: How Can I Get Started Gifting Appreciated Investments?
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Do I start planting investments and then refrain from giving for ten years?

Ignore the Politicians and Take Control of Your Financial Freedom
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During elections the political dialogue assumes that the well-being of your future is out of your control and in the hands of politicians. This is simply not true. You have the freedom to take control of your finances and your life.

Investing In Gold
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Direct ownership of gold has become more popular, despite some lingering fear that the government could again ban private gold ownership. With ongoing concerns about the global financial system and gold hitting a record high, many people are interested in this “safe haven.”

Doctors Need Financial Planning Help, Too…
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How is the ‘financial health’ of most physicians? Most physicians put in long hours and due to lack of time neglect their own financial and retirement planning.

What Kind of Power Is the Most Dangerous?
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Americans continue to talk past each other by using a similar vocabulary while really discussing very different concepts. Views also differ on the concept of power.

Radio: What Power is the Most Dangerous?
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David John Marotta appeared recently on 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing power–particularly government power–and what kind is the most dangerous.

Why Investors Don’t Rebalance
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“Perfectly rational individuals exhibit changing risk aversion that makes it hard for them to rebalance into high-return assets that have had steep price declines.”

Our Grandparents Would Say ‘Duh!’
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“In this [new investment reality] environment, near-term inflation is not likely to be much of a concern. The challenge will be to adapt to possible lower total portfolio returns. “

Fund a Teenager’s Million-Dollar Retirement
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We teach teenagers a lot more about sexuality than we do about money. This can confuse them about what they should be learning. Give this article to a teenager and encourage him or her to start a Roth IRA.

When is Enough Regulation Enough for Regulators?
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Apparently, Never. The Dodd-Frank bill can be likened to giving the government unlimited powers and asking them to eliminate evil.

Freedom Investing Worth 4.3% Over the Last Twelve Months
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Countries are constantly in flux, and with all the noise of the markets, it is easy for the noise drown out the signal.

Is Federal Student Aid Among the Best or Worst Government Programs?
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The unintended consequences of good intentions can do more economic harm than all the mean-spirited greed within capitalism.

Squirrel Away Money While You Can
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Franco Modigliani won the Nobel Prize for a simple technique that squirrels know intuitively from birth. You have to squirrel away some nuts during times of plenty so you can survive during times of scarcity.

Radio: What Equality Should We Seek in Society?
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David John Marotta was interviewed on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing the idea of “equality” in society.

Why Do Women Earn Lower Incomes Than Men?
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Choosing to work less than 80 hours is not wrong, especially not when all you are going to get is that last 30%.

A Grown-Up Discussion on Income and Wealth Inequality in America
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Most work toward equality of results impoverishes everyone.

Technology Sector Doing the Best YTD, Energy the Worst
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Sector rotation would suggest that we are still at the beginning of a market recovery. This is probably the bottom of energy stocks.

What Equality Should We Seek in Society?
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Studies suggest that brains may be wired with either a utopian or a tragic view of the world, corresponding roughly to liberals and conservatives. We continue to talk past each other in political debates.

Even with Low Interest Rates You Should Have an Allocation to Bonds
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“Investors may hold fixed income securities to reduce portfolio volatility, generate income, maintain liquidity, pursue higher returns, or meet a future funding obligation.”

Protecting Your Parents: Keep the Sharks at Bay
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Make sure that Mom and Dad have a family member and a fiduciary advisor watching out for their finances.

Risk – Return Decisions
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Portfolio construction begins with the most basic allocation between investments that offer a greater chance of appreciation (stocks) and those that provide portfolio stability (bonds). There is no such thing as a safe investment that pays market rates of return.

What Is Comprehensive Wealth Management?
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Advisors who offer comprehensive wealth management are like financial concierges. Their only goal is to meet your needs. If you ask for fresh strawberries, they try to find them for you.

Tax Planning: Choose the Appropriate Investment Vehicles
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Here are some additional tax planning resources regarding choosing the appropriate investment vehicles.

Tax Efficient Investing
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It can be useful to maintain a grid where all of the available asset classes are arranged in order, by tax efficiency and potential return based on time horizon, so clients can clearly see when and where tax-deferral can offer the greatest benefits.

More Wall Street Than Main Street
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“Average American investors start to worry that FINRA will damage their relationship with independent financial advisors.”

Radio: Social Security
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David John Marotta and Matthew Illian were interviewed on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing Social Security and how to get the most from filing at the right time.

Are Investment Management Fees Tax Deductible?
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I often get asked, “Are investment management fees tax deductible?” The answer is not a simple “yes” or “no.” Like many tax questions, the answer is “It depends.”

How is Freedom Investing Working Out?
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How the five countries with the most economic freedom (Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Switzerland and Canada) and Emerging Markets have been faring in comparison to the EAFE Index?

Report: Clients Confused About Standards and Don’t Care
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Unfortunately few consumers understand what a fiduciary standard means to them.

Stress Is Not Your Enemy
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How often do you intentionally push yourself to discomfort? Do you think the best retirement is relaxing and recreating? Think again.

A Fiduciary Standard is Good, Old-Fashioned Common Sense
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“Unfortunately, some are also misleading the public by saying that a fiduciary standard would prevent the delivery of financial services to middle-American Main Street investors.”

How Do Financial Advisors Earn Their Fee?
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Investment fees are generally about 1% of assets under management and drop as assets rise. The critical question to ask is “Where do financial advisors add value that might exceed the 1% fee they charge?”

Brotherly Agape World is $415M Ponzi Scheme
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Most consumers do not know how to safeguard their money. Here is a real world example of why breaking any of the eight safeguard puts your money at peril. Make sure that your investments are properly safeguarded.

I Just Renewed My CFP Designation. They Oppose FINRA Oversight of CFP Advisors.
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The rules which would begin to be applied to the watchdogs would not be for the sake of protecting the roost no matter how much the foxes suggest they do.

Five Questions To Ask A Potential Financial Advisor
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“You’ll want to interview several potential candidates, and make sure you find the right person for the job. Use these questions to hire the right financial advisor.”

What is an Accredited Investment Fiduciary?
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Fi360 promotes a culture of fiduciary responsibility and improves the decision making processes of investment fiduciaries and other financial service providers.

Fee-Only Financial Planner: What’s the Difference?
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Fee-only financial planners are registered investment advisors with a fiduciary responsibility to act in their clients’ best interest. They do not accept any fees or compensation based on product sales.

Video: How to Find a Financial Advisor by SmartMoney.com
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Experts Explain: Finding a Financial Advisor. How to find the right person to help manage your money.

Radio: Tax Planning in 2012
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David John Marotta was interviewed on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing tax planning in 2012 and the most important things to do now to prepare for rising taxes in 2013.

GiveBuddy.com – Dine and Raise Money for the Organization You Care About
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Last month I was eating lunch at a local restaurant when I noticed an offer by GiveBuddy.com that the restaurant would send a check for 10% of my receipt to any organization I chose.

Mystery Novels Featuring Money Manager Anderson Crown by Donald Jay Korn
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Interview with Donald Jay Korn, author of mystery novels “Payable On Death” and “In For a Pounding” featuring money manager Anderson Crown.

Emerging Market Bond Funds
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Emerging market bonds are an attractive way to get a higher yield, but historically they have come with higher volatility and a high incidence of default. But that has been changing.

Radio: Ten Best ETFs of 2012
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David John Marotta was interview on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing why you shouldn’t hold gold or cash, how governments can destabalize economies, and what investments you should hold instead.

Crunching Numbers As Wedding Bells Toll
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Many parents feel obliged to pay for their child’s wedding, but financial advisers can try to help keep the spending under control. About one in three mass-affluent parents believe it is their duty to pick up about half the bill for their first child’s wedding.

Our Highest Value to Clients
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Wisdom is the ability to exercise good judgement in the fact of imperfect knowledge. Sometimes that means reframing the question.

Most Commission-Based Advisors Caught Failing Clients in Research Sting
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Study in Boston area, with undercover actors posing as clients, showed commission-based advisors putting their own interests first

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