Radio: 2010 Investment Review
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David Marotta discusses 2010 in review and the outlook for 2011.

Last Chance for a Segregated Roth Conversion
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You are a good candidate for a Roth conversion in 2010 if you expect your tax bill to be higher in the future.

Video: Financial New Years Resolutions
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Few of us are disciplined enough to accomplish all our resolutions without help.

Going John Galt
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If you’re not an economist, you may vastly underestimate the negative impact of taxes on the U.S. economy.

Video: Health Savings Accounts
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Employers and employees alike are feeling the squeeze of swelling health care costs. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, health insurance premiums have risen at an average rate of 12 percent per year since 2000. Unable to keep up with rising premiums, employers are forced to pass on costs to employees, to trim benefits, or worse yet, to dump the coverage all together.

Video: Roth IRAs Make Great Estate Planning Tools
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Bequeathing a Roth is much the same as setting up a lifetime tax-free stream of income for your heirs.

Video: A Roth Conversion Makes Cents
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There are years and situations when a Roth conversion is not appropriate, but they are often surrounded by years when it should be considered.

Radio: Going John Galt
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David Marotta discusses how the tax burden causes an incentive to earn less money.

Marley’s Ghost Was Haunted by Regret
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Misers may sleep well tonight, but they won’t eat well in 20 years.

Video: Retirement Wisdom – Plan Ahead
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Most families have not planned for their retirement. They may save toward their retirement, but without a plan their saving is random and haphazard. Retirement decisions today can only be made in the context of accurate math projections that span … Read More

Best Christmas Presents
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You are guarding against deadweight loss when the recipient can exchange the gift or return it for cash.

Video: Squirrel Away Money While You Can
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In 1985, an MIT professor won the Nobel Prize for a simple technique that squirrels have known intuitively from birth — you have to “squirrel” away some nuts during times of plenty so you can survive during times of scarcity.

Fourteen Tax Management Techniques
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No one approaches financial planning with the goal of paying more taxes. Tax management, like all financial planning, is based on the premise that small changes made over time can achieve big goals.

Video: Health Savings Accounts May Save You Money
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Employers and employees alike are feeling the squeeze of swelling health care costs.

Mindless Spending 2: You’ll Get By with a Little Help from Your Friends
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Both mindless eating and mindless spending rely on our subconscious need to follow scripts to pace our consumption. Community plays a huge role in regulating our financial destiny–either a path of savings that builds real wealth or a path of spending that leads to impoverishment.

Radio: Five Profitable Investment Trends
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David Marotta discusses what makes certain investments look attractive.

Mindless Spending 1: Frequency Matters More Than Height
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We all think we can’t be fooled by something as obvious as the the difference between height and width. But our brains are wired that way, without exception.

Women Have Unique Financial Needs
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Retirement planning is even more crucial for women than for men.

Portfolio Recommendation Beats S&P 500 By 9.4%
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Timing the markets this past year was nearly impossible.

Credit Card Karate: The Moves to Block Spending
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Just remove the decimal place. The $8.50 lunch you charge will cost you $850 in your retirement.

Using a Credit Card Properly
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Your time is worth more than sifting through the ashes of advertising looking for valuables.

Video: Small Business Owners Benefit Most from Tax Planning
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Small business owners enjoy more flexibility when it comes to tax maneuvering. That’s why tax planning is especially important for small businesses. Whether your business employs one employee or one hundred employees, last-minute tax moves can save you money, if you act before the end of the year.

Make Sure Your Credit Card Has Smart Features
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Themed rewards tend to be toward the low end and cash rewards are apt to be higher. Get the cash.

Video: Year-End Tax Planning Could Significantly Save You Money
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Even if you didn’t make a penny more next year, how can you have more dollars for next year’s holiday
season? Reduce your taxes. Between now and the end of the year there are several last-minute tax moves that may save you significant amounts of money. After January 1st, there’s little to do but pay-up.

The Whip Cracks Both Ways
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Volatility, therefore, is a matter of perspective. Like the crack of a whip.

Time To Rebalance Your Portfolio Again
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Because the markets changed course at least once over the past year, rebalancing tended to improve returns.

Video: College Planning is Worth a Million Bucks
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Four-years of college currently cost $60,000 at a public university. In eighteen years, it may cost more than $145,000. To stay ahead of rising tuition costs, you should plan ahead and save early. Tax-favored 529 accounts can help you provide an excellent college education for your children and grandchildren.

Radio: A Better Plan For Healthcare
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Public policy to increase choices for healthcare coverage.

The Case Against Centralized Health Care
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You may have to jail a few rebels for health insurance evasion.

Video: Be Smart When You Roll Over Your 401(k)
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There are few better investment returns than an employer’s matching contribution made to your 401(k). But after you retire or leave that company’s employment, you should almost always roll your 401(k) into an IRA for better investment choices. Being smart by rolling over your 401(k) can pay dividends for decades.

Video: Be Smart When You Rollover Your 401(k)
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After you retire or leave that company’s employment, you should almost always roll your 401(k) into an IRA for better investment choices.

A Compromise to Achieve Universal Coverage
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We need a safety net, not a hammock.

More Profitable Health Care Is the Solution
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Some doctors start the year $250,000 in debt.

Video: Timing the Market Isn’t All Fun and Games
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Market timing is the attempt to switch a significant portion of your assets between different types of investments in an effort to maximize profits. If this is your investment strategy, good luck, because you’ll need it.

Avoiding a Civil War over Health Care
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Half of the country are political Vikings who pay their taxes by raiding and pillaging the productive.

Cash For Clunkers: The Economy And The Environment Suffer
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A country can’t prosper destroying perfectly good used cars.

Video: The 5 Most Important Documents to Have
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Communicating honestly about your finances with your family and putting your estate in order passes on a legacy of foresight and financial wisdom that will help generations to come.

Video: The Five Most Important Documents to Have
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Communicating honestly about your finances with your family and putting your estate in order passes on a legacy of foresight and financial wisdom that will help generations to come.

Radio: Cash For Clunkers
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David Marotta discusses the politics of “Cash for Clunkers.”

Investment Strategies Part 5: In Defense of Diversification
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Diversifying your asset allocation among investments with a low correlation can and should reduce your portfolio’s volatility and boost your returns. But critics are claiming this strategy is no longer valid. That’s because they don’t understand the nature of what happened in 2008.

The False Lure of Multi-Level Marketing
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Entrepreneurship is for those who feel empowered by hard work, not those trying to escape it.

Seven Termites That Eat Your 401(k)
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We call the difference between the market return and typical investor returns the “termite gap.”

Video: Choose the Appropriate Investment Vehicle
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There are significant advantages to using different investment vehicles in different types of accounts.

Now’s the Time to Buy a House
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Mortgage rates are at historical lows, so the next few years are the time to take advantage of them.

Video: The Seven Steps of Financial Preparedness
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Here are seven steps you should take to weather any financial storm.

Radio: Tax Management And Planning
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David Marotta discusses how to increase your after-tax net worth.

A Full Credit Lockdown
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Identity theft is becoming distressingly common as personal information becomes easier to swipe.

Video: How to Avoid Higher Cost Mutual Funds
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Investing in some mutual funds is like buying a $3 candy bar and paying $5 shipping and handling. All mutual funds are not created equal, and you can boost your returns by doing a little homework before writing a check.

Last-Minute Tax Savings for College Expenses
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Virginia 529 plans allow for an unlimited carry-forward deduction.

Video: Managing Cash is Key to Meeting Goals
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Managing your family’s cash is key to meeting your financial goals.

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