Video: Be Smart When You Rollover Your 401(k)
After you retire or leave that company’s employment, you should almost always roll your 401(k) into an IRA for better investment choices.
After you retire or leave that company’s employment, you should almost always roll your 401(k) into an IRA for better investment choices.
We need a safety net, not a hammock.
Some doctors start the year $250,000 in debt.
Market timing is the attempt to switch a significant portion of your assets between different types of investments in an effort to maximize profits. If this is your investment strategy, good luck, because you’ll need it.
Half of the country are political Vikings who pay their taxes by raiding and pillaging the productive.
A country can’t prosper destroying perfectly good used cars.
Communicating honestly about your finances with your family and putting your estate in order passes on a legacy of foresight and financial wisdom that will help generations to come.
Communicating honestly about your finances with your family and putting your estate in order passes on a legacy of foresight and financial wisdom that will help generations to come.
David Marotta discusses the politics of “Cash for Clunkers.”
Diversifying your asset allocation among investments with a low correlation can and should reduce your portfolio’s volatility and boost your returns. But critics are claiming this strategy is no longer valid. That’s because they don’t understand the nature of what happened in 2008.
Entrepreneurship is for those who feel empowered by hard work, not those trying to escape it.
We call the difference between the market return and typical investor returns the “termite gap.”
There are significant advantages to using different investment vehicles in different types of accounts.
Mortgage rates are at historical lows, so the next few years are the time to take advantage of them.
Here are seven steps you should take to weather any financial storm.
David Marotta discusses how to increase your after-tax net worth.
Identity theft is becoming distressingly common as personal information becomes easier to swipe.
Investing in some mutual funds is like buying a $3 candy bar and paying $5 shipping and handling. All mutual funds are not created equal, and you can boost your returns by doing a little homework before writing a check.
Virginia 529 plans allow for an unlimited carry-forward deduction.
Managing your family’s cash is key to meeting your financial goals.
There will always be swindlers masquerading as investment advisors. You can learn to recognize such people by their over-the-top lifestyle.
Countries with the most economic freedom generally do better than the international index.
Excellent advisors communicate clearly exactly how bad the markets have been and can be.
Rebalancing between asset classes boosts returns and decreases volatility. But setting your asset classes based on sectors of the economy is not an effective strategy.
David Marotta discusses behavioral finance.
In this formula is deep wisdom, both for portfolio construction and for determining which categories are worth regular rebalancing.
Couples getting married in June usually don’t take the time for pre-marital financial counseling. Yet much of the friction in marriage stems from different financial perspectives, and how money is handled is often a factor in divorce
Generally, a correlation that can drop below 0.6 with other asset classes is a good candidate to become its own asset class.
Diversifying your portfolio means finding assets that have value on their own merits but do not move exactly alike. A critical investment metric called “correlation” is used to construct a portfolio most likely to meet your personal financial goals.
Estate planning must begin with family harmony as the goal. Thus personal dynamics are more important than avoiding probate and estate taxes.
David Marotta discusses learning to live on your own after college.
The government is not intervening out of a sense of altruism.
The most important product of estate planning is achieving family harmony. Think carefully when you choose your executor or trustee.
What’s more important, saving for college or retirement?
A complex technique called “Roth segregation accounts” could earn your investments an extra 30% over the next two years.
A complex technique called “Roth segregation accounts” could earn your investments an extra 30% over the next two years.
A complex technique called “Roth segregation accounts” could earn your investments an extra 30% over the next two years.
A complex technique called “Roth segregation accounts” could earn your investments an extra 30% over the next two years.
There isn’t a better time to invest than today. Getting started can be intimidating, but these simple steps will help you through your first few years of investing.
There isn’t a better time to invest than today. Getting started can be intimidating, but these simple steps will help you through your first few years of investing.
David Marotta discusses the politics of congressional earmarks.
Future earnings and the potential for Roth IRA conversions should be part of your plan.
Healthy spouses with little earnings should encourage their partners to delay filing.
Filing early and then repaying is the least dangerous for those who are single or for a husband and wife whose benefits are roughly equal.
Dying young never jeopardizes a retirement plan financially.
Filing early exacts a steep price.
Your filing option choices may be worth $250,000 of income or more.
The various congressional bailouts have been touted as essential to the nation’s economic security. So long as the notion of economic security remains vague and abstract, it has wide support. But anyone who examines the details should realize this so-called security threatens our freedom and stability.
To safeguard your money, you must be able to extricate yourself from any bad investment quickly. Of course, the companies that sell mistakes don’t want you to be able to do that, so they use financial hooks to hold your money captive.
You have a critical part to play in financial planning. Certain responsibilities cannot be delegated to others.