Should I Take Everything Out Because the Markets are Recovering?
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Dare to be dull. When you rebalance instead of following the crowd, you set yourself up for greater expected returns and are the definition of being a contrarian.

False Prophets Claim to Have Accurately Predicted Each Crisis
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Already the COVID-19 predictions have started to come in. Do not be deceived by them. Do not be afraid of them.

The Stock-Bond Shuffle of Asset Location
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Oddly, this technique might involve selling a bond position in the taxable account for a small capital gain, and buying that exact same position in an IRA in order to keep the portfolio in balance.

How To Spend: Purchase In Season
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When I was really young, I did not realize that food had a season. What a privilege of our modern era!

Did Gold Do Better Than The Markets? (2020)
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Gold is extremely volatile and still doesn’t do much more than vaguely keep up with inflation. You can do better.

You Deserve More Than Investment Management and a Retirement Plan
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We strive to provide the necessary resources for anyone to prepare their own investment plan and meet their financial objectives for free on our blog, but we offer more services than that to our clients.

Energy Stocks Have Been Disappointing Recently (April 2020)
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Diversification means always having something to complain about. Recently, it has been energy.

Harry Dent Has Another Prediction; Should I Follow His Advice?
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We would suggest not listening to Dent’s commentary.

Remembering The 2008 Crash as a Financial Planner
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Sometimes, you don’t get a second chance to be brave.

#TBT Safety Second
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In 2013, we went whitewater rafting on the American River in California. Our guide’s speech inspired this powerful thought piece about disaster recovery that has a message for today.

#TBT Lessons from the Crash of 2007-2008
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Think we’re headed to another financial crash? Take a minute to learn from our last one.

The Dot Com Bubble: The Bear Market of 2001
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Diversification is important. Diversification did not eliminate losses, but it did lose less and recover more quickly.

Stock Buybacks Have Exceeded Fund Flows. So What?
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This disappointment with good stock market returns explains their need to criticize stock buybacks.

‘You Make Most Of Your Money In A Bear Market; You Just Don’t Realize It At The Time’
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You don’t have to time the market to make money in the market. In fact, timing the market is usually a losers game as the market often pushes your emotions to do exactly the wrong thing.

The Lower The Market Falls The More Important It Is To Stay Invested
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A recovery after a significant downturn in the markets is often market by steep growth.

Is ‘Sell The Bounce’ A Good Investing Strategy?
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“Sell the bounce” is never a good strategy because of the first word.

13 Financial Actions to Consider During Market Downturns Like This
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Market returns are out of your control. These thirteen actions are in your control.

#TBT Revisiting 2008 When The Markets Were Dropping
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In retrospect, it is clear that it was a good time to rebalance your portfolio, selling some of the bonds that you were so glad you had and buying more of the very stocks you were so worried about.

How Can I Sleep at Night with My Assets in the Stock Market?
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There are two critically important investment principles during retirement: 1) Stay calm and 2) Rebalance.

When Will The Markets Stop Dropping in 2020?
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For many investors glued to the news, the global outlook appears to be perilous with no prospects of growth for the world economy.

Radio: Financial Peace in Days of Volatility
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As the stock market trends upward, this dip in market prices can be perceived as stocks being discounted and is likely a great time to buy low.

#TBT A Short History Of Wall Street
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Only recently has Main Street been so fully invested. This 2007 article chronicles how it all got started.

Don’t Let Politics Make You Afraid of Investing
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Don’t let your political emotions cause you to be fearful about the economy. Those misplaced fears may impoverish your financial well-being.

#TBT Realize Some Capital Gains Each Year To Keep Taxes Low
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There are at least four different capital gains tax rates. This 2017 article has how to minimize your tax owed at each one.

Financial Planning for Success and Significance in Retirement (LIFE007)
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The class will be held March 19 through April 2, 2020 each Thursday from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM at Homewood Suites in the Albemarle Room.

The Price of Listening to Dire Predictions
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We do not try to time the markets and instead we believe it is always a good time to have a balanced portfolio.

Marotta’s 2020 Gone-Fishing Portfolio Calculators for Schwab, Fidelity, eTrade, and TD Ameritrade
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In 2019, several custodians switched to have no transaction fees for exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

Looking Backward On Socialism: Socialism Is Intolerant
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The space of disagreement between tolerance and intolerance is often lost in the socialist perspective.

An Overview of Marotta’s 2020 Gone-Fishing Portfolios
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A gone-fishing portfolio is a portfolio of just a few stocks which should weather the ups and downs of the market fairly well while only rebalancing twice a year.

Marotta’s 2020 Gone-Fishing Portfolio Calculator
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This gone-fishing portfolio is our default portfolio which can be used at any custodian.

Marotta’s 2020 Vanguard Gone-Fishing Portfolio Calculator
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We recommend this gone fishing portfolio for accounts hosted at Vanguard.

#BestOf2019 – An Overview of Marotta’s 2019 Gone-Fishing Portfolios
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Our gone-fishing portfolios are used by thousands of people, so it makes sense the article about it would be among our most popular of 2019. Our 2020 gone-fishing portfolios will come out in February.

Longest Economic Expansion In United States History
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A long expansion is nothing to fear.

To What Benchmark Should I Compare My 2019 Returns?
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Use the following table to look up the 2019 blended index to benchmark your returns.

Inverted Yield Curve Uninverted Without Recession
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Investors hurt their finances more by missing out than they do by staying in.

Harvest Major Capital Losses Whenever You Have Them
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While you can only use $3,000 per year of capital losses to reduce your taxable income, you should bank as much capital loss as possible for other future uses.

Looking Backward on Socialism: Liberal Control Of Academia
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The increasing monoculture within universities pushes, at least slightly, each graduating class more toward favoring socialism.

2019 In Review
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Investors usually use short time periods and common indexes to measure performance.

Q&A: Which Products Do You Buy and Which Do You Avoid?
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The selection of what products we purchase or avoid for clients is based solely on what we believe gives our clients the best chance to meet their goals.

What We Can Learn From The Buffett Family Motto
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From such changes, the millionaire mindset is built and millions are gained.

How To Win The Virginia Stock Market Game
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If you do compete and want to share your results with us, fill out our Contact form and let us know about your strategy. We may even write an article about you.

What To Expect Now That The S&P 500 Reached 3,200
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On Thursday, December 19, 2019, the S&P 500 Price Index closed above 3,200 for the first time in history. What should we expect going forward?

How To Spend: Take Care Of Your Things
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The thrift of taking care of your things is a wealthy mindset that pays off every year you don’t need to buy a replacement.

University Of Virginia Health Savings Account (UVA HSA) Investment Recommendation
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We believe that this mix of funds should provide a timeless allocation for the HSAs of University of Virginia employees.

How To Spend: Learn To Do Without
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The first lesson in learning how to spend is learning how to not.

Financial Planning as a Profession Turns 50 Years Old Today
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Most professions do not know the exact day they were conceived. However, on December 12, 1969, financial planning was created and today in 2019, the profession turns 50 years old.

My Grandfather’s Journal: Don’t Be Afraid to Try
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I agree with my grandfather that we should not be inclined to spend the rest of our lives in a rocking chair.

Calculating the Impact of Warren’s Ultra-Millionaire Tax
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It looks like the calculator is simply wrong. It uses a 3% tax rate instead of the 6% tax rate they cite for the Elizabeth Warren’s Tax Plan.

Looking Backward On Socialism: The Hypnotic Appeal Of Future Pacing
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Our first step is not “closing our eyes and imaging it.” We need our eyes wide open analyzing each idea for its own individual costs and benefits.

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