#TBT Can I Contribute to Both a SEP and a 401(k)?
The IRS very clearly says, “Yes, you can set up a SEP for your self-employed business even if you participate in your employer’s retirement plan at a second job.”
The IRS very clearly says, “Yes, you can set up a SEP for your self-employed business even if you participate in your employer’s retirement plan at a second job.”
Thankfully, the IRS does not care what specific day you were born on, only which year.
Depending on how you initiated the lump sum rollover, you may be in luck.
Rebalancing from stocks into bonds reduces your returns on average since bonds have a lower average return. But, as this 2015 article reminds us, there are decades of very choppy markets where even rebalancing an allocation of stocks and bonds can boost returns.
It is possible to be prepared for financial emergencies by living 10% more frugally and saving for the inevitable eventuality.
Questions regarding spending are often best solved by determining the safe withdrawal rate.
If you want to take our word for it, you can schedule your monthly RMD for the 8th. If you are curious as to the calendar math that suggests this date, read on.
The fact that a strategy can routinely underperform by -6% while still having an average out performance of +2% is a perfect representation of the inherent volatility of the markets.
Even the most brilliantly crafted investment plan has to be given time to work.
In 1-year returns ending December 31, 2024, Emerging Markets outperformed Emerging Markets ex-China by 10.1%
We have a large distribution of clients at all portfolio sizes and, surprisingly, have all life stages nearly equally represented.
The capital gains tax is economically senseless. This 2014 post has fourteen of the loopholes the government’s gain tax unintentionally incentivizes.
This 2016 article reminds us that “there is a very simple place to start the process of changing our destiny: Each day notice the things that make you happy and try experiencing more of them.”
Did you know David wrote a Christmas novel? This 2020 book by David John Marotta and Brendon Marotta makes you rethink what is happening in Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.
In 2024, there are 18 states that have some form of death taxes.
Starting in 2025, this amendment permits those between the ages of 60 and 63 (as measured on December 31) to contribute up to 150% of the catch-up amount rather than the usual 100%.
Even though it doesn’t feel like it sometimes, contribution limits are indexed to inflation.
This article should give you something fun to discuss this year.
By adding a little complexity and blending a portfolio of VTI and VXUS, you create the opportunity for three layers of benefits.
The IRS is clear, “If both spouses are 55 or older and not enrolled in Medicare, each spouse’s contribution limit is increased by the additional contribution. Each spouse must make the additional contribution to his or her own HSA.”
Step one to the Social Security Analysis is obtaining the necessary information.
This quarter, we saw that in 1-year returns ending September 30, 2024, Developed Freedom Investing had a -0.29% disadvantage, Emerging Market Freedom Investing had a -4.36% disadvantage, and Overall Freedom Investing had a -1.53% disadvantage.
The steps to declare your tax withholding elections are fairly simple to accomplish online.
There is an artistry to a bond allocation, and while historical analysis can only be suggestive, it does tell a strong narrative.
You can distribute any amount of money to the account owner for any reason, but only distributions which are reimbursing for qualified education expenses are tax and penalty free.
You can distribute any amount of money to the designated beneficiary for any reason, but only distributions which are reimbursing for qualified education expenses are tax and penalty free.
Voting early is as easy as voting in-person. You can vote whenever is convenient for you including right now.
Any qualified education expense for the benefit of the designated beneficiary which is paid to an eligible educational institution can be paid from the 529 plan directly.
I was surprised that Charles Schwab’s High Yield Investor Checking account was the only named recommended checking account.
Before you say, “Oh, that doesn’t sound too hard,” you simply haven’t thought of the complexity.
Once you set up your new login, the next time you return to Social Security, you can login using the “Sign in with LOGIN.GOV” button instead and your new credentials.
This 2015 article reminds us of the benefits of umbrella insurance. We recommend $2 to $5 million of umbrella coverage for typical families with assets over $300,000.
Furthermore, it is difficult for clients to locate the full account number through simple clicking around the online portal. Instead, you have to know where to look.
This 2014 article is a good reminder of how interest rates work in our country.
With a savings waterfall, you immediately know which buckets to fill when there is excess and which should remain dry if there isn’t enough for all your goals.
We have attempted in this article to provide generic guidance on the topic of calculating your own safe spending rate.
Sometimes the costs are actually benefits when it comes to Roth conversions.
You have until April 15 (or October 15 with an extension) of the next year to finish up your prior year SEP IRA funding.
While the appreciation allocation helps you achieve your financial goals, introducing a stability allocation into your portfolio can prevent your portfolio from running out of money.
This quarter, we saw that in 1-year returns using the dynamic tilt and ending June 30, 2024, Developed Freedom Investing had a -0.14% disadvantage, Emerging Market Freedom Investing had a -0.02% disadvantage, and Overall Freedom Investing had a +0.36% advantage.
While it is possible a trusted contact may provide you with some protection, it cannot replace a durable power of attorney.
In most cases, Schwab’s rules around durable powers of attorney help to protect the principal. However, the same rules can also impede the principal’s agent.
The best way to ensure that you save and invest is to automate the process.
Estate planning is a task which is never useful until it is too late to do it.
You swipe your debit card at the card reader and the clerk quickly asks, “Debit or Credit?” Which should you choose? This 2013 article tells us.
On June 2024, Schwab provided an update about viewing and taking your RMD on Schwab.com.
There are no financial hooks, termination fees, or such imposed by our firm.
I think the intent of this list is to make advisors feel under-prepared and thus more likely to sign up for one of the paid newsletters Ed Slott provides. Regardless, here are my answers.
We agree with Kleintop’s assessment that valuations suggest that international equities are poised for more gains.
The CFP Board is compensation neutral, but it is only because of how they are paid.