How to Uncap Your 529 Plan Virginia State Tax Deduction
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You can have an effectively uncapped state tax deduction if you have a high tolerance for paperwork.

#TBT Six Reasons to Sell for a Loss
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Here are six reasons you may want to sell for a loss.

#TBT How Can We Make Medical Insurance Affordable?
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We have written on the topic of healthcare reform multiple times, including our 2014 economics of healthcare series which culminates in this article.

2024 Contribution Limits
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Twelve-month inflation for all items ending in September 2023 has been 4.1%, so the 2024 contribution limits increased significantly but less than last year.

States with Death Taxes (2023)
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While most states do not have their own estate or inheritance taxes, some states do and often their exemption is lower than the federal one.

#TBT Both Spouses Can Make The HSA Catch-Up Contribution
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The IRS is clear, “If both spouses are 55 or older and not enrolled in Medicare, each spouse’s contribution limit is increased by the additional contribution. Each spouse must make the additional contribution to his or her own HSA.”

IRMAA Event: Loss of Income-Producing Property
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It sounds broad and easy to use, but it is actually very specific and uncommon.

Schwab’s New HSBAs (Health Savings Brokerage Accounts)
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Now that these accounts are open at Charles Schwab, Marotta Wealth Management can manage and invest Health Savings Brokerage Accounts.

#TBT Parental Reminder Number 42
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“Parental Reminder #42” reminds us that goodness is something bigger than we can articulate but, even though we cannot express it fully, it is very important.

Freedom Investing in Review (September 2023)
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This quarter, we saw that in 1-year returns ending September 30, 2023, Developed Freedom Investing had a -4.77% disadvantage, Emerging Market Freedom Investing had a +3.89% advantage, and Overall Freedom Investing had a -1.63% disadvantage.

All About Jacob Massanopoli, CFP®
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We are very pleased to announce that Jacob Massanopoli is our newest CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ (CFP®) professional at Marotta Wealth Management!

Founder’s Day: Celebrating George Marotta (Part 3)
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My grandfather turns 97 this year. While not often celebrated or recorded in history, my grandfather played an important supporting role to many important events.

529-to-Roth Rollover Contribution Available in 2024 (Secure 2.0)
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This new rule says that the account owner can distribute funds from a 529 plan directly to the designated beneficiary’s Roth IRA and have the rollover “be treated in the same manner as the earnings and contributions of a Roth IRA” (meaning no taxation).

Avoid Investing Mistakes (the series)
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This series of articles covers some of the most common investing mistakes and how to avoid them.

All About Greg Vairo, CFP®
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We are very pleased to announce that Greg Vairo is our newest CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ (CFP®) professional at Marotta Wealth Management!

We Are Not Afraid. (A Reply to Recent Headlines)
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There are strategies to achieve a better inner calm.

How to Upload a Secure Document to Marotta
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We can receive documents to our secure ShareFile client portal.

Proposed RMD Rules: The Madness Continues
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“And the now-20-year-old beneficiary who lost her father less than a year ago is supposed to navigate this mess on her own? No chance. This is madness.”

QCD Limitation Starts Inflation-Adjusting in 2024 (Secure 2.0)
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Congress decided to inflation-adjust both the existing and the new split-entity qualified charitable distribution limitations.

#TBT Which Products Do You Buy and Which Do You Avoid?
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We avoid investments we deem too risky or laden with fees and seek instead a well balanced, low-cost, diversified portfolio.

What is a Charitable Remainder Trust?
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It is helpful to know that a charitable remainder trust exists, but most charitable intentions benefit more from a donor advised fund.

How to Avoid a Cashier’s Check Scam at Schwab
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The Schwab Bank representative said that he was familiar with these types of scams and knew how to handle it.

#TBT The Optimum Asset Allocation to Gold Is Always Zero
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Fearful of monetary or societal failure, many hope that owning gold will bring them peace of mind. This articles reminds us to get peace of mind a different way.

Fee-Only Is the Most Important Quality in Your Financial Planner
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The reason can be explained through a simple analogy about an interior decorator.

All About Megan Marotta Russell, CFP®, APMA®
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I am pleased to announce that our newest CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ (CFP®) professional at Marotta Wealth Management is me!

How to Set Beneficiaries on Your HSA with Fidelity
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Once you’ve open an HSA and have started making contributions, it is important that you set beneficiary designations on the account.

What Interferes With a Backdoor Roth?
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Here are three common Roth transactions and how they interact with MAGI for Roth IRA purposes.

#TBT Don’t Delay Roth Conversions
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Waiting just one year means that you lose a portion of the growth in your traditional IRA to income taxes later.

How to Prepare Your Investments for World War 3
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These strategies are strong in both good times and bad.

Adding an Ex-China Fund to Our Emerging Market Strategy (July 2023)
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If China booms, it may be a mistake that we reduced the allocation. If China undergoes investment controls, it may be a mistake that we kept China at all.

How to Use Medicare IRMAA Life-Changing Event Form SSA-44 To Save Money
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If the form is accepted, the Social Security Administration will generally not only change your current IRMAA, but they will also use your Projected MAGI for the next several years. Here’s why.

Q&A: Which Self-Employed Retirement Plan Should I Open?
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Here are some of the pros and cons of specific SEP IRA and individual 401(k) retirement account options available.

#TBT Should I Buy Commercial Real Estate?
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This article gives you the formula to decide how much to offer or if the property is a good deal.

Inherited RMD Update: IRS Waives 2023 Penalties and Delays to 2024
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This notice did not offer the final guidance we were hoping for, but rather continued to push the decision further down the road.

Freedom Investing in Review (June 2023)
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This quarter, we saw that in 1-year returns ending June 30, 2023, Developed Freedom Investing had a -3.68% disadvantage, Emerging Market Freedom Investing had a +4.15% advantage, and Overall Freedom Investing had a -0.61% disadvantage.

No Tax Benefit to Gifting Capital Losses
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Gifting depreciated stock is more complex and never to anyone’s advantage.

Virginia Real Estate Tax Relief For the Elderly and Disabled By City and County
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Each governing body in Virginia has their own rules and eligibility requirements.

What Is An Asset, A Liability, And An Investment?
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Knowing the difference between these categories helps you to use them appropriately.

New Proposals Offer Insight into Republican’s Tax Agenda
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We’ll have to wait and see what they really mean by these lofty goals.

I’m Young. Should I Withdraw from My Roth IRA?
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Contributing to a Roth IRA, even though you know you will withdraw it before retirement, is a sound financial strategy.

#TBT How to Spend: Add It To Your Wishlist
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A wishlist is a force of thrift both for you to defer your consumption and for your family and friends to ensure that all the value of their gift makes it to your heart.

Your Advisor’s Personal Trading Practices Always Matter
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Websites such as are useful, but not as useful as you might hope.

#TBT Remembering June 5, 2013
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There is an illusion that the executive branch will handle the collection of all our data with respect and care. I hope that current times can shatter that illusion for you.

Access $1,500 Per Child for K-12 Students in Virginia
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These grants are called “K-12 Learning Acceleration Grants” and must be used to pay for “qualifying education services.”

Federal Debt Burden May Settle 2026 Tax Uncertainty
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I have difficultly imagining a likely outcome where I would regret a Roth conversion.

#TBT Keep Track of Your Roth Contributions
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If you made a Roth contribution this year, here is a reminder to update your contribution basis records.

A Thoughtful Reply to the Debt Ceiling Crisis
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While there can be a lot of uncertainty, the conclusion is normally anticlimactic.

#TBT Do I Want To Give My Financial Advisor Discretion on My Account?
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This is only a good idea if your financial advisor is covered under the fiduciary duty and is fee-only.

The Best Way to Plan for Inflation is to Discount It
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By discounting portfolio returns to only real returns, we have already considered inflation in the planning targets.

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