Investment Philosophy
Comparing Vanguard Total Market Fund Strategies (VT vs. VTI and VXUS)
By adding a little complexity and blending a portfolio of VTI and VXUS, you create the opportunity for three layers of benefits.
Don’t Increase Your Bond Allocation In Bear Markets
There is an artistry to a bond allocation, and while historical analysis can only be suggestive, it does tell a strong narrative.
Should I Change Financial Advisors Over Poor Performance?
The fact that markets are down isn’t a good reason by itself to fire your advisor, but there are reasons to switch financial advisors related to performance.
A Thoughtful Reply to the Debt Ceiling Crisis
While there can be a lot of uncertainty, the conclusion is normally anticlimactic.
Retirement Planning
How to Obtain Your Social Security Statement and Full Earnings Record
Step one to the Social Security Analysis is obtaining the necessary information.
Set-Up Your New Social Security Login
Once you set up your new login, the next time you return to Social Security, you can login using the “Sign in with LOGIN.GOV” button instead and your new credentials.
How to Calculate Your Own Safe Spending Rate
We have attempted in this article to provide generic guidance on the topic of calculating your own safe spending rate.
Account Funding Priorities for 2024
A savings waterfall helps investors navigate the financial complexity available to them.
Tax Planning
Does the Date of My Birth Affect My Contribution Limit?
Thankfully, the IRS does not care what specific day you were born on, only which year.
Did My Lump Sum Rollover Mess Up My Backdoor Roth?
Depending on how you initiated the lump sum rollover, you may be in luck.
The Right Day to Distribute Your RMD Monthly
If you want to take our word for it, you can schedule your monthly RMD for the 8th. If you are curious as to the calendar math that suggests this date, read on.
2025 Contribution Limits
Even though it doesn’t feel like it sometimes, contribution limits are indexed to inflation.
College Planning
How To Distribute from A College America 529 Plan to an Account Owner
You can distribute any amount of money to the account owner for any reason, but only distributions which are reimbursing for qualified education expenses are tax and penalty free.
How To Distribute from A College America 529 Plan to a Designated Beneficiary
You can distribute any amount of money to the designated beneficiary for any reason, but only distributions which are reimbursing for qualified education expenses are tax and penalty free.
Why College America’s Online 529 Plan Distribution Process is Overly Complicated
If you are curious about how the online process works for distributing funds from your College America 529 plan, this article is for you.
How To Distribute from A College America 529 Plan to a College
Any qualified education expense for the benefit of the designated beneficiary which is paid to an eligible educational institution can be paid from the 529 plan directly.
Schwab’s Investor Checking Account Cited as Favorite Checking Account
I was surprised that Charles Schwab’s High Yield Investor Checking account was the only named recommended checking account.
Seven Rules to Using a Credit Card Safely
These are the seven rules to using a credit card safely.
Baby Registry Guide from a Financial Planner (Updated 2024)
Now that we’ve been parents for a few months, I can confidently say all of these items vastly improved our journey into parenthood.
Account Funding Priorities for 2024
A savings waterfall helps investors navigate the financial complexity available to them.
Various Topics
Avoid Investing Mistakes (the series)
This series of articles covers some of the most common investing mistakes and how to avoid them.
The Complete Guide to Funding a Custodial Roth IRA
Here you can find our article series detailing how and why you should fund a custodial Roth IRA for your children.
Retirement Wisdom (The Series)
In 2004, David Marotta wrote a seven part series originally titled “Retirement Wisdom.” The series explained the the seven principles to reaching your retirement goals.
How to Implement Basic Investment Strategies
In 2009, David Marotta wrote a five-part article series for the Charlottesville Business Journal covering basic investment strategies. Its advice is still relevant today.
How to Budget for Emergencies (The Series)
It is possible to be prepared for financial emergencies by living 10% more frugally and saving for the inevitable eventuality.
What is the Correlation of the Asset Classes?
Asset classes are best defined by looking at the correlation of their returns. These four 2015 articles take a close examination at the three appreciation asset classes.
The Do-It-Yourself Checklist: Account Set Up
How to go from where you are now to being one of our clients under our “Do-It-Yourself” service level.
Your Investment Manager’s Politics Matter (Where Markets Fail Series)
An investment manager who is “at times a soft socialist” like Voss will be more likely to engage in active management, market timing, and gambling on individual stocks.