Budgeting – Wealth Management Carnival #4

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This week’s Carnival is centered around Budgeting. How do you budget — or do you budget? Do you keep up with your money down to the penny, or do you have broad categories and a ballpark idea of how you’re doing? Feel free to leave a comment with your method of choice.

Read on to find ideas for how to make a budget, how to shop for a cheap car, and other ideas for those interested in the topic.

Carnival -Budgeting


The Budget Category Rundown
Bob presents 70 Budgeting Categories when starting your budget posted at ChristianPF.
“In order to have an effective budget, you’re going to need some basic personal budget categories to start. Determining your budget categories isn’t always easy, especially if you’ve never made a budget before. Start your budget off right….”

Cheap Cars Require a Second Look
Jeremy presents 7 Considerations for Buying A Cheap Car posted at Modest Money.
“The thought of buying some freedom with a cheap car can be quite tempting. Do not let that emotion cloud your judgment and result in buying a vehicle that costs too much to keep on the road.”

Learn to Manage Your Money Early
FMF presents Manage Your Money posted at Free Money Finance.
“Knowing how to manage money well is key to getting and keeping good jobs. Money management means thinking through the trade-off and then having the discipline to implement the necessary decisions.”

Leave No Dollar Behind
Jefferson presents Budgeting Down in the Weeds posted at See Debt Run.
“When you apply a Dave Ramsey budget to your finances, make sure that every single dollar is accounted for. It is time to get into the weeds.”

Consistency in Frugality?
Jeremy presents Guilt Induced Frugality posted at Modest Money.
“If someone is frugal, do they constantly maintain that mindset? Some people might be disciplined enough to keep it up, but I think most people still occasionally splurge.”

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Carnival images are by impressionistic artist Leonid Afremov using a palette knife and oils. They are used with his permission.

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Wealth Manager

Austin Fey is a Wealth Manager at Marotta Wealth Management, specializing in charitable giving and asset allocations. She is a regular contributor to our Marotta On Money articles, often giving advice to those just getting started in finance.