Your Advisor’s Personal Trading Practices Always Matter
Websites such as are useful, but not as useful as you might hope.
Consumers would do best to seek a firm where the values and principles of a fiduciary standard permeate the entire culture of the firm rather than one where compliance is simply a set of rules.
Websites such as are useful, but not as useful as you might hope.
Item 9 Custody offers perhaps some of the most confusing and most often changed compliance questions.
The SEC should scale back their data collection.
Identical firms answer questions like these differently making the resulting data meaningless and useless. If anyone wants to use this data, the SEC will need to standardize answers first. If no one wants to use this data, we should eliminate the burden of providing it.
As part of the requirements, the SEC wrote passages which must be included verbatim in each relationship summary. Some of that required text are so-called conversation starter questions.
These are four possible consequences of Regulation Best Interest.
The SEC is allowing financial professionals to hide in a lower legal requirement, not meet a fiduciary standard, and call it “Best Interest.”
On June 5th, 2019, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) released their final draft of Reg BI, or “Best Interest” as it is called.
I couldn’t be prouder to be a NAPFA-Registered Financial Advisor.
The SEC released an embarrassingly poor 1,000 page document.
Compliance is never simple. Thousands of hours have been spent because the SEC refused to clarify what they expect.
It is relatively easy for an adviser who has a 400 lawyer compliance department to sit through some compliance continuing education and yet never understand what attitudes and behaviors need to be changed.
From the blind eye of the law, this seems like a violation of SEC regulation.
Those who don’t understand or experience regulatory capture wrongly believe in a team of angels at these federal agencies tirelessly working for the common good.
To comply, most firms must archive and report massive amounts of information. Here are five of the more interesting regulations.
You deserve a fee-only fiduciary standard of care.
The United States has three sectors of the economy suffering under regulatory red tape: financial services, energy and now health care. I’m certain the financial services regulations have caused more harm than good.
Unfortunately, our society tends to pass feel-good legislation aimed at making people feel safer without actually making them safer.