US Bonds Drop Value in 2013 Q2 As Interest Rates Rise
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Many investors don’t understand why a bond, which pays a fixed rate of interest and then at the end of the term pays a fixed amount of principle would have its price fluctuate.

What is the Best Type of S&P 500 Index?
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Rather than deciding between active or passive investing, the debate now rages about what type of index fund is best.

Selected Commentary on Resource Stocks
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Some of the monthly commentary on resource stock returns.

World Monthly Returns Index
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Some of the monthly commentary on the returns of global investments.

Emerging Market Monthly Returns Index
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Some of the monthly commentary on the returns of the emerging markets.

Asset Class Monthly Returns Index
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Some of the monthly asset class returns.

Countries With Economic Freedom Monthly Returns Index
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Here are some of the monthly returns for countries high in economic freedom.

Foreign Bond Monthly Returns Index
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Some of the monthly commentary on the returns of foreign bonds.

US Bond Monthly Returns Index
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Some of the monthly commentary on the returns of US bonds.

The 24/7 Financial News Media Machine
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“Here are a few of the things we’re worried about – and the ways in which our firm is preparing for them.”

“Different Directions” and “When Rates Rise” Market Commentary
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The U.S. stock market rose in May, while most foreign markets declined. The yield of the 10-year Treasury note rose by 37 basis points, Meanwhile global bond markets were slammed.

Four Reasons You Are Afraid of Investing
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This kitten isn’t afraid of the markets. Be more like this kitten.

Gold, Silver and Resource Stocks
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The optimum asset allocation to physical gold and silver is 0%. Instead, we recommend you use resource stocks as an inflation hedge.

Investing Ideas – Wealth Management Carnival #10
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This edition of the Wealth Management Carnival we focus on investing. We have some helpful definitions of investment vehicles and instruments, advice on what to go for and what to avoid, and all kinds of opinions on that roller coaster ride: Financial Markets.

A Blended Investments Style Can Lead to High Returns With Low Risk
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A blended investment style for all markets can lead to high returns with low risk.

ETF Trading: It’s ‘No Way to Invest’ Says Bogle
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If Bogle is against ETFs, why does Vanguard run so many of them?

Two Disclosed and One Hidden Cost of ETFs
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Expense ratios and commission prices are easily determined on brokerage or fund websites. But the third expense, the bid/ask spread, is not readily disclosed and will require some additional digging to determine.

In Praise of Mid Cap Value
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Mid-cap value should be part of any U.S. stock allocation which wants to remain invested in the markets, but is worried about potential corrections.

Three-Factor Model Goes 3D
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To understand this newest dimension to DFA’s investment strategy, you need to begin with an understanding of the three-factor model described by Eugene Fama and Kenneth French.

AAII 2013
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Follow-up information for 2013 AAII presentation “Dynamic Portfolio Construction in the Context of Comprehensive Wealth Management.”

Review: 2012 Market Commentary
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2012 has come to a close, and 2013 is off to a good start. For those interested in reflecting on the past year, we’ve collected some 2012 year-end market commentary by Marotta Wealth Management Staff.

2012 Review: Economy & Markets
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Despite a steady diet of bad news, most markets around the world climbed the proverbial “wall of worry” to log strong returns. Major market indices around the globe delivered double-digit total returns.

2012 Asset Allocation in Review
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Asset Allocation means always having something to complain about.

Looking Ahead: Are Bonds the Next Big Bubble?
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Long-term government bonds outperformed stocks over the past 20 years ending 2011, but the next 20 years may be a very different story.

Mailbag: What Are Some Stocks that Are Undervalued as of the Beginning of 2013?
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Here are some large cap stocks with very low 12 month trailing P/E ratios.

Investing for the New Year – Wealth Management Carnival #8
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Wealth Management Carnival #8: This edition of the Wealth Management Carnival deals with investments, how-to tips, and some advice you may want to incorporate into your 2013 Resolutions.

Carnival of Passive Investing – #25 – Gingerbread House Edition
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Passive investing is like a ginger bread house, a sweet and beautiful harmonious selection of treats which work well together to build your financial house.

How To Market Time The Fiscal Cliff
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How To Market Time The Fiscal Cliff? Don’t even try.

Tax on Dividend-Paying Stocks Rising to 74%
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With the enormous increase in the taxation of dividends, high net worth investors may be tempted to abandon dividend-paying stocks entirely. This is not necessary.

The Wisdom of Jack Bogle: Part 2
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Faster is not always better. So says an energetic 83-year-old Jack Bogle, the Vanguard Group founder who has spent most of his career striving to protect the individual investor.

Jack Bogle: The Father of Passive Funds Gets Active
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I found it very interesting that Bogle directs much of his criticism at the mutual fund industry and even Vanguard itself. Bogle argues that fund companies should be doing a better job challenging the excesses of executives and corporate managers.

Investing Edition–Wealth Management Carnival #6
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This week’s carnival is concerned with investments, investing styles, and how to stay focused. There are just about as many investing philosophies as there are investors, so read a range of opinions and form your own.

Why Invest in the Emerging Markets?
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Four reasons not to abandon a brilliant allocation that includes emerging markets simply because of short term fluctuations.

Vote Marotta As the World’s Next Great Investing Columnist on WSJ’s
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MarketWatch is seeking a top-notch writer who will bring a fresh perspective on money to the world’s investors. We believe that fresh perspective ought to include the idea of freedom investing.

How are Foreign Stocks Doing Compared to Stocks in the United States? Fall 2012
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Sometimes the medium term trend seems to weigh more heavily in our minds than the long or short term trends.

Seven Interesting Investment Ideas — Wealth Management Carnival #1
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In the Wealth Management Carnival, we share 7 Interesting Articles from other sources. From advice to diversify investments to index fund criteria to choosing a bank, this month we found seven articles that discussed various investing ideas.

The False Promises of Annuities and Annuity Calculators
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The entire selling point of the immediate fixed annuity is a lower return in exchange for a guarantee. But when analyzed, the purchase price is a loss from which you can never recover.

Valuable Property
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“Real estate investment trusts should be much more than an optional selection in a balanced investment portfolio.”

Muni Forecast: Lots of Clouds
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“A growing link between municipal bond and U.S. stock performance could be very bad if equities fail to rise robustly over the next few years.”

Investing In Gold
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Direct ownership of gold has become more popular, despite some lingering fear that the government could again ban private gold ownership. With ongoing concerns about the global financial system and gold hitting a record high, many people are interested in this “safe haven.”

Four Reasons Convertible Bonds Are Flawed
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Generally speaking, financial complexity is a curtain behind which the finance industry can extract its fee. When the curtain is pulled back, convertible bonds fail to add value for four specific reasons.

Hedge Funds Trail Vanguard Index Funds
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In another edition of “you can make the numbers say whatever you want” two financial industry studies are contradicting each other.

Technology Sector Doing the Best YTD, Energy the Worst
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Sector rotation would suggest that we are still at the beginning of a market recovery. This is probably the bottom of energy stocks.

Risk – Return Decisions
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Portfolio construction begins with the most basic allocation between investments that offer a greater chance of appreciation (stocks) and those that provide portfolio stability (bonds). There is no such thing as a safe investment that pays market rates of return.

Emerging Market Bond Funds
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Emerging market bonds are an attractive way to get a higher yield, but historically they have come with higher volatility and a high incidence of default. But that has been changing.

Radio: Ten Best ETFs of 2012
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David John Marotta was interview on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing why you shouldn’t hold gold or cash, how governments can destabalize economies, and what investments you should hold instead.

$ ?s: Three Reasons to Be Thankful You Avoided the Facebook IPO
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Huge financial incentives motivate a newly minted public stock to attempt to keep their best foot forward just long enough for the early investors to maximize their profits.

How Have Emerging Market Equities Performed?
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I was on the radio today and someone called in claiming that Vanguard Emerging Market ETF (VWO) had done nothing but go down in value.

Mailbag: I’d Like to Withdraw Money from My IRA to Purchase Physical Silver
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Precious metals will, on average, just keep up with inflation, but your after tax return would mean you fell behind inflation by the 28% tax you must pay.

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