How to Implement a DPOA at Schwab
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Estate planning is a task which is never useful until it is too late to do it.

How to See Your Schwab RMD Online (2024 Update)
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On June 2024, Schwab provided an update about viewing and taking your RMD on

Q&A: Are There Account Closure Fees?
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There are no financial hooks, termination fees, or such imposed by our firm.

Ed Slott’s 10 Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor
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I think the intent of this list is to make advisors feel under-prepared and thus more likely to sign up for one of the paid newsletters Ed Slott provides. Regardless, here are my answers.

2024 Market Outlook for Global Stock
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We agree with Kleintop’s assessment that valuations suggest that international equities are poised for more gains.

CFP Board Cannot Be Expected To Discriminate Based on Fee-Only
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The CFP Board is compensation neutral, but it is only because of how they are paid.

Lower Expense Ratios, Higher Returns
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This simple example demonstrates the importance of expense ratio.

Biden Sets Aim on Specific Taxpayers
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Biden’s state of the union address makes clear who he wants to tax.

Charles Schwab Bank Fraud Dept Text Message Scam
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We recently had a client fall prey to a sophisticated Schwab Bank scam. They gave us permission to share this fraud story with you to hopefully prevent others from being scammed.

Less Economic Growth & More Taxes Without Congressional Action
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Alas, there is only one thing we can do to help dictate which kind of tax system we face and that is vote.

An Overview of Marottaโ€™s 2024 Gone-Fishing Portfolios
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For our standard gone-fishing portfolio, we made two changes.

Marottaโ€™s 2024 Gone-Fishing Portfolio Calculator
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This gone-fishing portfolio is our default portfolio which can be used at any custodian.

Marottaโ€™s 2024 Vanguard Gone-Fishing Portfolio Calculator
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We recommend this gone-fishing portfolio for investors with brand loyalty to Vanguard.

Marottaโ€™s Gone-Fishing Portfolio: Review of 2023 Returns
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Last year, our 2023 Marottaโ€™s Gone-Fishing Portfolio was a recommendation of 12 stock investments. This article is to report on the 2023 performance of those twelve stocks.

College Saving Strategies: One-Time Gift or Monthly Contribution?
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Once you have calculated the funding requirements for your college savings goals, there are three strategies for funding the accounts.

Inherited RMD Update: IRS Waives 2024 Penalties and Delays to 2025
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Taxpayers waiting for final guidance, have seen penalties waived for 2021 or 2022 RMDs, forย 2023 RMDs, and now for 2024 RMDs.

Freedom Investing in Review (March 2024)
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This quarter, we saw that in 1-year returns ending March 31, 2024, Developed Freedom Investing had a -5.8% disadvantage, Emerging Market Freedom Investing had a +3.83% advantage, and Overall Freedom Investing had a -2.89% disadvantage.

How to Ensure You Have a Strong Password
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With one memorable password protecting a vault of random ones, you can increase your security immensely while only mildly complicating your access.

Seven Rules to Using a Credit Card Safely
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These are the seven rules to using a credit card safely.

In Roth Conversions, Reducing Political Risk May Be One of the Benefits
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Converting early can avoid your exposure to tax changes going forward as a Roth IRA is never taxed again.

2024 Index of Economic Freedom Update
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Last year, eleven countries made our cut-off. This year, twelve do.

Updates to Our Emerging Markets Strategy (March 2024)
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Because of Mexico’s current valuation, we believe that it has the possibility to perform well regardless of how this potential conflict resolves.

Q&A: How Should I Invest My Cash?
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Our recommendation is to keep money that may be needed within the next six months invested in a money market fund.

In Roth Conversions, Reducing Your Taxable Income is One of the Benefits
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Roth conversions can decrease your taxable income and increase your tax savings over the long haul.

A Closer Look at Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT)
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The 3.8% Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT) is a Medicare contribution tax on investment income.

Baby Registry Guide from a Financial Planner (Updated 2024)
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Now that we’ve been parents for a few months, I can confidently say all of these items vastly improved our journey into parenthood.

What to Expect Now That the S&P 500 Reached 5,000
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If this level of volatility isn’t your expectation, you are not yet familiar with normal volatility in the markets.

Freedom Investing in Review (December 2023)
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This quarter, we saw that in 1-year returns ending December 31, 2023, Developed Freedom Investing had a -3.97% disadvantage, Emerging Market Freedom Investing had a +4.9% advantage, and Overall Freedom Investing had a -1.27% disadvantage.

The Complete Guide to IRA Contributions and Withdrawals
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Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are one of the most important account types, and understanding the difference between Roth and traditional contributions and withdrawals is foundational to tax planning.

Q&A: What Happens to an Inherited IRA RMD After a Multi-Beneficiary Trust Dissolution?
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While not the most favorable RMD rules imaginable, I’m sure it is still a relief to know that you don’t need to navigate the new SECURE Act rules just because you dissolved the trust.

Investment News You Maybe Missed (2022 Bear Market)
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Hopefully, you didn’t bother looking, and I can be the first to tell you.

IRS Guidance on Pension-Linked Emergency Savings Account (PLESA)
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What procedure can you put in place to prevent employer match churning? That is still unclear.

Tax Changes in 2026 (Radio)
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After over a decade of broken promises and rising costs, our need for a more sustainable tax system is acutely felt.

Today Was An Intraday Recovery (January 2024)
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While we still cannot call the end of the Bear Market from this performance, today’s returns strongly suggest that 15 months ago, October 12, 2022 was the end of this bear market.

Account Funding Priorities for 2024
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A savings waterfall helps investors navigate the financial complexity available to them.

How to Correct Excess Backdoor Roth Contributions
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While an excess or failed backdoor Roth can feel very stressful to solve, it is a normal and quick fix for your qualified financial custodian.

Tax Savings Opportunity for Charlottesville City Seniors This February
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Seniors over age 65 may receive relief on their real estate taxes limited by AGI but regardless of net worth.

New IRS Notice Moves SECURE 2.0 Act Implementation Closer
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The IRS authors make clear that the purpose of the notice is to “provide guidance on discreet issues to assist in commencing implementation of these provisions” not to provide comprehensive guidance.

A Christmas Sermon from David Marotta
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This 2008 article is an uplifting, timeless sermon.

Health Insurance: How Did We Get Here?
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After over a decade of broken promises and rising costs, our need for a more sustainable healthcare system is acutely felt.

Dwindling Savings Highlights Need for Tax Reforms
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The Tax Foundation recently published the article “Dwindling Savings and Increasing Financial Stress Highlights Need for Tax Reforms” suggesting that tax reform could improve the current state of American personal finances.

In Roth Conversions, Reducing Your RMD is One of the Benefits
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Required minimum distributions are taxed as taxable income, the same as other types of traditional IRA withdrawals and Roth conversions.

Pension-Linked Emergency Savings Account (ESA) Available in 2024 (Secure 2.0)
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While the initial details sound promising, the downsides are many.

In Roth Conversions, Paying the Tax is One of the Benefits
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Taxes related to traditional IRA withdrawals only happen once. Meanwhile, the funds in your taxable account are subjected to taxation each year.

Don’t Increase Your Bond Allocation In Bear Markets
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There is an artistry to a bond allocation, and while the historical analysis can only be suggestive, they do tell a strong narrative.

How to Uncap Your 529 Plan Virginia State Tax Deduction
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You can have an effectively uncapped state tax deduction if you have a high tolerance for paperwork.

2024 Tax Facts
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Here is a reference chart with 2024 income tax rates, capital gains rates, retirement contribution limits, and more.

How to See Closed Account Information at Schwab
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If closing an account at Schwab is in line with your goals, take comfort in knowing that you are able to close your accounts at Schwab without losing access to your important documents.

The Lie Of The Century
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This lie was PolitiFact’s 2013 lie of the year, but we dub it the lie of the century.

2024 Contribution Limits
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Twelve-month inflation for all items ending in September 2023 has been 4.1%, so the 2024 contribution limits increased significantly but less than last year.

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