Donald Trump’s Tax Plan
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Tax season under Trump’s plan would likely be just as complicated but slightly less painful.

Mailbag: Marco Rubio and Mike Lee’s Tax Plan
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Is each dollar value the average for that category or is it really the average for a family with $88,871 in annual income?

Marco Rubio and Mike Lee’s Tax Plan
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Rubio and Lee do make definite improvements but sadly, this good is largely undone by a well-meaning but naive tilt of the playing field towards parents.

Radio: Universal School Choice in Nevada
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David John Marotta was recently interviewed on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing Nevada’s universal school choice.

Rand Paul’s Tax Plan
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2016 Presidential hopeful Rand Paul has released a sketch of an intriguing tax plan.

Mailbag: What Happened To The Markets In 2008?
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You shouldn’t invest in what you don’t understand.

Why is Organic Food Expensive?
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Organic food has a reputation for being healthier than non-organic food, but neither of these claims should be taken at face value.

The A’s of Government (2012 Budget)
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This is a complete list of the budgets and purposes of the federal agencies that begin with the letter A.

Why Liberals Should Hate Real Estate Taxes
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Taxes hurt ordinary folks before the extraordinary ones, and it can hurt them badly.

Tax by Fiat: Legacy of Alexander Hamilton
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Hamilton, like our current president, sees people as temporary holders of wealth until such time as the government decides to expand.

Tax by Fiat: Legacy of James Wilson
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The arguments for greater government power have always been the same.

Sordid History of the Income Tax: from 3% to 39.6%
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The only time the original terms of the Constitution have been explicitly rejected and changed was to give the government the right to tax people unequally.

Did Obama Violate an SEC Regulation?
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From the blind eye of the law, this seems like a violation of SEC regulation.

Garrett Planning Network SEC Anti-Testimonial Violation
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We expect the Garrett Planning Network to quickly take down these SEC violations from their website in response.

Sheryl Garrett Should Have Distanced Herself From Obama Like The AARP
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It isn’t too late to print a retraction.

Are CEOs Talented or Just Lucky?
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The legal defense of Harold Hamm hinged on the belief that his wealth was the result of happenstance.

Rethinking Government Spending
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In 2013, Nancy Pelosi said “there’s no cuts to make,” but that’s ridiculous.

Twitter’s Reign of Terror
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“They find whatever is different and peck it to death.”

How Much Does the Government Cost?
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Is it fair for the government to confiscate a full quarter of the average person’s earnings every year? Where does it all go?

“Citizenfour” Reminds Us We Should Still Be Outraged
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The domestic spying of the executive branch deserves our outrage. Efforts like “Citizenfour” that keep the issue in the public eye deserve our support.

Taxed Enough Already?
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An unlimited power to tax necessarily involves a power to destroy.

Who Really Pays the Income Tax?
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Income taxes are the largest portion of the federal government’s annual tax haul. But who foots the bill?

The President’s Impact
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Obama evidently believes that politicians are elected to make a difference in the lives of Americans. The problem is that no one can opt out of a federal impact.

How Much Government: The Math
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See the math behind the dangers of having such a large number of people employed by government.

Wealth Redistribution and the Most Social President
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The loudest tend to drown out competitors regardless of whose reasoning is better.

Video: My Experience with The Drudge Report
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A short documentary film showing how the media thrives on misleading headlines.

How Much Government Do We Really Have?
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Our governments employ 17.44 million people, 14.90% of the full-time working-age US population. This is larger than the 14 least-populous states put together.

Federal Program Inventories vs OMB: $622 Billion Missing
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With trillions of dollars to spend, you’d think the least the government could do is maintain consistent records.

What is the Federal Program Inventory?
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The GPRA Modernization Act of 2010 had a vision: to “provide Congress and the public a clearer picture of the programs that exist across the Federal government.” Like most things in government, it failed to live up to its goals.

Trying to Talk to Government? Good Luck
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Despite a government “of the people, by the people, for the people”, I have found myself told time-and-again, “You’re on your own”.

The Delirious Happiness of Free Market Choice
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Here is one of the most brilliant breakthroughs in all of food science and how it relates to almost every aspect of life.

Obama Acts Like a Mob Boss, But There Is a Solution
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A mob boss exercises absolute control over his many followers and profits from the often criminal activities of his organization.

Contact Lens Regulations Cost Consumers Billions
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It is illegal to sell contacts in the United States without requiring a prescription. A Federal Trade Commission regulation provides penalties of up to $11,000 per violation.

Inversion Is The Latest Corporate Tax-Cutting Strategy
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The United States is the only country that imposes a tax on all income the company makes whether it is earned within or outside the country.

The Segregated Joint Economic Committee
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Does the Joint Economic Committee live up to anything in its name?

How Not to Promote College Innovation
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These noble-sounding goals intuitively appear useful, but the federal government has only two ways to encourage change and neither of them helps in this case.

How To Buy A College Degree
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Unfortunately, Obama’s good intentions are thwarted by the economic principle formulated by banker Charles Goodhart.

Cheating Isn’t Just For Students
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Increased pressure will only force more teachers to choose between their integrity and their salaries.

The Economics of a Thanksgiving Turkey
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The average factory-farmed frozen turkey from a grocery story is sold for as little as $0.67 per pound. Economics can offer five explanations.

We Need a Partial Shutdown of Government
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Unless McConnell is willing to risk a government shutdown, he will ultimately have to acquiesce to Obama’s wishes.

Radio: Parts of the Government Should be Shut Down
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David John Marotta was interviewed discussing government waste and what would happen if parts of the government were shut down.

Mailbox: Which States Allow Prize-Linked Savings Accounts?
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There are thirteen states so far. Does your state allow them?

Do New Healthcare Plans Cost More?
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Last year plans were being cancelled. This year, citizens are receiving notifications of rate hikes in the double digits. Is this really happening?

The Influence of American Values on Garry Kasparov
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As a libertarian and former chess prodigy, I enjoyed very much an address by Gary Kasparov at the Cato Institute entitled, “The Influence of American Values.”

Planning Clients Often Don’t Get What They Pay For
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While I agree with the study, I don’t know that I agree with the prescribed solutions suggested.

Interview with Senatorial Candidate Robert Sarvis
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We e-mailed all the senatorial candidates inviting them to be interviewed on our blog. Of all the candidates, Robert Sarvis, the Libertarian 2014 Virginia Senatorial candidate, was the only one to respond.

Which Public Policies Help to Decrease Disparities in the Distribution of Wealth?
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What if only enough redistribution were applied so that the top 1% (or whatever top segment) has just 15% of all wealth instead of 40% or whatever it is now?

The Luck of the Lottery
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Government-run lotteries have a sordid and monopolistic past. Should we enforce a separation of sin and state?

Five Lessons from the Whiskey Rebellion
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The Whiskey Rebellion established the sovereignty of “we the people” to tax and oppress any selected group.

Appreciating Donor Advised Funds
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There are five ways that both you and the government could make charitable giving more significant.

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