Obama vs. Romney — Which Presidential Candidate Favors Small Businesses?
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Two critical questions were raised during the first presidential debate: Are small businesses important to American’s prosperity? And if they are, which candidate will unleash that engine of economic growth and employment? Fact-checking the candidates offers a clear answer.

Four Critical Statistics for Small Business Employment
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Disparaging the entrepreneurial growth of small businesses as trickle-down economics misses the shower of prosperity.

Mailbox: Disturbed by Romney’s Tax Computation in California
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Personally I think it is a mistake to value supporting the government (taxes) higher than supporting society (charitable giving).

Video: “Don’t Eat Your Dog: The Surprising Moral Case for Free Enterprise”
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I am always amazed at the power of a good story. A good story teller will always have more influence than encyclopedia of powerful data points. Politicians understand this concept better than most, which is why they spend time talking about people.

Tax Records Show Republicans Are Overly Generous, Democrats Are Excessively Stingy
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The hypocrisy of candidates who pretend to be generous with other people’s money while purposefully characterizing those who are actually generous destructively is an issue worthy of consideration when you vote.

Romney’s Return Suggests He Paid 57.9% in Taxes and Gifts to Charity
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Much has been made about Mitt Romney’s tax returns. Reviewing them clarifies both public policy and personal wealth management. A quick calculation assumes their overall tax rate was 14.1%. But this number is highly misleading.

Romney’s Tax Returns: A Stellar Example of Citizenship and Generosity
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The Romney’s generosity and tax burden is hardly the example of greed and avarice that advocates of greater government would have us believe.

Inverview with George Marotta: Stanford’s Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace
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Interview with George Marotta on his time at Stanford’s Hoover Institution with Miilton Friedman, Thomas Sowell and Edward Teller.

Radio: What is Social Justice?
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Is Social Justice
an expression of good will towards the less fortunate -OR-
a principle that rewards should be determined by political power?

Public Funding for the Arts
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Many communities such as Charlottesville identify themselves as an arts community. This image translates into passionate support for public funding of the arts. But the common justifications for public funding don’t hold up under careful scrutiny.

A Progressive Tax Code is Economically Destructive
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Most Americans assume a progressive tax code is needed to promote equality and remove some of the burden of other taxes on those with the lowest income. But the progressive nature of the tax code changes behavior in many ways.

Radio: Paul Ryanomics
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David Marotta appeared recently on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing Mitt Romney’s Vice Presidential pick of Paul Ryan, and what Ryan’s economics really look like.

Blame the Joint Committee on Taxation not the CBO
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It would have been more accurate to say, “The Joint committee on Taxation by agreement with congress is required to limit their analysis to a fixed GDP assumption.”

Why Are People Who Have Built a Business Leaving Their United States Citizenship?
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If eight times as many people are leaving the country than they were 4 years ago, maybe there’s something wrong with the country?

Paul Ryanomics
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Mitt Romney’s recent announcement of Paul Ryan as his running mate makes this election even more about government spending, programs and taxes. Ryan is the primary author of the Republican-led House’s 2013 budget proposal. Consider these five proposals to evaluate Romney’s wisdom in selecting him.

Obama Lie-O-Matic Tax Calculator
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There’s a term in the financial world for Internet sites like these and that term is “fraud.”

Ignore the Politicians and Take Control of Your Financial Freedom
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During elections the political dialogue assumes that the well-being of your future is out of your control and in the hands of politicians. This is simply not true. You have the freedom to take control of your finances and your life.

What Kind of Power Is the Most Dangerous?
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Americans continue to talk past each other by using a similar vocabulary while really discussing very different concepts. Views also differ on the concept of power.

Radio: What Power is the Most Dangerous?
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David John Marotta appeared recently on 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing power–particularly government power–and what kind is the most dangerous.

When is Enough Regulation Enough for Regulators?
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Apparently, Never. The Dodd-Frank bill can be likened to giving the government unlimited powers and asking them to eliminate evil.

Is Federal Student Aid Among the Best or Worst Government Programs?
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The unintended consequences of good intentions can do more economic harm than all the mean-spirited greed within capitalism.

Radio: What Equality Should We Seek in Society?
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David John Marotta was interviewed on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing the idea of “equality” in society.

Why Do Women Earn Lower Incomes Than Men?
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Choosing to work less than 80 hours is not wrong, especially not when all you are going to get is that last 30%.

A Grown-Up Discussion on Income and Wealth Inequality in America
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Most work toward equality of results impoverishes everyone.

What Equality Should We Seek in Society?
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Studies suggest that brains may be wired with either a utopian or a tragic view of the world, corresponding roughly to liberals and conservatives. We continue to talk past each other in political debates.

I Just Renewed My CFP Designation. They Oppose FINRA Oversight of CFP Advisors.
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The rules which would begin to be applied to the watchdogs would not be for the sake of protecting the roost no matter how much the foxes suggest they do.

Double-Taxed Dividends: Going Up
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The qualified dividend tax rate is currently at a maximum of 15%, as are capital gains. Starting January 1, 2013, dividend tax rates will go up to the investor’s ordinary income rate.

Sound Advice for Our Times from 1946
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“Economics in One Lesson” by Henry Hazlitt is one of the classics which should be required reading before voting. It is interesting to see that he knew more in 1946 than the politicians of our age.

Wealth, Not Cash, Spreads Prosperity
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“Unlike the government economic advisor, these entrepreneurial castaways are not making, i.e. printing, money. Instead, they’re creating new wealth by producing things that others find valuable.”

Obama Care is Costing Americans $384 Billion More Each Year
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The “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (PPACA), is misleadingly named. It has neither protected patients nor made healthcare more affordable.

Who Pays For Corporate Taxes?
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“We tax cars, land and corporations. It is a good thing that people don’t have to pay them!”

Libertarians Suspect the FDA Does as Much Harm as Good
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It isn’t crazy to suspect that the FDA does as much harm as good. And if you begin to suspect that, you are on your way to admitting that you might be more libertarian than Republican or Democrat

The Religious Roots of My Libertarian Leaning
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My original attraction to libertarian ideals started in political theory and theology rather than in politics. This is not surprising because I did both part of my undergraduate work and three years of my postgraduate work in philosophy and biblical studies.

Seven Reasons Why I Lean Libertarian
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Our daily articles this month at MarottaOnMoney.com are focusing on the ideas of libertarian politics. Last week I listed the first three reasons why I lean libertarian. Here are four more reasons I lean libertarian.

Radio: Why I Lean Libertarian
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David John Marotta was featured on radio 1070 WINA’s Rob Schilling show on November 8, 2011. The topic was why David leans libertarian, an appropriate topic for Election Day 2011.

David John Marotta Receives Write-In Votes in Local Elections
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I was flattered to learn that I received several write in votes from among those dissatisfied with the choices presented on the ballot.

Ratio Of Takers To Givers Reaches A Tipping Point
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This is what makes the stock market in some countries better than others. Make sure that you understand freedom investing for your portfolio.

Why I Lean Libertarian, Part 1
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My youthful utopian idealism gave way slowly to my present midlife perspective. My life’s philosophical and experiential odyssey overturned many of my presuppositions. I learned over time that many of society’s assumptions are provably false. But it took courage to integrate this radical reevaluation of life.

Grover Cleveland, The Last Libertarian President
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“If free-market advocates could resurrect a U.S. president to deal with today’s problems, many would choose Grover Cleveland.”

Libertarian Month
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November 2011 is Libertarian politics month. Libertarians are as diverse as the Democrat or Republican Party.

Price Controls Are Never Good Economics
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Starting October 1, price controls were set by law on debit card swipe fees. Such populist well-intentioned legislation reduces economic freedom and slows economic growth.

Bar Stool Economics Revisited
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Most Americans want to know that everyone is paying their fair share. Achieving this goal gets more challenging with each dot and tiddle added to the voluminous internal tax code.

Eugene Robinson’s Idea of “Fair Share”
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Robinson’s entire arguement seems to be focused on the idea that the current max capital gains tax rate is 15% but the income tax is progressive and passes 15% at middle class incomes.

Means-Test and Privatize Social Security
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If you look at Social Security as a system of taxation and redistribution, it takes from a single minority male worker and gives to married white women who never contributed. And if you look at Social Security as a forced retirement savings program, it produces such a terrible return we might as well invest in gold. Neither perspective is worth continuing. Social Security as we know it needs to be abolished.

Neither Rationale for Social Security is Working
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Social Security has been called the third rail of politics. Good thing I’m not a politician. Someone has to make the tough decisions.

Which Rich Are You Trying to Tax?
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Those productive small business owners with higher earnings are a different group from the ultra-wealthy with higher net worths.

The GAO Makes A Poor Financial Advisor
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If the GAO were giving you investment advice they would suggest that you not participate in your 401(k) and convert at least half of your retirement savings into an annuity laden with fees and expenses.

Ronald Regan: “A Time for Choosing” (1964)
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Ronald Regan’s speeches, including “A Time for Choosing” (1964) are worth watching.

Weak Debt Deal Is No Solution
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We simply can’t spend our way into prosperity.

Weak Deal is No Solution
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Calling this a “Tea Party downgrade” might be true in one sense. There weren’t enough members of the Tea Party to overcome the stubbornness of those refusing to make real spending cuts.

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