Marotta Family Saying: Be a Bad Poet
The phrase “bad poet” reminds me of that day when I was in elementary school. It is a lesson for each of us, regardless of our income level.
The phrase “bad poet” reminds me of that day when I was in elementary school. It is a lesson for each of us, regardless of our income level.
I agree with my grandfather that we should not be inclined to spend the rest of our lives in a rocking chair.
On Tuesday, April 9, 2018, David John Marotta appeared on Radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show to discuss how to achieve success and significance in retirement by both adequately savings for retirement and finding fulfillment during that period of your life.
“In 34 years as a financial advisor, he has seen many people flunk retirement, but investment performance has never been the cause.”
When Ryan Broyles scored a $3.6 million dollar contract after being drafted in the first round he did something quite rare – he sought as much advice as he could find.
At age 25, getting your 401(k) match funds 64.2% of your retirement.
Most young people don’t understand inflation as well as their parents and grandparents.
“Ascertain whether they’re ready for changes in lifestyle and finances for the next stage of their lives”
The study shows that 21 percent have saved nothing for retirement.
Having community is important for a successful retirement. Men may find it requires more work to achieve.
$3 million today has the same buying power as $500,000 in 1970.
If you like stable governments, low crime rates, socializing, great food, wine, culture and the dependability of developed countries, this list is for you
Retirees must plan to supplement this slowly dwindling paycheck or risk having to make hard sacrifices during what is supposed to be their golden years.
“The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.” – Vladimir Lenin.
Securing your retirement financially is too important to leave the process up to chance and guessing.
Most married men claim Social Security at age 62 or 63, which leaves their future income well shy of what research indicates is optimal. Gentlemen, it’s time to wise up.
You should claim your own Social Security account online and give it a secure password before someone else does.
This kitten knows her retirement number. Be more like this kitten.
This kitten knows how to retire. Be more like this kitten.
It’s not just Mister Spock who is living a long life. Japanese Jiroemon Kimura’s nearly 116 years, making him the oldest man in modern recorded history, is a reminder to have a retirement income plan that will last over the long haul.
This week’s carnival is a smorgasbord of good ideas about saving, tips for holiday shopping, and general good advice for the future. Even Santa could use good advice about his retirement plan.
“Inflation and loss of capital pose dangers to retirees seeking a sustainable income stream.”
Most Americans fail to plan adequately for retirement. As a result, they often miss out on opportunities to enjoy the second half of life.
This article reviews the coordination rules which govern the maximum contributions to 457, 401(k) and Thrift Savings Plan. Information on 403(b) plan maximums is also included.
Me: King Henry, let’s start off with this question: Are you now or have you ever been married?
Henry VIII: Yes (with a smirk).
This week’s carnival deals with retirement plans and plans to retire. We hear some talk about retirement accounts, a blueprint for retiring early, and that baby boomers are going back to work.
It’s time to consider adjusting your retirement savings. The Internal Revenue Service recently issued a variety of inflation adjustments for 2013, and retirement savers can now save even more.
Q: My husband Thomas is four years older than me and plans to delay filing for his larger Social Security benefit until age 70 when he will receive $2,600 a month. My personal benefit starts at $600 beginning at age … Read More
You are invited to a NAPFA Consumer Education Foundation event at 5:30pm on Thursday Oct. 18th at the Charlottesville Senior Center.
Studies show that onetime windfalls can actually impoverish you. They make you feel rich, which inevitably leads to overspending. But wealth is what you save, not what you spend.
It is estimated that as many as 40,000 American citizens reside in Costa Rica, and many are retirees who are stretching the purchasing power of their Social Security paychecks.
There is a separate set of rules for those under age 55 or who are looking to distribute from an IRA. These rules focus on an exception called Substantially Equal Periodic Payments (SEPPs).
Many families seek financial planning advice specifically for retirement. But if they wait too long, they miss an important tax-planning opportunity. A great strategy is to take advantage of the time between retirement and Social Security at age 70, the so-called gap years.
How is the ‘financial health’ of most physicians? Most physicians put in long hours and due to lack of time neglect their own financial and retirement planning.
“In this [new investment reality] environment, near-term inflation is not likely to be much of a concern. The challenge will be to adapt to possible lower total portfolio returns. “
David John Marotta and Matthew Illian were interviewed on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show discussing Social Security and how to get the most from filing at the right time.
How often do you intentionally push yourself to discomfort? Do you think the best retirement is relaxing and recreating? Think again.
Here are three questions that every small business owner should answer before establishing a new retirement plan.
I read a number of articles touting the growth and “advantages” of annuities. Personally, I’ve never met an annuity I liked.
Precious metals will, on average, just keep up with inflation, but your after tax return would mean you fell behind inflation by the 28% tax you must pay.
Here is the only question you should attempt to answer: Are you paying a higher tax rate now or later?
Should it be invested aggressively, like 100% equities, or use the same split as my taxable investments, such as 50-50 stocks vs bonds?
“Deciding when to take Social Security benefits is critically important to maximizing long-term benefits. Benefits may be claimed as early as age 62, or as late as 70.”
“How can you respond if these new taxes are enacted? One option is to do a Roth conversion so that you can pay taxes now for those retirement funds.”
Women are more afraid of becoming “bag ladies” than men, and it makes them approach investing and saving for retirement differently, assuming they have managed to tackle either of those chores.
A Roth provides more flexibility than its Roth 401(k) counterpart because you can access the principal at any time without penalty.
Q: I am a 65-year-old retired widow and I have a large IRA. How should I invest if I don’t need this money?
Q: I was told that I would not be able to apply for spousal social security until my husband qualifies for social security. Should I keep working so I can collect my small social security payment or should I just wait for spousal payments at age 73?
Q:What advice can you offer for how to go about accessing retirement funds after a hardship?
Financial resolutions usually don’t even last until the end of January. Making a permanent change in our behavior requires both time and a steely resolve. We can only develop financial character one action at a time. Here are seven practices to take you from pauper to prince or princess if you add one each year.