Tax by Fiat: Legacy of Alexander Hamilton
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Hamilton, like our current president, sees people as temporary holders of wealth until such time as the government decides to expand.

Tax by Fiat: Legacy of James Wilson
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The arguments for greater government power have always been the same.

How Much Does the Government Cost?
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Is it fair for the government to confiscate a full quarter of the average person’s earnings every year? Where does it all go?

Who Really Pays the Income Tax?
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Income taxes are the largest portion of the federal government’s annual tax haul. But who foots the bill?

Wealth Redistribution and the Most Social President
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The loudest tend to drown out competitors regardless of whose reasoning is better.

One Hidden Way the IRS Hurts the Bereaved
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It is often said that the only two certainties in life are death and taxes. The IRS takes that truism to heart.

Will Roth Conversion Affect My Estimated Tax Payments?
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Roth conversions are a great way to save money and if you have a good financial planner, they need not be a headache.

Inversion Is The Latest Corporate Tax-Cutting Strategy
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The United States is the only country that imposes a tax on all income the company makes whether it is earned within or outside the country.

Five Lessons from the Whiskey Rebellion
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The Whiskey Rebellion established the sovereignty of “we the people” to tax and oppress any selected group.

Video: Virginia’s Neighborhood Assistance Program Tax Credits
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This video discusses Neighborhood Assistance Programs, and how donating to a local charity can both help people in your area and help you with your Virginia tax bill.

Mailbag: Can I Roll My IRA Into A REIT Tax-Free?
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A reader asks, “My wife has a $250K SEP IRA earning 1.5% interest. Can we use any of the funds for real-estate investments?”

Taxes on Non-Deductible IRA Contributions
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“Once you put cream in the coffee, all coffee removed from the cup is partly cream and partly coffee.”

Capital Gains Tax Gets More Complicated
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Now you may pay one of at least four different capital gains rates. The strategies to deal with capital gains differ for each level.

What is the Difference Between AGI and MAGI?
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MAGI is a common tax term to denote the resulting value of your adjusted gross income (AGI) with some items added back in. However, each use of MAGI may have different variables added back.

Mailbag: How Do You Live When You Are Trying To Avoid Taxes?
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Having sufficient assets in a taxable account can allow for tax planning.

The Tax Code’s War On Marriage
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Two different people can end up with very different amounts of tax owed, simply because of their marital status. You cannot argue this increased tax is their “fair share” simply because they are married.

Radio: Virginia’s Tax Freedom Day Today
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We estimate that if you didn’t have to pay taxes, you could leave work every day at 2:34pm.

Radio: Avoiding Excess Taxation
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David John Marotta was interviewed on radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show on April 15 to discuss taxes and how to avoid excess taxation.

What Do You Mean I Owe An Extra $100,000 In Taxes?
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Ah, the joys of being a small business owner in 2013.

Tax By Inflation
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In its simplest form, the government prints money and uses the newly printed currency to fund government spending.

How Long Should I Keep Financial and Tax Records?
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Whenever the IRS challenges you, the burden of producing evidence that your claims are true rests entirely with you.

Lifetime Exclusion From Gift Or Estate Taxes
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When you die, your assets and belongings–called your “estate”–are subject to taxation, but the there is an amount under which the executor of your estate will not have to pay taxes.

Annual Exclusion From Gift Taxes
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There is a limit, or exclusion–an amount that the government will allow you to gift to a person per year, without incurring tax consequences.

The Ruse Of Healthcare To Justify Massively Higher Taxes
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At least there will be less rich people to hate.

How to Calculate An Advisor’s Value: Tax Efficiency
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A dollar saved on your taxes is better than a dollar earned which causes you to pay more tax.

Amazon Sales Tax Collection: Coming To Your State Soon!
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Amazon is currently collecting sales tax for purchases shipped to nine states. It will begin collecting sales tax on purchases for Virginia in September 2013.

Roth’s Less-Known Strengths
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Mr. Roth can also help with transferring gifts to your heirs, setting up your first emergency reserve account, and paying for a new house or college expenses. But don’t ask him to iron your clothes. That’s where he draws a line.

Marketplace Fairness Act Adds Automation to Tax Confusion
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It is not a new tax. It is simply a tax that nearly everyone currently reading this column is successfully evading without prosecution.

IRA Cap Gives Rise to New Funding Strategies
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President’s proposal comes with silver linings for shrewd advisors

Tax Planning
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A dollar saved on taxes is worth more than a dollar earned. If you earn another dollar, they will just tax you again.

Tax Season – Wealth Management Carnival #11
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With the federal tax filing deadline upon us, here are some articles on little-known tax tips, interesting facts, good advice, and general information about taxes. Some of these are applicable now, and some you might want to store away for next year.

Keep Working and Hire Financial Professionals
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For families with complexity to their finances, hiring a tax professional actually saves them money. Wealth managers bring benefit to such families in the same way.

Video: Even the Beatles Were Against Highly Progressive Taxes!
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Let me tell you how it will be: There’s one for you, nineteen for me. Should five per cent appear too small, Be thankful I don’t take it all.

Is 95% of the Trade Imbalance Legal Tax Evasion?
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As one of Forbes’s 25 largest fictional companies, Stark International could avoid $4 billion in U.S. corporate taxes with this one simple technique.

Do Tax Cuts Actually “Starve the Beast”?
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Daniel J. Mitchell of the CATO Institute wrestles with the lack of no historical data to support the Starve the Beast model, only to find out that it’s because politicians have never really given it a shot.

Should We Raise Taxes to Balance the Budget?
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The only two ways to balance the federal budget are to spend less or to collect more. Spending less is the preferred method, but that is just not happening. As a result, politics is pushing many in Congress to try to balance the budget by raising taxes.

Video: How to Check Up On Your Charity
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Maybe it is time you checked up on your favorite charities before making your next gift.

Fifteen Tax Moves For Right Now. Really?
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Do any of these ideas suggest any incentive for the highly productive to continue producing?

Dwight D. Eisenhower on Tax Cuts and a Balanced Budget
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“Until the deficit is eliminated from our budget, … there is no end to inflation; there is finally no end to taxation; and the eventual result would, of course, be catastrophe.”

Is a National Sales Tax Really Fair?
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Claims of “fair” or even “regressive” or “progressive” depend very much on what is used as the denominator.

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Punishes Marriage
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The maximum income for a couple is not double what it is for a single person. Your spouse’s income can disqualify you from credits you could have received if you had not been legally married.

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Marriage Penalty of $3,603
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The maximum income for a couple is not double what it is for a single person. Your spouse’s income can disqualify you from credits you could have received if you had not been legally married.

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Marriage Penalty of $8,400
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The worst marriage penalty is for couples earning between $26,000 and $60,000 who have three or more children.

Government Taxes $33,356 Just Because a Couple Decides to Get Married
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You cannot argue this increased tax is their “fair share” simply because they are married.

New Year’s Resolutions for the Country
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To fulfill the financial resolutions of spending less, living within our means, and paying off our debt, the country first needs to encourage production rather than discourage it.

The Fiscal Cliff Is Almost Everything the Democrats Want
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It is a crisis fabricated 100% by politicians. And avoiding the fiscal cliff is being used hypocritically for additional political gain.

Tax on Dividend-Paying Stocks Rising to 74%
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With the enormous increase in the taxation of dividends, high net worth investors may be tempted to abandon dividend-paying stocks entirely. This is not necessary.

Capital Gains Tax is an Economic Monkey Wrench (2012)
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Tax on capital gains is scheduled to rise and become much more complex at the end of this year. Keeping your head in the midst of these changes can help your bottom line. Government should tax either the value of an asset or its yield but not both.

Seven Tax-Planning Strategies to Dodge the Tax Bullet
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The victors in the recent election have declared it open hunting season on the rich, which they evidently believe will solve our spending problems. Tax hikes everywhere are aimed at the most productive members of society.

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