Financial Tips – Wealth Management Carnival #3

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This week’s Carnival is an eclectic mix of tips, tricks, and advice about everything from teaching children about money, to credit cards, to tips for students, to ideas on spicing up your work life. Enjoy!

Financial Tips -Wealth Management Carnival #3

1. What to Look for in an Investment Advisor
Ray Lee presents Four Signs of a Good Investment Advisor posted at
“Four indicators that you’ve found a good investment advisor.”

2. How to Be Better at Work
SB presents 101 Ways to be More Productive posted at One Cent at a Time.
“101 ways to be productive, better and successful at your work. Learn to excel in whatever job you do. These tips are essential for any job; tips to get you ahead in your career.”

3. Kids Learn About Finances from their Parents—Be a Good Teacher
Steve presents Teaching Children about Finances posted at Brip Blap.
“Educating children about money will empower them to become financially savvy when they grow up. They will know the importance of getting a savings account as well as making sound financial investments when they become adults. Below are some great ideas for financial education for kids.”

4. Which Credit Card is Best?
Jeremy presents Compare The Best Credit Card Offers posted at Modest Money.
“Personally I pay off my balance in full each month and earn cash back on all my card purchases. Plus by using my credit card I am entitled to extra buyer protection. Hey, works for me. It does not work for everyone though. For people who can control their spending, I present a comparison of the best credit card offers.”

5. Extra Jobs Mean Extra Money
FMF presents Best Ways to Make Extra Money: Teach posted at Free Money Finance.
“I’m introducing a new series focused on the best non-career ways to earn more money. Of course not everyone will have the skills for every idea in this series, but chances are that you’ll be able to apply a few of the ideas to help you earn a bit more every year. To kick things off, I have four money making ideas related to teaching what you know.”

6. Especially for Students: Tips for Saving Money, a Little Bit at a Time
Green Panda presents Stop Spending and Start Saving Right Now! posted at Green Panda Treehouse.
“Start saving more money, with no excuses.”

7. Think Through Your College Payment Options First
Martin presents Not Sure How to Pay For College? We Have The Answers Here posted at Studenomics.
“I will show you exactly how to pay for college without using student loans.”

8. Be Careful With Your Personal Information
Pierre presents The Day All My Personal Information Was Leaked On The Internet posted at Intelligent Speculator.
“How protected are you? What if all of your information got leaked?”

9. Get Creative with Your Time – Make the Most of It
Mike presents The Cure For “I Don’t Have Any Time” posted at The Financial Blogger.
“How to squeeze in more time for your financial goals.”


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Carnival images are by impressionistic artist Leonid Afremov using a palette knife and oils. They are used with his permission.

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Please note that the opinions expressed in these carnival blog entries do not necessarily reflect Marotta On Money’s opinions.

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Wealth Manager

Austin Fey is a Wealth Manager at Marotta Wealth Management, specializing in charitable giving and asset allocations. She is a regular contributor to our Marotta On Money articles, often giving advice to those just getting started in finance.

5 Responses

  1. SB @ One Cent at a Time

    thanks for hosting and thanks for including our post

    • Austin Johnston

      We’re happy to host the Carnival! Thanks for contributing!

  2. Peter

    Great painting! Any place that I can buy the painting, if it is not too expensive.

    • David John Marotta

      Leonid Afremov is one of my favorite painters. I’ve bought a few of his paintings as gifts and I have one hanging in my home office. They are very reasonable priced ($240 and less) and he often has deals where you can buy multiple paintings at even lower prices. He will duplicate a painting and create another copy for one you like. This painting is called Sunny Path.

      You can either visit his website or you can drop him an email and correspond with him directly via email at Leonid Afremov . Let him know that you saw his art at MarottaOnMoney as we are using images from his paintings with his permission.

      This is a beautiful image, but after viewing his art gallery you will take advantage of one of his sales and buy three of them!

      If $240 is too much for an original (it clearly is not!) you can also get prints of his art for less. Here is that painting as a print:

      Leonid Afremov (born 12 July 1955 in Vitebsk, Belarus) is a Russian–Israeli modern impressionistic artist who works mainly with a palette knife and oils.[1] He developed his own unique technique and style which is unmistakable and cannot be confused with other artists. Afremov is mainly known as being a self-representing artist who promotes and sells his work exclusively over the internet with very little exhibitions and involvement of dealers and galleries.

  3. Peter

    Also, great collection of articles. Thank you.