Investing Ideas – Wealth Management Carnival #10

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Investing Ideas - Wealth Management Carnival #10

This edition of the Wealth Management Carnival we focus on investing. We have some helpful definitions of investment vehicles and instruments, advice on what to go for and what to avoid, and all kinds of opinions on that roller coaster ride: Financial Markets.

What Does “Diversification” Really Mean? – It’s Simple
Roger Wohlner presents Investment Diversification – A Look at the Basics posted at The Chicago Financial Planner.
“Investment Diversification is one of the basic tools of building a sound investment portfolio. Diversification is the fancy name for the advice your mother might have given you: Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. This is the basic tenant behind asset allocation, a key diversification tool.”

A Handy Guide to Types of Investment Funds
MMD Guest Gary presents Types of Investment Funds – Open-End and Closed-End Funds posted at My Money Design.
‘When you break it all down, there are really three main types of investment funds: Open-end funds, closed-end funds and unit investment trusts. Each one has their own unique set of benefits that you can use to your advantage.”

One Man’s Journey Toward Income from the Markets
Pete presents Passive Income Targets – March 2013 posted at Intelligent Speculator.
“We look at passive income targets and the progress towards them.”

Not Everyone Is Pessimistic About the Economy
Darwin presents Why Stocks Are Breaking Records and it’s Not a Bubble posted at Darwin’s Money .
“US Stocks broke new ALL-TIME records this week which is shocking given the state of the economy. Here, you’ll find why this is likely to continue and shouldn’t be a surprise at all when you consider what’s driving it.”

Who Wins in a Stock Split?
Michael presents Stock Splits: What’s the Deal? posted at Financial Ramblings.
“Ever wondered why companies split their stocks? And what effect it has on their performance?”

The Pros and Cons of High Yield Dividends
Dividend Growth Investor presents Are these high yield dividends sustainable? posted at Dividend Growth Investor.
“The companies profiled in this article boast very high dividend yields. Dividend Investor analyzes their yields and risks.”

Trading Individual Stocks is Tricky
harry campbell presents I Finally Guessed Right In My Trading Account posted at Your PF Pro.
“Even though I generally recommend investing in index funds and low cost mutual funds, from time to time I do trade individual stocks. Don’t get me wrong, I usually end up losing money, but I never invest more than 1 or 2% of my total net worth in one stock and the total value of my current trading account is less than 5% of my net worth.”

Assets Work Best When Carefully Placed in the Right Location
Michael Kitces presents Asset Location: The New Wealth Management Value-Add For Optimal Portfolio Design? posted at Nerd’s Eye View.
“While most investors are familiar with the principle of asset allocation, the new frontier in creating more wealth in portfolios is now asset location – once you own a diversified portfolio of investments, in which (types) of accounts will you put those assets!?”

Government Spending and You
Div Guy presents How Spending Cuts Will Hit Your Portfolio posted at The Dividend Guy Blog.
“Will spending cuts impact you?”

Banks Aren’t All They’re Cracked Up to Be
Josh Thompson presents How Banks and the Federal Reserve are Working Hard to Rob America posted at Becoming Your Own Bank. “Ever heard of fractional reserve lending or Fiat money? Check out how the Federal Reserve and banks are hurting us in our latest interview with Mark Thornton, from Ludwig von Mises Institute”


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Carnival images are by impressionistic artist Leonid Afremov using a palette knife and oils. They are used with his permission.

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Former Contributor

Austin Fey was a Wealth Manager at Marotta Wealth Management. She specialized in charitable giving.

One Response

  1. Thanks for hosting and for including my post.