Life Planning Edition – Wealth Management Carnival #13

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Today’s Carnival covers a wide range of topics such as planning for your finances before college, what to do financially after college, how to think like the wealthy, and how to think about finances when one spouse doesn’t head to the office every day.

Life Planning - Wealth Management Carnival #13

What Do You Save For?
Call Me What You Want Even Cheap presents Saving For Life’s Firsts! posted at Call Me What You Want Even Cheap.
“Do you remember the first big item you saved for? For most people it’s a vehicle. I’ve heard of parents who have matched the amount their kids saved for their first vehicle. So if their kid saved $5000, they would add $5000 to their savings and purchase a car for $10,000.”

Planning Ahead—From a Young Age
Eva presents How a 17 year old prepares her financial future posted at Reach Financial Independence.
“Eva from is 17 and already planning her financial future. Here are her tips for future success.”

The Value of Motherhood (and Fatherhood)
Darwin presents What’s a Stay at Home Mom Worth? posted at Darwin’s Money.
“What is a stay at home mom worth? It’s a tough question to answer and this recent study thinks they have the answer. I beg to differ. Weigh in on how you’d value moms.”

Cultivate a “Rich” Mindset
Mark presents Why the Rich Stay Rich, and the Poor Stay Poor posted at Modest Money.
“Why do so few people have real wealth? Certainly, there must be some fundamental differences between the rich and the poor that can account for the differing levels of success.”

Financial Tips for College Grads, Or How to Be An Adult Financially
Megan Russell presents Essential Financial Advice for College Graduates posted at Marotta On Money.
“As the wife of a 2013 college graduate and a 2012 college graduate myself, I can boldly say this was the most helpful advice given to me.”

Paying for College
FMF presents The Many College-Related Decisions posted at Free Money Finance.
“College is on my mind a lot these days. Several of my friends have kids in college or just entering, and my own children are a few years away from going to college.”

What Do I Do With My First Credit Card?
Harry Campbell presents Reader Question: Should I Close My Old Credit Cards and Open a New One? posted at Your PF Pro.
“When you’re first getting started with building credit, your score will be dominated by the low age of your accounts, the total limit of your accounts and your utilization. There’s not a whole lot you can do about the low age of your accounts other than wait it out. Here’s what to do with your oldest cards.”

Blogging for Beginners
Jeremy presents Guide to Starting a Blog posted at Modest Money.
“If you think blogging might be a good idea, read on to learn how to get started. Then do plenty of other reading including my blogging tips series. You will be up and blogging in no time.”

Tips for Filling Out the FAFSA
Jon Haver presents FAFSA Offers Resources for Student Financial Aid posted at Pay My Student Loans.
“Future college students and parents will need to fill out the FAFSA…here are a few tips for what you’ll need to fill them out.”

Things for First-Time Home Buyers to Remember
Blogging Banks presents Top tips for first home buyers posted at Blogging Banks.
“For many first home buyers, finding the right place is an emotionally taxing experience. By arming yourself with as much information as possible before signing on the dotted line, you’ll ensure for yourself a smooth process.”

Bonus Link: For recent college grads, we have an entire section dedicated to the subject.


Carnival images are by impressionistic artist Leonid Afremov using a palette knife and oils. They are used with his permission.

Please note that the opinions expressed in these blog entries do not necessarily reflect Marotta On Money’s opinions.

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Former Contributor

Austin Fey was a Wealth Manager at Marotta Wealth Management. She specialized in charitable giving.