Net worth statements help to provide a complete picture of your financial health, which is essential for many other aspects of our financial planning services.
We use net worth statements to assess for correct asset titling as part of an Intergenerational or Estate Plan.
As part of our Asset Allocation specialty, we take into account your other assets when recommending our sector allocations. We even offer asset allocation recommendations for 401(k) plans or other employer sponsored retirement accounts not under our management.
If you are within 20 years of retirement (often ages 45 to 65), computing your net worth annually helps chart your course toward financial security. These statements are used in calculating your Safe Withdrawal Rate in retirement or your Safe Savings Rate before retirement as part of our Cash Flow Analysis. Net worth statements are also the first step for our Retirement Plan Analysis.
In our Tax Planning service, knowing what you own is essential to predicting and managing your future tax obligations. The result of this service is a customized Roth conversion plan and informed Capital Gains Management.
Finally, the changes of the past year provide incentive to take stock of where you are in relation to your goals and assess your progress towards your Life Plan.
So although a net worth statement is only interesting by itself, it is very valuable in the larger context of your comprehensive financial plan.
Financially Savvy Kittens on Net Worth
This kitten knows what she’s worth. Be more like this kitten.