Bond Investing In 2016
on February 14, 2017
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Bonds had positive returns for the year despite returns peaking at the end of July and falling for the rest of the year.
Bonds had positive returns for the year despite returns peaking at the end of July and falling for the rest of the year.
In 2016, Energy and Materials had some of the best returns of the year.
Investors always want to compare the return of their portfolio against some benchmark index. We suggest not using the S&P 500 for that purpose.
In 2016, the average return of the best investment products of the Freedom Six outperformed the Vanguard FTSE Developed Markets ETF by 6.75%.
The S&P 500 had another good year, ending up 11.96%. The S&P 500, however, only represents half of the US Stock asset class, and Small- and Mid-Cap stocks performed even better.