MarketWatch is seeking a top-notch writer who will bring a fresh perspective on money to the world’s investors. They have received entries from around the U.S. and across the globe, and voting in our first round is now open.
We believe that fresh perspective ought to include the idea of freedom investing, so we have submitted for the first round of voting an article entitled, “Six great places to invest” ending with this conclusion:
Although many economists acknowledge that freedom matters, few investment strategies take advantage of this fact. We believe this is one of those times when your asset allocation should tilt foreign and overweight the handful of countries with high economic freedom.
VOTE MAROTTA! Click to read the article and then click LIKE to vote.
How it works from here
First-round voting remains open through Oct. 7, when MarketWatch will narrow the field to 26 finalists, five of whom will be chosen by the total number of votes and one of whom will be named by MarketWatch’s editors panel. The first-round survivors will then write a second contest column, which MarketWatch will post beginning Oct. 15. Another round of voting will narrow the field to six and MarketWatch will go through one more round of entries and voting before MarketWatch’s expert panel of judges chooses the winner. There will also be recognition for a Readers’ Choice winner.