Ten Life Planning Lessons – Wealth Management Carnival #2

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10 Life Planning Lessons -Wealth Management Carnival #2

This time around, we’re linking to articles about general life planning, from good habits to cultivate, to life insurance considerations, to financial calculators.


1. What are 5 Habits Wealthy People Have that You Should Consider Adopting?
Bob calls our attention to 5 Things Wealthy People Do Differently posted at ChristianPF.
“When it comes to the wealthy, there’s often a belief that they’re rich because they were born into money. While that’s certainly true for many, it isn’t the case across the board. Many of the wealthy have had to work their way up to being rich and to do so they’ve had to adopt a different set of habits from most other people.”

2. Six Tips for Recent College Grads—Simple but Effective
Mike presents Financial Advice For College Graduates Looking to Experiment posted at Experiglot.
“The financial moves that you can make after college.”

3. Combine Several Strategies to Reach $1,000,000
FMF presents How to Reach $1 Million posted at Free Money Finance.
“CNN Money recently ran a series on how to get to $1 million in net worth. The ideas: investing, owning rental real estate, launching a business, saving money, and climbing the corporate ladder. Not very many people can get to $1 million in net worth with just one of the ideas above. But used in combination they can make you wealthy.”

4. Financial Calculators for Every Occasion
Todd Tresidder presents 80 New Financial Calculators – Wow! posted at Financial Mentor.
“These new calculators simplify every aspect of financial planning into plug and play simplicity. All you have to do is familiarize yourself with this new free resource so you can find the right tool for your needs.”

5. Let’s Talk about Life Insurance
Glen Craig presents Term Life Insurance Versus Whole Life Insurance posted at Free From Broke .
“What is Term Life Insurance? How about Whole Life Insurance? Take a look at what each is and their differences. It’s important you understand the difference before you shop.”

6. Speaking of Life Insurance… Planning Can be Complicated
Ryan presents How Much Life Insurance Do You Need? posted at The Military Wallet.
“Virtually everyone needs life insurance as part of a balanced financial plan, but many people don’t know how much they should buy. We examine a few different rules of thumb to answer this question. in the end, though, each situation is unique.”

7. Homeowners and Auto Insurance –Filing a Claim vs. Doing it Yourself
Joe presents Should you file that insurance claim? posted at Personal Finance By The Book.
“Our daughter recently called to tell us, through angry tears, that she learned from her mortgage company that her homeowner’s insurance policy had been cancelled…”

8. Complete College Under Budget
Justin presents Things That Universities Don’t Want You To Know posted at My University Money.
“Universities are known for making money by any means necessary. Look around for opportunities to bypass their monopoly once in a while.”

9. Money-Saving Lifestyle Choices You May or May Not Want to Adopt
Miranda Marquit presents Four Extreme Lifestyle Choices That Save Money posted at Bargaineering.
“Many of us don’t realize that our everyday habits and pleasures cost us. Some of our lifestyle choices end up costing us in the long run. We share four extreme lifestyle choices, like not having kids, that can save you big bucks in the long run.”

10. The Secret to Savings Success is Automation
Sean presents The Automatic Millionaire Book Review posted at One Smart Dollar.
“One of the most popular personal finance books is The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach. Here is my review on how this book can help you.”

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Wealth Manager

Austin Fey is a Wealth Manager at Marotta Wealth Management, specializing in charitable giving and asset allocations. She is a regular contributor to our Marotta On Money articles, often giving advice to those just getting started in finance.

2 Responses

  1. Glen Craig

    Thanks so much for hosting and including our article on life insurance!

    • Austin Johnston

      It’s a pleasure, Glen! Thanks for sending articles our way!